Hello, Angel

Goodnight, Dr. Death

Audrey's P.O.V

I've always hated hospitals, and now I hated them even more. Pricking me with needles, and injecting various drugs into me. I guess I shouldn't complain though, I am after all, alive. The amount of pain I was in though was currently making me wish otherwise. Sterile white walls and the constant beeping annoyed me. My eyebrows knit together in frustration. Stupid hospitals.

"Hey sleepy head, don't frown or your face will get stuck like that." Gerard calmly giggled as he walked back into the room. God, he had the most beautiful face. I swear his beautiful brown eyes could stare into my soul.

I blushed thinking of him like that. "You know I don't like hospitals. And I especially don't like being broken... I have things to get to! A job where they desperately need me! An apartment to take care of..." I started having a panic attack thinking of all the things I was currently missing out on.

"Whoa, Audi, take a deep breath" I loved when he called me Audi. He said I reminded him of the car, 'top quality, and not bad to look at either'.

"Everything is being taken care of." He sat by my bed and took my good hand in his. "The doctor already called your work, they know you'll be off for a couple of months and-" I cut him off.

"What do you mean a couple of months?! I can't afford that, and what about all the physical therapy I'll need after? That's expensive... I need my job." I was loved at my job. I was needed. It was the only place in the world I felt like I was good enough. A medical aesthitician. I worked at a high end medical office where I worked with people's skin. The largest, most beautiful organ of the body.

Gerard started discreetly smiling, trying to hold in a laugh. He was looking straight out the door into the hallway.

"What?!" I said as loudly as I could without hurting myself.

"Oh she's always been a firecracker. That's why she's been my best employee." A familiar voice said.

I turned my neck as fast as possible, which wasn't very fast mind you since I was in a brace. "Dr. Ramona?" I asked confused. She owned the medical office I worked at, and my god, she was good at what she did. I don't know how she did it all. She was an amazing mother to three, and a wife. A wonderful doctor, and the best boss anyone could ask for. And to top it off she was drop dead gorgeous.

"You didn't think I was going to let other doctors keep an eye on my favorite girl, did you? As for the money, you have the best benefits with us hun, so don't worry. It will cover everything for the next few months. And physio therapy, obviously you will get that for free through the clinic." She looked through my charts very seriously. But I trusted her more then anyone.

She stayed for half an hour and chatted with me about my various injuries and said she would be back soon to check in on me. I felt forever in debt to this woman.

Gerard sat at my bedside slowly running the tip of his finger around my hand, trying to remember every hair follicle, how my bones felt through my translucent skin. I had my eyes closed and was thinking of how much he actually meant to me. I know I have always loved him, but now it was different. Now I felt like I was IN love with him.

My eyes opened, I head a ruckus down the hall. The sound of running feet getting closer and closer.

"Audrey!" Frank flew into the room and grasped my face between his hands. He pursed his lips against my forehead and let the kiss linger. "Baby, I was so worried. Promise me you'll never leave me side again!" he softly put his lips to mine.

"Well that's a hard thing to promise." I muttered under my breath.
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The chapters will get longer soon. Promise <3
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