Beautiful Blue

How do you say I've always felt this way? This is where I live, this is what I do best. Dreaming with so much ugliness, waking up to all this beautiful blue. This beautiful you.

The boy
The girl

“Now you can tell her how you feel you know.” Ryan stated with a pointed look, pushing his tray of food across the table. The two had been sitting in a mall food court for the past hour, trying to find suits for the next day. With a sigh Michael put his head in his hands and leaned on the table, his tongue poking out between his lips as he tried to let the past year come into perspective.

“Dude, I'm not gonna hit on my dead friends fiancee.” Michael told him with narrowed eyes, making Ryan hold his hands up in a surrender formation.

“Technically she's not his fiancee anymore, it's been a year.” Ryan told him with a smile.

Michael shook his head lightly, almost amused at his friends antics, before he said, “I don't know what to do. I don't want to mess her up anymore than she already is, but at the same know. I just don't know what to do anymore. What if I really mess her up, I couldn't live with myself if I hurt her, that's the last thing she needs."