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Smells Like Teen Spirit


I woke up to see the sun rising and a big headache.I opened my eyes and looked around,I was laying on an enormous king size bed by myself,to the right there were windows and glass doors leading to a balcony showing off the beautiful view of the lake.To my left there were ajar doors to a massive bathroom and another doors to a closet.At the front of the bed there was a chest of drawers with a medium flat screen TV and a PS3 with two controllers.The room was great but let’s face it,that room was a mess.My underwear and very little clothing was all over the floor and I remembered what I must've done last night with Robert.

The smell of food made me come back to life.It felt like I haven’t eaten in a week.I got up and my head was pounding.I couldn’t walk properly and felt a sharp pain between my legs,however I felt kind of .. pleasured.I realised I was naked so I put a t-shirt I saw lying around.It was a blure Nike t-shirt ,waay to big for me but it had to do since I couldn't find the shirt I had on last night.I stood up and I picked up my last night panties.

I looked at myself and realised that I look terrible,my eyeliner was everywhere so I stepped in the bathroom and tried my best to remove it.After about five minutes of rubbing my eyes so they looked like someone poured acid in them I was done.
I decided to follow the scent of food downstairs and into the living room.The living room was really big ,it had 2 sofas,a coffee table and a big flat TV with yet another PS3 and some other controllers .

I saw another pair of wooden doors,that probably led to the kitchen because the scent of bacon was getting stronger,I opened the door , and what I saw was legendary .. Robert frying bacon and making scrambled eggs , I cracked up laughing because it’s not something you'd really see everyday.He had his boxers on with some kind of a puma shirt .

I curiously went up behind him and hugged him from the back,knowing he didn't hear me come in
-Hey - I stood up on my tip toes reached his neck and placed a small kiss at the top,I could barely reach it to be honest - Um .. how did I get .. here ? - I asked him.
-You went with me to my place ... and we kind of made out - he said whilst cupping my face.
The smile on my face dissappeared.
-What ... - I looked down and I felt my eyes well up with tears -Brilliant now you think I’m an easy whore.-
-NONNONONONONONONO,YOU'RE NOT ! - he picked me up like a feather and placed me on the counter so he could look me in the eye - Don’t you even dare even think about yourself like that,if someones was to be a whore it would be me.I'm a man whore since I was the one to convince you to come to the bar with me and I kissed you first.
I giggled slightly when he called himself a man whore whilst blushing.

I passed him 2 plates and filled the cups with juice,whilst sitting down at the table, we ate in silence.
-Uhm , that matt guy left like,5 messages on your phone - he looked at me worryingly - You wasn't picking up .. because .. you were .. busy .. with um .. me .. if you know what I mean - I saw him look down and smirk slyly.
-Well if you'll excuse me I'll get my phone,it's upstairs,right ?
I immediately got up from the chair not cleaning up for myself and went upstairs picking up my phone.Whilst going back downstairs and reading all the texts.
I wasn't planning to tell him how I've spent this night.I enjoyed myself

Couldn’t be bothered to read all of matts whining so I just read 2 of his messages one was :

Hey Kat,I’m sorry for the argumentmcome back to me,I love you xxx

Well , if you're not replying to me then FUCK YOU.I’m going to find you and that bitch you're hanging out with

I ignored it because I could easily hide from that bastard and then I read Wiki’s message :

Hey babe , the sex with Mario was great XDXDXD he's SOOOOOO amazing dearest lord i'll stay with him for the night go have fun with rob , cyaaaaaaaSSS<333

Well ..clearly she was drunk ..

But Robert saw the worried look on my face.
-Are you ok ? - he asked clearly concerned whilst picking me up.
He hit a bruise on my rib and I arched my back from the pain.My eyes were going to the back of my head and he shook me up and down.
-Kat ? Kat ? Kat what's wrong ? - he put a hand in my hair and picked me up with the other.
-It's .. just the bruise on my rib - I said panting.
-Bruise ? - he asked.
-Matt ... he tends to beat me up.

Robert's POV.
- Beats you up ? - I felt the blood rushing to my brain.
-Yeah - her gentle voice replied,I could listen to her talking to me all the time.
That bastard isn't going to get away with it.
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Hey , guys , we already have 1 SUBSCRIBER , hey , whoever you are , I LOVE YOU i promise there will be more updates for YOU:3 and , special thanks to wiki <3
hokey , so the outfits for kat and robert :
Kat's outfit
Robert's Outfit