Sequel: Come What May

Poison and Wine


“Hailey, come on,” Danny said, putting his hand on her shoulder. She turned from the window to look at him, tear stains on her cheeks. She looked past him to see the four deputies and two hunters talking with her father while her mother made herself busy with putting the breakfast food away in the kitchen.

“Where’s Aaron?” she asked, wiping the tears from her face as she looked up at Danny.

“He went upstairs,” he said, gesturing to the staircase. “Do you want me to get him?”

“No, but I’d like if you could go upstairs with me. I don’t want to go alone,” she said and he nodded his head.

“Sure,” he said, holding his hand out to help her up. Her eyes drifted to his waist as he turned to the stairs and she saw the butt of the gun sticking out for easy access.

“I know I’ve said it like a million times already but thank you, again, for doing this for us. It really means a lot to me and I know how hard it is for you,” she said, putting her hand on his arm as they walked up the stairs.

“It is hard but I know it’s the right thing. I would feel so guilty if something were to happen to you or your family because I was too much of a coward. So here I am,” he said and she smiled. “I don’t know if this will make you more or less comfortable but I never even shot a gun until a few weeks ago when Stiles’ Dad taught me.”

“Hey, as long as you don’t shoot Derek like Carl did just because he moved, we’re good,” she said causing Danny to laugh as she opened the door to Aaron’s room. He was on his bed playing a game on his PSP and he jumped when the door opened.

“Geez Hails, don’t do that!” he exclaimed throwing a pillow at her before setting his game down next to him on the bed.

“Well why’d you have your door closed?” she asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Just used to it I guess,” he said and Hailey nodded. She walked in and he moved his feet so she could sit on the bed with him while Danny leaned against the wall.

“After tonight, everything should go back to normal,” she said and Aaron sighed.

“I don’t even know what normal is anymore.”

“Dude, you’re nine,” Danny said with a laugh.

“How would you like it if your sister was dating a werewolf?” Aaron asked and this time Hailey laughed.

“Okay, after tonight, everything will be as close to normal as possible,” she said and Aaron nodded his head.

“Better,” he said.

“Come on, let’s go downstairs and help Mom out,” she said, putting a hand on his back and leading him to the door.


*Derek’s POV*

“Do you think he’s still there?” Isaac shouted as he, Derek, and Peter ran through the woods towards the Hale house. He could hear the cops and hunters speeding towards them without sirens so other people wouldn’t venture out due to curiosity.

“You tell me,” Derek said, sniffing the air, the house starting to come into view.

“Oh he’s there alright,” Peter shouted back and Isaac and Derek both growled, wolfing out.

They came to a halt just a few yards away from the house and waited for the others. Soon the cars pulled up, the tires making the leaves crunch. Everyone tried to stay extremely quiet as they climbed out of the cars.

“There’s no point in being quiet,” Derek said, his gaze fixed on the house. “He knows we’re here.”

“What should we do?” Sheriff Stilinski asked, his hand on his holster, fingers flexing over the butt of his gun. Derek turned to the house and listened closely.

“He’s coming out,” Derek said, balling his hands into his fists before allowing his claws to retract.

“Well, well, well, looks like you brought an army Hale. How did you know I’d be here?” Jackson asked, crossing his arms.

“That bitch you call a girlfriend told us in not so many words,” Stiles spat and Jackson growled.

“Where is she?” he asked, coming down the front steps to head towards Derek, stopping when ever single member from the Sheriff’s department and the hunters raised their weapons.

“Detained,” Derek said through his teeth.

“I swear to God if you hurt her I will kill you,” Jackson said and Derek laughed, cocking his head to the side.

“Pretty hard to do that when you’re dead,” he said and Jackson’s eyes widened, scanning the crowd in front of him. He sniffed at the air and realization hit him.

“Wolfsbane,” he said quietly, only Derek, Isaac, Peter, and Scott could hear him.

“Every single person here that’s not one of us is armed with it,” Derek said.

“And what? You expect me to just stand here and let you shoot me?” he asked and Derek shook his head.

“No. But no matter what, you’re done, Jackson. You had your chances but you crossed the line,” Derek said and Jackson nodded.

“Well, what’s a death match without a little fun?” Jackson said, a grin on his face before he turned and bolted into the woods.

“Go!” Derek shouted and every one ran in different directions. He and the rest of the pack caught onto Jackson’s scent and followed him, the others soon realizing and following them.


“Hello?” Hailey asked as she answered her phone. She was seated on the living room couch, Danny next to her. Aaron was on the floor, leaning against Hailey’s legs as he and Danny played a game on the Xbox. He paused the game and turned to Hailey.

Hey, it’s me,” Allison said breathlessly.

“What’s going on?”

He’s running, everyone’s chasing him but I hung back with a few of the others. God my heart is pounding.

