Hello, Angel

Look Alive, Sunshine

Audrey's P.O.V

I was laying in the hospital bed, counting the tiles on the ceiling. I could at least move my neck now without it being too painful, everything else on the other hand, still made me wished I had just died. It was painful having the nurses clean my road rash a few times a day, as for them not to scar over. They quickly ripped the bandages off from over my stitches to put on fresh dressing. I was told I had one hundred and forty seven stitches, all of which would leave scars of various sizes on my back, torso, legs, arms, face and top of my scalp.

"Ow" I whined as the nurse dabbed fresh dressing onto the stitches on my right eyebrow. My eye was swollen shut and was a rainbow of black, blue and purple.

Frank had barely left my side the last few days, he was there holding my hand through every ounce of pain and whispering words of encouragement when I thought I had enough of this. He wiped away every tear that escaped my eyes. He was the man I loved. My rock. He had been my best friend since I moved here in high school, and we have dated ever since graduating four years ago. I was so proud of him. He was so successful and proud to show who he really was.

He had beautiful greenish hazel eyes to go with his perfectly sloped nose that currently had a hoop pierced through on the right side. And those lips, thin and soft. The lips that kissed me, the ones that whispered he loved me. I loved the piercing he had on the bottom left side. All of his features framed by a round face that ended at a point for his masculine jaw. He had shaved the sides of his head and bleached the remaining stubble. The top of his hair was long and black and swooped over his right eye. I loved his style. I loved him.

"Frankie," I whispered, barely making a noise at all. He came and sat beside me on the bed. "Frankie, I just want to go home. Please take me home?" I had pleading in my eyes and tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Oh babe.." He looked heart broken. He so desperately wanted to do what I asked. "You know I wish I could pick you up and run out of here as fast as I can. Only a few more days, Then I'll take you back to my apartment and take care of you." He wiped away the tears.

"No, I want to go back to mine. I can take care of myself." I pushed his hand away. I knew he was hurt by what I said, but I was annoyed at everything.

Gerard, Frankie and I all lived in the same apartment building. The two boys lived in apartment 22C and I lived in 26C. Just down the hall. It wasn't even like we had doors though, we always just wandered into each others apartments and made ourselves at home. Even our other friends, and Gerard's brother, Mikey, who lived in a different building had keys to our place. I'd often come home from work and find Mikey on my couch wanting to have another good talk.

"Look alive, sunshine." Gerard skipped into the room. He visited me when he was off work, and stayed until visiting hours were over. That was always the most depressing time, knowing that from nine at night until eight in the morning I was all alone. No love, just over tired nurses who had to do their job.

"Hey. I am alive... Just not able to move much." I smiled at him, trying to slightly sit up. "Ahh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I felt a piercing pain on the right side of my chest. I suddenly couldn't get enough air. "H-he.." I tried to say help but I couldn't breathe.

"For fuck sakes!" Frank ran through the door. "We need some help in here! Hurry!" He screamed. He ran back to my side and grabbed my hand. My heart monitor was going crazy.

The doctor and nurses ran in. "We have a collapsed lung on the right side people. We need to do a needle decompression to remove the fluid before we place a tube."

I looked at the needle he was about to stab into me. I shook my head frantically, I didn't want that plunging into my lung. "Miss, calm down, it will all be over soon, it's going to help you." Gerard had left the room at this point, I knew he couldn't stand the sight of needles. Frank wouldn't let go of my hand until the nurse told him to get out of her way.

Everything went black.

My whole body felt so light. Like I was just floating. I could feel air slowly going up my nose and out through my mouth. My head was dizzy, not a bad dizzy but a really, really good kind of dizzy. Something was tickling under my nose. I opened my eyes and tried to bat it away.

"Uh-uh missy! That has to stay put!" Frank gently took my hand away from my face. I realized I had a nose tube now attached to my face. I looked up at him so confused, I hardly felt any pain any more. I felt good, really good.

"What happened?"

"You look so high. Good to know those pain meds are working for you." Gerard laughed, now right beside Frankie.

"Your broken rib just nicked your lung. Your right lung collapsed. It was so small though that they only had to aspirate to inflate your lung again. No chest tube needed." He smiled like that was something to be proud of.

"Four more days Audi, that's it." Gerard smiled hugely at me.

"Better make room for me boys. I'm a demanding patient." I grinned slyly and shut my eyes.
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