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Smells Like Teen Spirit

Reading My Mind

Kat’s POV
I followed Robert into the shop , and marco immediately turned around and exploded with laughter ‘’WHATS UP BITCHES!’’ he said , I giggled and Robert hit him on the forehead
‘’Calm down dumbass , we’re in a phone shop’’he looked around us and the people were basically staring with smirks on their faces , because Robert lewandowski was in a phone shop..
‘’There’s a match with lech , so me and Mario decided to just go there by ourselves instead of going in a Dortmund bus with the motherfuckers ‘’ he said to Robert … he looked blankly
‘’What match ?’’ he asked Marco ..with huge eyes open wide
‘’That one .. you know .. Jurgen thought that you were on a vacation so he didn’t call you , and he decided to just put someone else in your place ‘’
‘’fuuck…’’ he nearly shouted when everyone around us turned their heads around and started staring at lewy with shock on their faces
‘’Wow , turn around , what a big deal , he swore WOW ‘’ I called out hoping there weren’t any paparazzi’s around
Marco laughed and I went to look for a phone
I had to choose between iphone 5 and a blackberry bold 9900, my last phone was iphone 4, It was ok , but everyone was saying that blackberry’s are better , I disagree because blackberry’s have the worst internet connection I’ve ever tried to use , even nokia internet it better .
I decided on the iphone , and gave the man behind the table money , he gave me the phone and winked at me giving me a piece of paper with his number on it , I whispered under my breath to him ‘’I’m taken , sorry’’ and gave the paper back to him
Robert came to the back of me and hugged me tightly when reus whispered under his nose
‘’lovebirds ‘’ I gave him a weird look
‘’Hey , whats wrong with you and your love life’re behaving like a douche lately’’ I said , not even caring what he thinks of my opinion about him , Robert just giggled when I said that
‘’She said that it will be easier if I leave her because I’m barely with her , you know .. training and shit’’ he announced sadly , with a sigh at the end
‘’oh , soz .. well .. should we go clubbing today , you can meet a polish girl!’’ I punched him in the arm
‘’Yeah , polish ..I’m fucking german , do you see a difference !?’’ Robert laughed at him
‘’Tell ya what , I can call my friend , She can speak german , and shes pretty ‘’ I told him
I typed her phone number in and called her
‘’Hey , uhm ..Dag ? , It me Kat ‘’I said cheerfully
‘’Oh my god , what the fuck , god help me , WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN bitch !?’’ I laughed at that and said ..
‘’EVERYWHERE, ok , I have Robert fucking lewandowski right next to me , and we’re heading to the club at ten , I have a guy for you whore ‘’ I called out
‘’Who are you setting my up with slut , you’re gonna have a hottie under your arm and leave me with an idiot ?’’ she asked , with a pretty self explanatory accent
‘’Well, let’s just say , he’s german , and he plays in borussia’’ I said calmly
‘’what the fuck , you mean mats ? I know you have a crush on him , so that would explain everything’’ I blushed in front of Robert and marco cause’ I knew they could hear her speak
‘No you bitch , marco , The marco reus ‘’ I said , defending myself , when I heard her scream a big ‘iippp’ type of thing
‘’Can I have him on the phone , please , I love you forever ‘’ She shouted
‘’Sure thang gurl , oh and wear something cute ‘’ I called out and gave the phone to marco , he was smirking like hell ..
When they were blabbing Robert took out his phone and I saw the case he had on his phone
‘’OMFG , where did you buy that ‘’ I took his phone and looked at the case , it was a cassette and I loved it
‘’uhm , in Dortmund , but I guess you can buy it here too’’ he said , casually
I spotted one and got another case with a ‘keep calm and fuck batman’ and got that one too
Marco gave me my phone and I put on the cassette on my phone
‘’DAMN IT’S SEXY’’ I said , they both laughed and I asked Marco
‘’ So , what .. is the bitch coming ? ‘’ he winked
‘’yeah , thanks’’ he said , whilst cuddling me
Robert separated us from each other
‘’all right , all right .. enough’’ he said and pinned me to his side
‘’So , where’s mario’’robert asked marco , as soon as marco took out his phone to call him , he appeared and tapped marco on the back
‘’Hey, you’re the blue hair that Robert kept blabbing about after the match’’ I blushed bright red
‘’yeah , uhm .. I’m kat , nice to meet you , ‘m gonna go buy some stuff , and you guys can do shit , whatever you want , I’ll see you next to the car in fifteen minutes ‘’ I said to Robert
FINALLY , I GOT OUT OF THERE , it was the most embarrassing place to be in , especially next to Robert and his ‘mates’
I went to a football store , to buy a new updated lewandowski Dortmund jersey , and new vans .
When I came back , they were all next to the car , I tried to open the boot myself but Robert clicked the boot up button on his automatic key and smirked
‘’show off’’ I said , whilst I put the bags into the boot ,
I closed the boot manually myself because I didn’t want to get more embarrassed.
