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Smells Like Teen Spirit


Chapter 7

Kat’s POV

-NOOOOOO!!!!!- I shouted with fear in my voice

We were about to leave when I realised that I never took my phone from the hotel room , I sat down on the enormous bed and started sobbing whilst my tears were falling in my palms which were covering my face.

When Robert saw me crying he came up close to me , picked me up and sat me down on his lap .
-Hey , what’s going on ?- He had a worried look on his face.

-I left my phone in the hotel room -I answered,he giggled slightly.

-Oh,Kat,we can always get you a new one - he said,laughing a little bit more.

-No,it's not that I left my phone,but,the last number I called was yours,so I’m surprised Matt isn’t here yet - Robert's smile disappeared and his face expression went back to frowning.

Matt’s POV

I was heading towards Berlin whilst my laptop was open in the passenger seat, I was looking for clues where to find Kat,Avenged Sevenfold fan page was EVERYTHING.Turning right I stopped at a gas station to buy some cigarettes,when something popped up on the site.It was a picture of Kat and that ‘Robert’ guy getting out of the car next to the hotel named ‘Ottavino’.When I saw her in that picture,I had that guilt feeling going through me,like I did something more than bad.

I commented on the photo saying ‘’Thanks , you helped me a lot babe’’,and as soon as my comment appeared on the list,after it,appeared loads more and that was probably because I was logged on my celebrity account,fuck.

Kat’s POV

I finally stopped crying and turned to look at Robert.

-Hey,we should have fun until he comes -I forced myself to say that with a smile,he looked at me sadly.

-You sure you want to ? , we can always stay here and order something to eat - he said,whilst kissing me on the forehead lightly.

-I am sure,if something happens,you can leave straight away,my life is fucked .. it doesn’t have to be that your life gets damaged by that idiot -I assured him

His eyebrows twitched.

-No,are you joking me ? I'm not going to leave you with that bastard by yourself - he said cuddling me with his strong muscular arms.

-I know it's hard to explain but,you can't stop from happening what has already happened Robert,he only wants one thing,and that is the money,all of our band mates know that he beats me up , but they can’t do anything because paparazzi is everywhere,if the medias get to know what was happening between me and him, the band wont be normal anymore,it will be chaotic.

-Well.. if you want to make the best of it,lets move … I'll still not leave you thought -he smiled.

-Oh ,fuck off - nudged him playfully after that kissed him on the chin

Picking me up he took my bag and we’ve gone out of the room.
He carried me bridesmaid style until we got to the lifts,we left out keys to our room in reception and went out of the hotel.

I missed Poland,it was that country that had the most interesting history and appreciation for other people,but,other countries think that because there are some fuckers,running around drinking and living on streets .. you know .. paedophiles,Poland is full of racists and idiots.

Robert is from Poland , and so am I,so we kind of talk to each other in polish all the time,although .. German is quite fun to talk in as well.

Whilst walking on the beach I’ve had some fans come up to me and some to Robert as well .. but most just stayed in their places staring at us …. It creeped me out,kind of ..
Anyways,when we were all comfortable sitting down and cuddling and looking at the sea , This guy came up to us , he had dark brown hair and had an avenged sevenfold t-shirt on , also some surf shorts .

-Hey , are you Kat from Avenged Sevenfold ? - Wow,that was my fan .. he was pretty laid back , unlike most of my fans , the others usually came up running over to me and hugging me asking for an autograph.

-Uhm .. yeah - I said .. confused

-Eh , -he rubbed the back of his head -hi,- he smiled -I just wanted to ask,whyare you not on a tour with Avenged but Matt is ?I hate his voice,he makes all the songs sound rubbish - .. I did not agree with him,Matt had an awesome,strong and beautiful voice but I guess people have different opinions.

-We had an argument - I said casually -I don’t think I'll tour Europe this year - I said with sadness in my eyes.

He sat down next to me and Robert.

-ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ?, I can't stand the fact that the whole band is just boys .. it’s kind of fucked up, and Brian is making lame jokes now,on the last interview he did in Dortmund he basically showed how to apply eye liner.

My eyes nearly popped out of embarrassment,what the fuck , why … would .. he ..

