Hello, Angel

Cemetery Drive

Gerard's P.O.V

I watch in awe as Frankie gently caresses Audrey's cheek. He kisses her lips and promises he will be back as soon as he could. They had so much love towards each other, such a perfect relationship. Yea, of course they had their fights, that's what makes a healthy relationship, but they were always back in each others arms not long after.

I felt jealousy towards him. She was my dream girl, full of sarcasm and fun. She was kind hearted and full of passion. Audrey had no problem keeping me in line and telling me when I've been an idiot, but through it all she's never left my side. She wasn't hot. No, she was drop dead gorgeous. She had blue glaciers for eyes that always left me mesmerized with long blonde hair to match. She was so petite and fragile looking, I always wanted to protect her.

"Hey Gee," Frank shook my shoulder. "I'm taking off now, you're sure you can get her back to the apartment by yourself?"

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." I try to reassure him before he leaves.

I help pack up all of her things and her new drug collection. The doctor left a list with all the medications, what they were for and when to take them. I knew it was going to be a while until she was completely okay and able to fend for herself. She's such a fighter, it took hours of endless argument to finally convince her that she had to come live with us. She was always so dependant, she never wanted anyone's help.

I wheeled her out of the hospital where we said our goodbye's and thank you's to the doctors and nurses. I was so happy I wouldn't have to go in there again. My whole life I've always been terrified of doctors and needles. Just the thought of having to get a needle made me want to be sick.

"Ready to go home, Audi?" I wheeled her right up to the car door.

"No, no. Get me back in the hosptial. It's safe in there..." She was hysterical. "Last time I was out here I almost died. It's not safe here, I need to go back. I need to.."

I held her tight in my arms and stroked her soft hair. "Audi, listen to me." I made her look me in the eyes. "You're okay now. You aren't going to get hurt again, I'm here and I'm going to protect you. You have to face your fears, you can't live in that germ infested hospital for the rest of your life. You're a strong girl. Audi, you've always been a fighter." I caught her tears with my thumb. My heart ached for her. I just wanted to show her it was going to be okay again.

She allowed me to lift her out of her wheelchair and buckle her up in the front seat. I stored the wheel chair in the back, and sat in the drivers seat. She nods her head before I put the keys in the ignition, as if saying 'yes, I'm ready.' My hand has a mind of its own and slithers towards her, tangling my fingers around hers.

She nervously looked around from side to side, making sure no harm was coming her way. Every time we went through an intersection she would shut her eyes tight and hold her breath, just waiting for a drunk driver to come and speed away with our lives.

I opened the door to our third floor apartment, knowing everyone was there waiting for her to come home. She was truly loved by so many people. An angel, touching everyone's life. Most importantly, she was my angel whether she knew it or not.
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Sorry for the short update. Work has been crazy.
Please comment if I should continue with this story <3
Will speed up soon. Promise