I sat down into the car and put my iphone into the cars usb that was right next to the cd player
I put the best song that I had on the phone , buried alive .
Robert came in and sat down in the car , and started doing micheal Jackson ball grabs and the ‘Wheeeheeee’s’
I started laughing .. ‘’ I thought you didn’t like my music you retard’’
He went into a elvis Presley voice and called out
‘’A guys gotta do , what he’s gotta do’’ I laughed , and said
‘’ ok , whatever .. put your shit back on ‘’ I said to him as he put in a cd with some polish rap on.
When we got to the room it was about time to get dressed , I walked into the shower and had a quick wash , I came out and Robert wasn’t here , I ignored it because he probably went to talk to someone downstairs , so I decided to go choose a dress for tonight .
I chose a sexy slick black dress highlighting my tattooed legs , with blue clutch and blue high heels that highlighted my hair .
My hair was let loose and went into a wavy style because I kept it up in a bun for most of the day.
I came out of the closet which basically had everything in it and sat down on the bed when wiki messaged me
-‘’Whats up biaatch’’
-‘’What , do you mean .. where are you kat , I miss you , are you ok ?’’
-‘’Im in Poland , and I guess that you already know that I’m with Robert because of the pictures everywhere ‘’
-‘’Well yeah … I know that ‘’
-‘’So , what are you messaging me about’’
-‘’Nooothiiinnng … just checking up’’
‘’Ok well.. what are you planning on doing than ?’’
-‘’Uhm, planning a ticket for Dortmund-Lech Poznan , what are you doing :D’’
When she wrote that I basically screamed out ‘YES’
-‘’OMFGASDFGHJKL; you slut why didn’t you tell me’’
-‘’Because I wanted to keep it a surprise , and besides Mario wants to go see how the Dortmunders play and he’s also a big friend of marco so , I guess It’ll be awesome !’’
I was so giddy you can never imagine
‘’ok , see you then ‘’ i texted he ending the conversation
When Robert stepped into the room and saw me lying on the bed
‘’Wow you look sexy, whats got you so giddy’’ he leaned towards me smelling my perfume
‘’Wiki and Mario are coming to watch the match so I don’t look lonely by the wags ‘’I said smiling
‘’Great’’ he said kissing my neck , I shrugged him off and gave him one last kiss on the lips
‘’We can’t right now ‘’ He had a sad expression on his face
‘’Why .. whats so wrong with it ?’’
‘’Well .. you have to go change and its nearly time to go ‘’
‘’fine..’’ he got off of me and went into the bathroom
When he finished we got into the limo and started going through the traffics as fast as we could
When we got there They opened the door for me , and all I could see was basically flashes of lights from cameras and a red carpet leading to a big door with enormous security guys standing in front of it .
We got in and I was lead to the bar by Robert , Marco and Mario were already there sitting down
Robert ordered some drinks for me and him and we talked about random shit that has been going on in peoples lifes , when I realised the look on Marcos face
‘’What’’ I asked him
‘’She’s not here ‘’ I knew it
I took his hand and we went into the bathroom
‘’It’s gonna be ok , don’t worry’’
I took my phone out of my clutch and dialled Dagmara
‘’Where the fuck are you ‘’I screamed out because you could still hear the music in the bathroom
‘’I’m at home , look , sorry I could not come theres a party at mine and my boyfriend came along , it’s not like I’ve been waiting for you that long Kat , I had to live as well .. and I cant stop my life again for you , sorry .. apologise to marco , talk to you later ‘’ what
‘’ ok.. yeah .. no ..bye’’ I really didn’t know what to feel then but I just shrugged it off
‘’What did she say ‘’ Marco asked me
‘’Never mind , forget about her , you can find someone else who actually cares about you ‘’ I said patting him on the shoulder, I could see a hint of disappointment in his blue eyes.
''I wish it was you .. '' he said, I was gobsmacked.
''Marco .. '' I tried to talk but right in that moment he kissed me and I didn’t know what to do .. to push him off or to reply or to run away .. so I just stood there letting him kiss me.
It felt different , and I felt more than a spark , although I loved Robert , he did it passionately and he showed me that he was overpowering, his hand was gripping my arms and the other one was lightly touching my cheek. The lights in the toilets went out, I yelled inside his mouth because I got simply scared, he only pulled me closer. I could smell his fresh perfume and the lovely heat radiating off his body making me feel safe like Robert couldn't. It felt so wrong but so right, his tongue slowly dancing with mine, I wish it never finished. He pulled away and looked me in the eye, then kissed me again, that time with more lust and passion, making me fall on the wall behind me, I couldn't lie, I wanted it.
When he finished he turned around
‘’I’m sorry’’ he whispered.
''It's okay'' I mubmled, still keeping his face close to mine.
''Did Robert make you feel so extatic ever before by just a kiss ?'' he asked with a cheeky smile on his face, making me all hot and bothered.
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Hey :D
Kat's Outfit