“Why is he running?” she asked and Danny looked out the window just in case.

He thinks it’s all a game. He’s trying to stay alive as long as he can,” she said and Hailey heard some shouts in the background.

“What was that?” Hailey asked, her heart skipping a beat.

Scott came back. He said Jackson’s circling back this way. I’ve got to go,” she said quickly.

“Be careful!” Hailey barely got out before Allison hung up on her.

“What’s happening?” Aaron asked as Hailey set the phone down.

“Jackson decided to play a game of cat and mouse and have everyone chase him.”

“He’s not heading this way is he?” Danny asked, his voice cracking and Hailey gently put her hand on his arm.

“Allison said Scott came back and told them Jackson was circling back to the house. It won’t be long until this is all over,” Hailey said and Danny nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

“Come on Aaron, let’s play so I can kick your butt,” Danny said, picking up his controller.

“In your dreams,” Aaron said, rolling his eyes as they resumed the game. Hailey walked into the kitchen where her parents were speaking quietly at the table, stopping their conversation when Hailey walked into the room.

“Where are the others?” she asked, sliding out one of the chairs and sitting next to her mother.

“Outside keeping watch,” Jason said and Hailey nodded. “What’s up?”

“Allison just called. It should be over soon,” she said and Alyssa let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank goodness,” she said, taking a sip of her coffee. “What are they going to do with Lydia?”

“I don’t know,” Hailey said, shaking her head. “Allison really wants to reconcile with her but… I don’t know how well that will go over with Jackson dead. She could be just as dangerous on her own.”

“Maybe with Jackson gone she’ll change,” Jason said and Hailey shrugged.

“I can’t really say. I didn’t know her pre-Jackson,” Hailey said and her parents nodded understandably.

“Thank you for updating us,” he said and Hailey nodded.

“I’ll let you know if any other news comes in,” she said and her mother put her hand on her back before she stood to go back to the living room.


*Derek’s POV*

“Surround him!” Derek shouted and everyone started to fan out as they chased Jackson. Scott heard his command from the front of the house with the ten or so others he was with and they formed a semi-circle. Derek watched as Jackson ran towards them and increased his speed until he was almost neck and neck.

“Time is running out,” Peter yelled towards Jackson who didn’t even flinch.

“Now!” Derek yelled.

As soon as he said it bullets whizzed past him from behind. Jackson keeled over as one hit him in the back, another in his leg. Derek skirted to the left to avoid one and soon saw arrows and more bullets coming from the front. He reached Jackson’s side as an arrow hit Jackson in the neck, blood spurting out and splashing Derek’s face.

Jackson turned his head towards him, his eyes that piercing electric blue. He soon collapsed as more bullets hit him in the chest. Derek stopped running and stood over Jackson, breathing heavily, the others crowding around. A few more bullets were shot here and there.

“Stop,” Derek said and it grew silent. A tight circle was formed around Jackson as Derek stood over him. Jackson struggled for breath, his veins turning a purple-ish, black color.

“Is it working?” someone near the back asked.

“What… the fuck… do you… think?” Jackson gasped out and Derek smirked.

“Doesn’t feel so great does it?” Derek asked, crossing his arms.

“Go… fuck… yourself,” Jackson said, attempting to flip Derek off but failing as the wolfsbane spread to his hands.

“It won’t be long now,” Derek said, crouching down to look Jackson in the eye. “We can end it sooner… if you’d like. I’ll be generous.”

“Do it,” Jackson said barely above a whisper as he struggled for breath.

“Any volunteers?” Derek asked looking around and Carl stepped forward, nodding his head. “Be my guest.”

Jackson turned his head slowly to look up at Carl who confidently raised his gun and pointed it at Jackson’s chest. He fired off three bullets, directly at his heart. Jackson’s body writhed with each punch. He slowly convulsed, his breathing labored. Every eye was on him as he struggled and took his last few breaths. He stopped moving, his eyes glossed over, and his lips stayed parted.

“Is he dead, dead?” Stiles asked and Derek nudged at Jackson’s body with his foot.

“I’d say yes,” Carl said.

“I think we should take an extra precaution,” Sheriff Stilinski said.

“I agree,” Chris and Peter said at the same time.

“So what do we do?” Isaac asked and Derek looked up at him, his eyes flashing red.

“Our… brutal option,” he said and Isaac nodded.

“I’ll get the sword,” Chris said, turning to walk over to his car.

“I can’t watch,” Allison said and Derek turned to see tear stains on her cheeks. “Do you want me to call Hailey?”

“No, I want to tell her face to face,” he said and she nodded.

“I’m just going to go… that way,” she said, pointing to the cars and Scott followed her.

“Call me if you need my help… after,” Scott said and Derek nodded.

