‹ Prequel: Thorn of a Rose

Reach Out For The Sunrise

chapter 002

"There's a song on the radio that says 'Let's get this party started!" sang Rose.
"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" screamed everyone else. Troy was driving Gerard's black van, Amy next to him, everyone else in the back. Everyone in Demolition Lovers were there too, for support. Even though it wasn't joust's first time recording, it was Rose's and Demolition Lovers wanted to be there for her. Craig and Aaron had yet to make an appearance though, they weren't there. Rose had not met them. They were on their way to the studio, to meet their new producer, and to get acquainted with the studio. When they pulled up in front of the recording studio, they all hopped out, jumping over each other to be the first through the door. Jordan won. They all burst through the door and saw a piece of paper tacked to the wall with J.A.S.T. and an arrow on it. They followed the arrows to a door that said STUDIO 7R. Shawn turned the handle and opened the door into a cozy studio. There was a soundboard and above that a large pane of glass, behind which were a drum set, three guitars, and two microphones. A woman who looked about thirty five or so came in behind them. She had long blonde hair that was pulled back in a messy ponytail, a pink polo shirt with a black sweater vest over it, jeans, and pink and black DC sneakers. Her eyes were behind black frame glasses. Rose could tell she was trying to be business like, but not very well. She was carrying a huge armload of papers, files and clipboards and looked like she hadn't slept in days. As soon as she saw Rose and joust, she smiled wide and said
"Hi! Well, I see you've brought the fan club along. I assume you're joust?" Shawn, Rose, Troy, Jordan, and Amy all nodded. "Okay, well my name is Christine and I'm going to be producing your record." She shook everyone's hand, then looked at Alex, Dylan, and Josh. "Who are they?" she asked, cocking one eyebrow.
"Oh." said Rose. "Just some friends here for support." Christine smiled at all of them.
"Well, today is just a day to get acquainted with the studio and each other, so lets do that. Why don't you all tell me what name on this sheet belongs to who. Um...which one of you is Troy Jacobs?" she asked, looking around. Troy raised an arm and smiled. "Okay, hi there Troy. And...Amy Krauss?"
"Hi." said Amy, smiling wide.
"Hey there Amy. Let's see...Jordan Andrews?"
"That would be me." said Jordan, raising an arm."
"Okay. Hi Jordan. And Rose Way?"
"Hey." said Rose. Christine gave her a very hard look.
"You know, you remind me of someone." she said, looking back down at her paper. Her jaw dropped. "Are you...are you Gerard Way's girl?" she asked, eyes wide. Rose smiled, looking at the ground.
"That's me." she said sheepishly. Christine sighed.
"Wow. Incredible. I was a big My Chemical Romance fan before they stopped recording." she said. Rose nodded. "And...Shawn Cunningham? Wait...Shawn Cunningham? Little Shawnie C?" she asked, eyes widening with her smile as she looked up at Shawn. "From *N Talented? That little boy band from a few years back? Aww you were so cute!" she said. Shawn looked wildly around the room.
"Uh...um...I-I don't know what you're talking about." he said quickly. Rose gasped.
"Shawn! I knew I remembered your name from somewhere!" she shouted, pushing his shoulder. *N Talented was a boy band from the early 2000's that just recycled members once they got too old. A boy named Shawnie C was one of the original five boys, the lead singer.
"Back in action are you Shawn?" said Christine, now blushing a little, realizing she's embarrassed him. Shawn nodded, not taking his eyes off his feet. "Alright then." she said. "Moving on...you guys wrote your own stuff right?" she asked. Rose nodded and handed Christine her notebook.
"The finished lyrics are the ones with the post-its." she said. Christine thumbed through them quickly.
"These are great Rose. Did you write these yourself?" she asked, looking at her.
"All except the last one. We got some help from these guys on that one." she said, pointing to Dylan, Alex, and Josh. Christine nodded and picked up her pile of paperwork.
"Well, why don't you guys go and, I don't know, explore?" she said. She opened the door and, still looking at Rose and joust, walked through it. Rose's jaw dropped when she saw Christine collide with her own father, who had a hand raised as if he was about to knock. She walked right into him and paper flew everywhere. Christine shrieked as she and Gerard both fell to the ground. When the papers all fell to the ground, Rose, Shawn, Josh, Jordan, Alex, Dylan, Amy, Jamie, and Troy all inched quickly out the door, muttering such things as "Let's go see the other studios" and "Uh...not where we wanna be..." once they got past the pair on the floor, they ran.

"SHIT!" shouted Christine. She scurried around the floor. "Are you blind or something?" she shrieked in anger, not looking up from the floor to see who she'd run into.
"Sorry, didn't expect the door to fly open right when I was knocking sweetheart." said Gerard sarcastically.
"Watch who you're calling sweetheart moron." she mumbled as she tried to put the papers in order.
"Okay this is so not going to turn into a name calling match. Here," he said, moving closer "Let me help you with that." He picked up some more of the papers, but then looked up at Christine. He stopped. His jaw dropped. "Hi." he said in a hushed tone.
"Hi?" said Christine. She looked up too, and her eyes got huge. "Oh...hi." she whispered, realizing who she was talking to. "You-you're...you're Ge-Gerard Way." she said, shaking a little. Gerard gave her a little half smile and said
"Yeah that's me. I'm uh...Rose's dad. Speaking of which...where is she?" Christine frowned.
"Um, I think they escaped when the papers went flying." she said. She waited for Gerard to say something, but he was just kneeling there, papers in his hands, staring at her. Finally, Christine just looked back down and gathered all her papers hurriedly saying "Um...I'll go find them. If you'll wait in the lobby for them I'll send them out when I find them..." Gerard shook his head, coming reluctantly out of his trance.
"Yeah...okay...lobby...I'll wait...yeah...bye." he said, standing up and backing towards the door. He missed and smacked into the wall. He tried to laugh it off, but went beet red. Christine put a hand over her mouth to hide her laughter. Gerard raised his hand quickly as if to wave, and then turned and hurriedly walked down the hall, leaving Christine to sigh in shock at who she had just spoken to. Then she ran off to find the kids.