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I Don't Want Your Help.

i like short shorts YOU LIKE SHORT SHORTS!

Chapter five:

My weekend with Zacky and his friends was so amazing that I was dreading going to work in the morning and to my doctor’s appointment in the afternoon. I yawned as I shuffled around my bedroom picking out clothes and getting ready for bed, I was exhausted and Zack kept texting me begging to let him come over. But I kept telling him no I have to go to bed early tonight. Of course Zack understood but that didn’t stop him from begging. After the fiftieth text I grabbed my phone and called him,

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese?! Hail’s I just wanna see you and I don’t wanna drive all the way home.” He begged as soon as he answered the phone. I rolled my eyes and huffed, “Fiine Zacky you can come over but don’t keep me up all night!” “Yay! I knew you loved me Hailey!” I blushed scarlet but luckily he couldn’t see my face, and it’s not like it would matter, Zack will have no interest in me when he finds out I’m pregnant and don’t even know the father. “Mhm, front doors still unlocked so make sure you lock it when you come in.” and with that Zack hung up and showed up less than five minutes later bouncing onto my bed and quickly yanked his socks and shoes off as well as his jeans then proceeded to crawl under the covers. I chuckled, “Give me a minute.” He just grinned at me and grabbed the remote to find something good to watch. Meanwhile I grabbed my pajamas out of my dresser and slipped into the bathroom to change.

I stared at myself in the mirror and couldn’t help but blush, my shorts were extremely short and my tank top left two inches of my tummy showing. Luckily I still didn’t have a baby bump but not for long, soon I’d have to tell them that I was pregnant and I was truly scared of what my new friends would say. I quickly brushed my hair out and washed my face before exiting the bathroom. I quickly crawled into bed with Zacky and snuggled up against him, Zack chuckled and wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head making me blush. We laid in silence watching Family Guy till I randomly decided to ask him a question, he rolled over and wrapped both arms around, “Yes I do Hailee, it’s only been a week since we met but I really do.”

I couldn’t help but smile at him and snuggle into his side and fall asleep.

I don’t want your help




Hailee’s bedroom
♠ ♠ ♠
atleast two comments equals chapter six!

if one of links is messed up let me know and i'll fix it!!

xoxoxo nadia