Hello, Angel

The Kids Of Yesterday

Audrey's P.O.V

Did Frank just ask me what I think he did? Was he being serious? I could feel my mouth open and shut, trying to comprehend what was just asked. I loved Frank with all my heart, and I knew he loved me. So he should understand if I said no, right?

"Uh, sorry. I got caught up in the moment." He says hesitantly "Forget what I just said. I didn't mean it.."

We both nervously laugh.

"I better get going. Gerard will come check on you tomorrow morning since I have the early shift. Goodnight, I love you." He kisses me on the lips quickly.

"I love you too, Frankie."

I slowly made myself get into a standing up position and crutched to my bedroom. Was I an idiot? Why wouldn't I want to marry him? He was the best thing that ever happened to me. We fit together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces.

Was I really willing to ruin an amazing relationship for a crush? On a stupid crush that could potentially lead nowhere. Yes. Yes I was willing. I almost died. I deserve to live on impulse a little.

My cell phone rang making me jump.

"hello?" I answer sleepily.

"Audrey! I've been missing you." I felt relief wash over me. It was Mikey. "how are you feeling?"

"Well.. Can I tell you something that you will never tell anyone?" I knew I could trust Mikey with everything. He was the kid brother I never had, even though we were the exact same age.

"Silly question." he nasely laughs at me.

"Frankie wants to get married..." there was silence on the other line. Mikey always let me finish my rants before he interjected. "But I can't. I love him, you know I do... But.. But, I'm in love with someone else... Mikey, I'm in love with your brother. I'm in love with Gerard!"

"Audi, I think you know what you have to do. I've seen the way Gerard looks at you. You can't marry someone when you're having thoughts about someone else." Mikey said. "Fuck what everyone else thinks. You almost died Audrey, you need to do what makes you happy."

Mikey is right. As always. No one knows that before my accident I was going to the coffee shop to meet Gee. Everything was perfectly planned out in my head. I was going to march over to the table and tangle my fingers through his messy black hair and kiss him so deeply, so passionately. I was going to tell him how in love with him I was, and how I needed to be with him.

As for Frank. Sometimes you just out grow people, right?
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Hey guys. I've been super sick in the hospital for the last couple of weeks, having no energy to attempt to write! Sorry this is so blah and boring. Stay tuned. Lots of love <3