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I Don't Want Your Help.

pickle chips?

Chapter Three:

I absolutely loved my three bedroom L.A. apartment, when I first stepped in the door I gasped in awe at how big and open it was. I honestly couldn’t believe that the company would give someone like me this nice of an apartment and don’t forget the company car I get to drive, which was a nice brand new white range rover! I honestly couldn’t wait to furnish my apartment with the housing allowance that the company gave me. really the company was giving me a thousand dollars in advance and would take small payments out of my each of my paychecks to pay it back. But still, at least I would have furniture before I started working! I pressed my hands to my still flat (but not for long!) tummy and I grinned, “We’re home sweetie, I can’t wait to get it decorated and get your nursery set up for your arrival.”

I showed the movers where to put things from my old house. They were really nice and actually helped put my bed together and move furniture to where I wanted it, of course as a reward I gave them each a huge tip for all the help. Once they were gone I started unpacking the kitchen boxes and putting things away. Hours later I had unpacked all the dishes and put them away and had gotten most of my clothes put away when my tummy growled. I frowned, “I should probably go grocery shopping.” I made my way downstairs and out to the truck, I looked up the nearest grocery store and took off.

“Hmmm which sounds better, baked potato chips or ranch chips? Baked? Ranch? Baked? Ranch?” I couldn’t decide, I only needed one bag but it was so tempting to get both, just then a tattooed arm reached in front of me and plucked some pickle flavor chips off the shelf, “Get these their amazing!” I turned to look at the guy and smiled, “Really? Do they actually taste like pickles?” he laughed, “Sure do! That’s why I love them!” I couldn’t help but check him out, he was actually cute with his black longish hair and bright green eyes and the tattoos that covered his arms and the small bit of his chest that I could see and those snake bites ooh how good they looked on him, I wondered if they would be cold against my lips. I grinned and stuck my hand out, “I’m Hailee.” He shook my hand with his oh so soft but rough callused hand, “Zacky. You new to L.A. or just shopping for a party?” I giggled, “New, I just got a job out here for a modeling agency.” “Sweet. Well welcome to California Hailee, I hope you grow to love it as much as I do!” I laughed.

Zacky walked around the store telling me about places I needed to check out and places to definitely stay far away from. “So Zacky what exactly do you do?” he raised an eye brow, “You don’t know who I am?” I frowned, “I know that your name is Zacky but that’s because you just now told me.”

He grinned, “Well I play guitar for a local band, we’re getting pretty big actually. You know my friends and I are having a barbeque tomorrow afternoon you should come, there will be girls and it’s a great chance for you to make some new California friends!” I smiled, “Sure that sounds great Zack.” “Awesome!” zack wrote down the address for the barbeque and what time to be there. We talked a little more and zack helped me get my groceries into the truck, “So uh here’s my number, you should text me tonight,” he grinned. I couldn’t help but blush and take the piece of paper from him, “Thanks Zack.” We said goodbye and I quickly made my way home.
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thanks for the comments! there is ALOT of readers so please don't be a silent reader and comment! its greatly appreciated! it helps me to know if i should really continue this story!

xoxoxoxoxo nadia!! C: