‹ Prequel: Thorn of a Rose

Reach Out For The Sunrise

chapter 010

"Good Morning NYC its ten thirty and time for all you late risers to finally rise. I'm DJ Craig Arnold and you're listening to WQRSG Rock Radio. We've got a new one today the tape was recently handed to be by a representative from Reprise. Um...let me find it." said the DJ as the alarm clock in the boy's room went off. Everyone was in there from the...busy...night before. Rose shot bolt upright, shaking Shawn awake. He listened intently as everyone else sat up too, not willing to believe that what they thought was coming next was actually coming. "Ah, here it is. It's a song by a band that released its first American CD today, a band called Joust. Now the lead singer Rose Way is the daughter of My Chemical Romance front man Gerard Way, and he's made an appearance on Joust's first single, which is a cover of an old My Chemical Romance track called 'You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison'. Now I've listened to both the old version and Joust's cover and while Rose's voice puts a whole knew spin on the song, they really are quite faithful to the original. This is Craig Arnold playing now what I think is going to be the next Billboard number one; Joust's 'You know What they do to guys like us in prison'." Gerard's voice of the intro came through the speakers in the intro and everyone leapt out of bed. The girls started screaming and hugging, glad for the radio play and the guys all joined the group hug. Then Rose broke away and ran upstairs.
"DAD! FRANK! RAY! MIKEY! BOB! OH MY GOD WAKE UP!" she shrieked. She slipped and slid on the floor in her socks and ran up the stairs into the second floor of the house. She banged on all the men's doors screaming "TURN ON THE RADIO! ROCK RADIO! TURN IT ON!" Doors banged open and everyone turned on their radios as loud as possible. Troy turned on the one in the kitchen and Jordan went for the one on the living room stereo. Soon their song was blasting through the speakers in the whole house and everyone was going crazy. Gerard looked like he was ready to cry and Rose gave him a big hug.
"I am so proud of you sweetie." he said, squeezing her tight.
"Thanks dad." she whispered. Then the phone rang. Rose picked it up and heard Christine's voice.
"So I guess you noticed!" She shouted, to be heard over the noise she could hear in the background.
"Yeah, I'm so excited Christine." Rose shouted back. "What's step two because we want to ride this wave." she asked.
"The next step is video honey, video for this song. When do you want to get started?" asked Christine.
"AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" shrieked Rose.
"Okay! Okay good! We'll meet to start a concept on Monday okay? Start thinking! I have to go, morning sickness ugh. Bye hun!"
"Bye!" shouted Rose, hanging up. The song came to an end and everyone collapsed on one another and the floor. "Guys." she said, smiling and turning to them. Everyone looked up. She beamed. "We're meeting on Monday to discuss concepts for the music video." she said. Everyone shot up and the chaos was reborn. More hugging, more insanity, and everyone was happy.

That night, Rose, Troy, Josh, Dylan, Alex, Jordan, Amy, and Jamie all sat in the girl's room, hanging from random parts of the bunk beds, sprawled out on the floor, listening to Joust's CD. Shawn came downstairs after coming back from the store. He unloaded three two liter bottles of coca cola, and multiple boxes of poprocks packages, and some red plastic cups. Everyone scrambled for their share and soon everyone was cheering Shawn and Dylan on as they faced each other in chugging contests. Then Jamie came up with a new challenge for them.
"Mkay, Rose, fill up the gentleman's glasses." she said. Rose filled two cups to the top. "And hand them each a pack of poprocks." Rose handed them off. "Now chuck the rocks." she said smiling. "But don't you dare swallow, and eat the whole package, all at once." she said. The two boys obliged and winced as the candy popped and crackled in their mouths. "Now start chugging the soda." said Jamie, a devilish grin on her face. The boys looked at her with wide pleading eyes.
"DO IT! DO IT!" Rose and Amy started chanting, Jordan joined, as did Jamie and Josh and Alex and Troy. Shawn and Dylan rolled their eyes, and began to chug. This made everyone else cheer even louder. Dylan started struggling about thirty seconds, and finally he coughed the soda back into his cup, earning "oooh"s and jeers from everyone. Shawn downed the rest of the cup and held up his arms, throwing down the empty cup. Everyone cheered and Rose fell into him, grabbing his shoulders and collapsing both of them to the ground. Alex broke them up.
"Aww come on guys save it! This is friend time not sex time!" he shouted. Rose rolled her eyes and got off Shawn.
"You suck Alex." said Shawn, still laying down.
"I know." responded Alex smiling. Shawn sat up and pushed Alex on the side of his head. "HEY!" he said, coming back up like a punch dummy. He shoved Shawn, and they got into a girl slap fight until Amy broke them up.
"Guys, grow up." she said, one eyebrow raised as she held both their arms. They rolled their eyes and stopped slapping each other. Troy motioned for everyone to get in a circle. He spoke once everyone was settled.
"Okay. Now we are seriously blasting off here." he said, looking at each of them in turn. "What's been worrying me lately is that fame tends to rip people apart. Take their dreams and just toss them aside. I've read stories about bands who get so high up, and then the band mates never speak to each other if the band breaks up." Troy stopped, biting his lip. Amy moved closer and rubbed his back. "I don't want that to happen to us guys." he choked out. Everybody's jaw dropped and eyebrows raised and "awww"s were exchanged. Even the other boys started to get teary-eyed. Dylan, who had become very close to Troy, moved right over to him and took him in a tight embrace.
"I love you man." he said. Everyone else closed in on the hugging friends. Eventually everyone sat back down to their sugar and just stared at one another in silence. Rose suddenly realized exactly what they were eating.
"Hey guys..." she started. They all looked at her. "You all realize we just had a huge friend moment, while eating poprocks and coke right?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Everyone looked at her, confused. "Come on guys! Old school Green Day! Wherever you go you know I'll be there. If you go far, you know I'll be there, I'll go anywhere, So I'll see you there." she sang. Jamie joined in.
"You place the name You know I'll be there You name the time You know I'll be there I'll go anywhere So I'll see you there." Everyone started to catch on, and they all sang themselves to sleep.
"I don't care if you don't mind I'll be there not far behind I will dare Keep in mind I'll be there for you Where there's truth You know I'll be there Amongst the lies You know I'll be there I'll go anywhere So I'll see you there I don't care if you don't mind I'll be there not far behind I will dare Keep in mind I'll be there for you If you should fall You know I'll be there To catch the call You I'll be there I'll go anywhere So I'll see you there I don't care if you don't mind I'll be there not far behind I will dare Keep in mind I don't care I'll be there for you I'll be there for you..."