“If anyone else wants to go feel free. I’m going to need at least five people to stay and help,” he said and a few of the deputies turned away, quickly walking over to the cars.


“It’s taking longer than I thought,” Danny said and Hailey bit her lip.

“I know,” she said, anguish in her voice.

“Have you heard from Allison?” he asked and she shook her head.

“Dinner!” Alyssa called from the kitchen. Danny helped Hailey up and led her to the kitchen where she sat next to Aaron.

“Anything?” Aaron asked quietly and Hailey shook her head.

“I’m sure we’ll hear something anytime now,” Alyssa said optimistically as she set the lasagna down in the center of the table.

“Hopefully,” Hailey said with a sigh, holding her plate out as Jason scooped a heap onto it. It was quiet as everyone ate; the hunters and deputies soon joined them when it got too cold outside. Hailey picked at her food, eating when she noticed one of the others watching her. Her head turned when she heard a car pull up outside.

“Hailey?” her mother asked as she quickly stood up.

“I heard a car,” she said as she walked towards the living room.

“It could be anyone,” Alyssa said but Hailey ignored her as she walked towards the front window. She pulled the curtain back and saw at least five people standing in front of the house. One of them crouched down and she realized it was Stiles.

“They’re back!” she cried, rushing to the door and pulling it open. Derek was walking towards the door and she ran out and jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

“Hi,” he whispered, bringing his hand up to the back of her head, smoothing her hair.

“I was so worried,” she whispered, pulling back and kissing him. “Why didn’t you call?”

“I wanted to tell you in person,” he said and she shook her head with a slight laugh.

“You could have at least let me know you were okay,” she said and he nodded.

“I’m sorry,” he said and she shook her head.

“What happened?” she asked as he gently set her down.

“He’s gone,” he said softly. “We um… are you sure you want to know?”

“Yes,” she said, biting her lip and nodding her head.

“We chased him, for awhile. Then we surrounded him and they started shooting. Bullets and arrows were flying everywhere. Finally he collapsed and he was in so much pain. Carl stepped in and put a few more bullets in him to make it go faster.”

“Jesus,” she whispered.

“He died. But…”

“But what?” she asked her eyes widening.

“We decided to take an extra precaution and… cut him in half. Before burying him… in two different places,” he said and Hailey winced. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” she said, quickly nodding her head. “Just wishing I hadn’t eaten just before hearing that.”

“Sorry,” he said, holding back a laugh.

“So, it’s really all over,” she said and he nodded.

“It’s all over,” he repeated and she wrapped her arms around his neck again. Her eyes opened when she heard someone clear their throat and laughed when she saw Stiles and the others standing behind Derek.

“Just letting you know we’re all here too,” Stiles said, raising an eyebrow and she laughed.

“I know, and I’m glad,” she said, letting go of Derek and walking over to them.

“Thank God everyone’s alright,” Alyssa said, walking out of the house, the others behind her. She walked right over to Derek and wrapped her arms around him catching everyone by surprise. Hailey’s eyes widened when Derek finally wrapped his arms around her mother, returning the hug.

“Everything’s going to be alright now,” he said and Alyssa nodded, pulling away and smiling at him.

“Thanks to you. All of you,” she said, looking over his shoulder to everyone else. “Are you hungry? I made some lasagna. And there’s plenty of leftovers to heat up.”

“Oh thank God,” Stiles said, shoving past Hailey and Aaron and stumbling into the house to head to the kitchen.

“Come on,” Hailey said, putting her arm around Allison’s shoulders, leading her towards the house. Allison walked inside, Scott following behind her and Hailey turned to Derek. He was standing with his hands in his pockets and looking at her, his facial features soft.

“Are you okay?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“I’m fine,” he said. “I’m… great even.”

“Good,” she said, a smile on her face as he walked over to her.

“Actually… I think… I’m happy,” he said, letting out a slight laugh. She smiled and put her hands on his chest.

“You deserve to be happy,” she said softly and he nodded his head, leaning down to kiss her. “Let’s go eat.”

He followed her into the house and closed the door behind him. They walked into the kitchen to see everyone crowded but no one complaining. There was laughter everywhere as everyone celebrated. Derek sat down next to Aaron and ruffled his hair. Aaron reached up and slapped Derek’s hand away as Hailey sat on his lap. She looked across the table at Stiles who was shoveling food into his mouth. Finally she thought as Derek’s arm slid around her waist. Normalcy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there it is. The final chapter of Poison & Wine
I got it out just in time too because I leave for vacation in like... four hours. Sorry I didn't get it up on New Year's! So I'll be gone for a week and haven't even started the sequel yet so I don't know when that will be up so just... keep a lookout I guess sometime near the end of the month!! Thank you so much for everything!!
~Steph xoxo