-Wow,I guess .. there is a needed leader in the group, is Arin doing ok? -I asked him ,the band is truly losing ‘normalism’

-Well.. Arin is like the most normal one right now .. but , please come back , we miss you so much .. and oh .. Matt told the whole band that you left and he's on a road trip to Poland right now
Uhm , I think he certainly is doing the opposite by including fans in all of this shit . I thought to myself .

He hugged me.

-Uhm , im going to have to go because my bro is leaving in a bit , so see yaaa ! - he shouted and ran off

I looked at Robert and started laughing , sometimes I take things childishly , like its nothin.

-We're going to get something to drink ? -he asked me

I pecked him on the lips.

We walked to the closest restaurant we could find in town , and it was fairly easy because the promenade was right next to the beach .
Robert pulled the chair out and gestured for me to sit on the chair , just like a gentleman . He sat himself down on the other chair and the waitress came . When he was ordering food he wasn’t staring at the waitress but straight into my eyes unlike Matt who would usually look at the waitress from head to toe and smirk all the time when he was ordering food .
We got a small pizza for ourselves and two cups of beers , since it was Poland , I got Tyskie , oh.. you know that undying love for Tyskie never changes , and Robert also got the same .
We were chatting about some random shit , seems like we have more than football things to do with each other .

When we were chatting away , there was a DJ at the back of the restaurant setting up lights and what seemed like karaoke mic’s and screen .When he finally set it all up , he put on the entrance music and screamed into the microphone .


Suddenly one whole table rushed to the desk and ordered a song for one guy named Mark sitting on the table they left by himself , drinking beer , and looking like he was embarrassed..

He came up to the desk and started singing Britney Spears – Oops I did it again , the whole restaurant was laughing and when he finished singing he announced

-I'm going to get you assholes -everyone laughed at that one too .

Robert’s eyes widened and his signature smirk appeared.

-You should go sing - he said with proudness in his voice .

-OHNONONNONONONO, if someone is singing here , that will be you - I exclaimed ,his smile disappeared and he had a serious face.

-Ok,I'll do it,but you sing after me.
I didn’t know what to do so I just went for it ‘’ok…’’ I whispered ever so quietly .. with sadness and a puppy face.

-None of that shit Miss Katerina , you’re singing full stop - he left me no choice and straddled along to the desk , he ordered a song and the DJ announced.

-GUYS , WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST OVER HERE , HE IS THE STRIKER OF POLAND’S NATIONAL TEAM , GIVE IT UP FOR ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI !!!! - everyone’s gone ape shit and were standing up whistling and jumping , that were mostly men , drunk men , but the ladies were just sitting there thinking ‘who the fuck is he’.

The song started and before he got to the words and the song was on the introduction bit he called out:

-This is for someone special that took over my life,I'm crazy about her -I got red and everyone immediately turned around and stared at me.

The song that he sang was Berlin-Take My Breath Away and,well .. although his English and the notes that he sang were really bad , I still loved him.

When he finished the song , everyone cheered again , and he came back to the table with a huge smile on his face .

-You liked it,didn’t you ? -he asked me , obviously waiting for an answer.

-Yeah, it was amazing - I said,sarcastically.

-Wow I didn’t know singing can be so tiring - he took a big gulp of his beer and I gave him a dirty look.

-Whaaaat,you should be used to that , you play football , all footballers use their diaphragm because its easier to breathe - I curled my lip up and he smirked.

-Well,I don’t,I’m special - he said quietly and gave me a judging look.

I leaned forward and whispered into his ear ‘’I love you’’ his smile grew wider and he whispered back

-Now its your turn - I leaned back and my facial expression was definitely different.I put on a sly

-Ok,I'll do it - I got up and went up to the DJ’s desk.

-Hey , uhm , could I sing Alice Cooper's Poison ? -I asked adding a puppy face at the end.

-Sure - he smirked.

I took the mic and started singing , I really missed singing normally on stage , I want to make my appearance soon , I cant just spend the whole of my life living in a hotel in poland , can I ?
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Hey , im sorry i haven't posted in a while , i kind of wasnt in to mood to write lately , but luckily my mood is back , so chapter 8 should be up pretty soon :)