Hello, Angel

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

Hello angel, tell me where are you? Where do I go from here? The feeling of ripped flesh and twisted bones ached through me. I always imagined the pain ending when you died. You were supposed to be at peace, in the most beautiful place your mind could conjure up. Or maybe your fondest memory was supposed to take you by your hand, and you relive it over and over again.

My eyes have been glued shut and I am forced to see darkness. The low hum of voices makes my head ache. I know it's the angels and devils fighting close by. I feel wet drops hit my skin periodically, I guess you can't believe the weather is perfect the day that you die. Overcast. Like my life has been.
I'm anxious wanting to escape my metamorphosis. I want to break free of this cacoon and transport back to earth. I don't want to be dead. My heart is uncontrollable. My lungs are failing to bring me oxygen. I break all my restraints, unglue my eyes. All I see is blurry flourecent white. My hands move uncontrollably to my eyes, rubbing, hoping for clear vision. I blink hard. Open. There he is. My angel, with his perfect pale skin. I reach my hand out towards him instinctively and all I can feel is pain. I let out a small whimper.

"Shh, Audrey, don't try and move." He gently brushes his hand against my cheek.

"Gerard?" I cry, I am so confused.

"You're okay. You're safe now. I promise."

I flash back to my last though before losing consciousness. I'm walking across the road to the man I wanted to change everything for. And then I heard it, squeeling tires on a blue Ford that's going too fast. I close my eyes and wait for it be over.