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Smells Like Teen Spirit


Kat’s POV

I ran away , I didn’t know where I was going , or where I was going to stay , I ran in front of me , to get rid of the situation that was back there , leaving it all behind.

Robert’s POV

‘’What is your problem’’ Marco shouted, what , did he not fucking mind what just happened ?

‘’My fucking problem , is that you kissed my girlfriend , without me knowing about it , or even you fucking telling me you have something for her’’ I shouted over him , he clearly knew the point
He kept pacing , and struggling inside

‘’You don’t understand Robert , you have a perfect girl , you get all of them , a fucking mass of them , And what do I get ? Women that aren’t even interested in football,They only like me because of money , only want sex and money, that’s all they fucking want ‘’ he screamed in pain , like it was killing him from the inside

‘’So , what !? now you’re gonna steal someone elses ? ‘’ Still shouting at him I clenched my fists around his biceps , wanting to hug him , but there was too much hatred going on to do that.

‘’No dumbass , you know how it feels’’ he calmed down , sitting down on the pavement , where I previously saw matt lying for a second, before I was overwhelmed by them.

‘’Yeah , well I guess you’re right, but you keep fucking it up marco , every single relationship I was in , you kept fucking it up for me ‘’ I raised my voice again , and for a minute it felt like we were in the lockers after the match , and I was his captain , that’s what Sebastian kehl usually did , whenever we played bad , he used to give us a lesson , basically talk to us like we were kids.

He rested his face on his hands , covering it up

‘’Well I don’t know how you’ll find her now’’ he giggled from under his hands

‘’Its not funny you retard’’ and I walked away , leaving him by himself , again .. to think about what he’s done.

Kats POV

I didn’t know where I was , that was all what was going on through my head .
I sat down by the nearest tree trunk and started texting in a rush , hoping to choose wiki’s number, because my tears were covering my eyes .

‘Hey , if you’re still in Poznan , let’s meet tomorrow , please’

‘What , what are you talking about’ I received a message , and started thinking if I missed something that wiki told me

’What are you talking about , Is this wiki?’

‘No , it’s dagmara , what the fuck ‘Oh shit

‘Don’t worry , wrong number’ I tried to tackle the situation

‘No , Kat tell me what’s wrong’ She insisted

‘Dag , its none of your business ‘ Defending myself I said.

‘Are you fucked up or something , tell me what’s wrong’

‘No’ I simply stated

‘Kat , I know I forgot about you , and that I wasn’t a good friend through those years that you’ve been away , but now is the time where you grow up and tell me what the fuck is wrong’ She got me , I missed her so much , and it was hard to hide.

‘I’m lost , in Poznan , by myself ‘

‘Wow , Well you’re fucking lucky , because I’m in Poznan too’ what

‘Don’t worry , you can forget about it’ I said to her , making my way back to the real life , hoping that she would leave soon.

‘Yeah , yeah ..blah blah blah , Where are you’

‘Wait’I went on google maps , seemed like I was on a road called ‘Sloneczna’

‘I’m on this .. road Sloneczna’ I said

‘ok , I’ll be there in about ten minutes , hold on’ She said , already seemed to be rushing to the car

‘ok .. bye’


I just sat there , sighing every 10 seconds.
After 10 minutes , I saw car lights at the end of the road , and I knew who it was .
I got into the car and sat there in silence , she knew that my conscience was going to break in a minute.

‘’I hate my fucking life so bad , it’s so hard to believe that I have a problem after a fucking problem! ‘’I shouted in the car

‘’Forget about it, you’ll call him or .. whoever tomorrow , everything is going to be fine , you just need to go to sleep’’she patted me on the shoulder making me feel better , and now I remembered why she was my best friend after all , she was the one that soothed the situation after everything that happened , she was like a throat candy , when your throat was sore .

‘’Thank you Dag , I missed you’’ I frowned

‘’No problem , I missed you too girl’’She hugged me , while my body became warmer and more home like , with every word she said.
That’s what good friends are for , for good and bad , for lazy and busy , I’ll love her forever.
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