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I Don't Want Your Help.


Chapter two:

I felt like absolute shit and sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for her to come back with test results so I could get my new birth control prescription didn’t help any. I really just wanted to go home and lay on the couch gorging myself on the leftover pizza in the fridge. I sighed and glared at the food pyramid poster on the wall wishing the doctor would hurry up, after another five minutes she came back with my file and just stared at me. “Well?” “I’m sorry Hailee but I can’t renew your prescription.”

I jumped off the table, “What? Why not?!” “Because your pregnant.” She stated, “Look I’ll send you up to the OBGYN to have an ultra sound to check and see how far along you are.” I just nodded. “Hailee I’ve been your doctor for eight years, you’ve grown up into a beautiful mature woman and you’ll make an absolutely fabulous mother, I know you’ve been doing everything you possibly can to lose weight and keep your job but if you really are pregnant I want you to start eating healthier for yourself and your baby.”

I grinned at her, “actually I quit my job a few months ago and I’ve been gaining some weight. Thanks doc I actually needed to hear that.” “No problem, now I’m gonna go call up upstairs to let them know you’re on your way up. When you’re ready you can check out and head on up.” Once she left I slipped my sweater back on and grabbed my purse.

I trembled with fear as I drove home. What was I gonna do? I don’t even remember the guy from the bar that got me pregnant. How am I supposed to support a baby? I mean seriously I don’t even have a job right now. I’m living on all the money I made from modeling, and there’s no way that’s gonna last if I’m supporting two people, I guess I’ll just have to figure everything out. I was scared but I was excited to, I wanted to be a mother some day and now that I’m twenty-three and no longer modeling it’s a great time to start.

“WHAT?!” Mily and Miley screamed, “How can you be pregnant?! And you don’t even have a job!” I grinned, “I know I don’t have a job but I have time to look for a new one before the baby comes. And I’m pretty sure the father is that guy from the bar a few months ago. All the alcohol I had must have messed up my birth control.”

“So basically that baby is the product of you whoring around in the bar’s bathroom. Wow Hail’s your such a slut.” Mily rolled her eyes, my grin fell from my face and I was ready to cry then she busted out laughing, “I’m joking Hailee! You know I love you!” she hugged me and I started laughing to. “You know the modeling agency is looking to hire someone in the L.A. department, I heard they will pay for your moving expenses and help you look for a house and you get a company car.” Miley randomly stated. “Really where’d you hear that?” “From Mark. He was asking about you and if you had found another job yet, he thinks you’ll be perfect for the job.”

I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to move to California, I wouldn’t know anyone and with a baby on the way I was gonna need some help but sure enough I interviewed for the job and two weeks later I was hired. Now I was packing and moving all the way to Cali and I was actually excited for the fresh start!
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comments equal chapters! there's a lot of silent readers on the first chapter, don't be silent i'd like your input!!!!

xoxo nadia