Nialls Hunger Got the Best of Him and His Lads

Did this just happen?

"I don't know jaime... I-I thoUght he loved me. He told me he loved me... I just... I just don't think I can take this anymore... I just... I can't"

"CUT!" my school director yelled at the top of his lungs before I put the plastic knife to my throat and pretended to commit suicide. Hi my name is Madison, you're probably wondering why I am acting out a grousome monologue. Well reason is, is because one of my best friends Kat had written a terrible play for a joke in English class. Casting me as the lead, my friend Kareah as "Jaime" and herself as the bitchy drama queen who turned everyone against my charecter and also got me to kill myself. Yes this disgusting image did come from her mind, and yes... We have to perform it infront of the whole school. For once in my life I was hoping for my Job in my dads diner to come sooner. But for now I just had to grin and Barrett. A couple of hours flew by until we could finally go home. So I gathered up my things, and started to walk to my pick up truck with my friends following. I slowly started backing out of the parking lot with my speakers blaring one direction. I went to go turn it down when Kareah slapped my hand away and turned it up higher. We were getting some pretty odd stares from our crushes and I just waved happily while dancing like a crazed lunitic. My crush Luke, Was one of my best friends and was used to how I act around this music and when I drive. Which is one of the reason why he doesnt drive with me anymore. I kept laughing and riving till I showed up at my dads diner about 20 minutes late. Everyone ran in and started to get ready i appologized to my dad and told him I would work over time because I was late and made everyone else late. He smirked and patted my back before giving me a kiss on the top of my forehead and shooing me off to get ready for my shift. So I put my hair up, Fixed my makeup incase I see any cute guys and changed into my cute diner outfit. i walked out of the change room and saw my girls whispering and what it looks like fangirling. I looked around to see my dad talking to some boys in a booth. i walk over slowly and see curly hair, braces, tattoos, converse and Gorgeous guys. My heart dropped as they all smiled at me and my dad introduced me to them. "Boys, this is my daughter Madison. I think she is a fan of yours I hear your music playing all the time while shes in the shower" My dad said stupidly and so oblivious I just wanted to smack him. They all laughed and introduced themselves one by one as my face got redder by the minute.
"I'm Zyan!"
"I'm Niall" he said while staring at the menu with wide eyes.
"And I am Harry Styles, nice to meet you love" He said as he met my eyes and smiled amazingly. I held out my hand and smiled right away. "Madison... It is so nice to meet you. Oh and I'm your server for tonight" I smiled again and shook their hands exceot for harry. He came in for the hug adn I hugged back. Oh my god he is so cute. I want to keep him forever! He can live in my room with me and I will serve him food forever! But then again the changes of him dating some radnom girl from a diner is so slim. I pulled away from the hug making myself sad and pulled out my note pad as my dad walked away to calm my screaming friends. "What can i get you boys?" I asked polietly and smiled again. i really couldnt stop smiling. "I will get th-" Louis started saying when Niall covered him mouth and started telling me he was hungry. "I want the pancakes, with all this following stuff. I was some chicken wings and a glass of rootbear plllleaaaaase" He gave me an adorable smile as I wrote down his order and looked at Louis. "Yes I will get a burber please" He finally said and glared at Niall who looked like a happy little kid. "I want something yummy... Surprise me" Zayn said and I wrote down Nachos. "I would like a salad annnnnnnnnd a BLT please" Liam said cutely too. I smiled and wrote down everything then turned to Harry. "And you darling?" i said smiling. "I don't see your name on the menu" He gave me a fake frown then they all laughed when my face went bright red. "Ya sorry.. i am not... Anything else you would like?" I asked and hid my face slightly with some menus. "Whatever is your favorite... And I expect to see your number on our receipt" He winked and I wrote down my favorite food on the menu. "I will be right back with your drinks" I rushed off and started working on getting their drink delivered with the grield whispering about me right in ear shot too. I grabbed the boys drinks and went over with an arm ful. Handed them out and started to walk away again. "Wait wait wait... Stay awhile and tell us about yourself" I turned around and Louis smiled at me. I smiled back and tucked the tray under my arms. "My dad would be pretty angry with me if I din't do my job boys.. Sorry" i smiled again and turned away but it was no use and Harry pulled me down onto his lap. "It's our fault... we will tell him that... Customers always right... Right?" He smiled up at me since I was on his lap and a little elevated. Right then I just wanted to grab his face and kiss him but instead I stutterd and bit my lip instead. God I was such an idiot sometimes! So I sat there on Harrys lap talking to the other boys till their orders came and they ate. About 45 minutes later they finished and I brought them thier bill with a very much promised phone number on it. I slipped it into Harrys pocket and niall ran out of the diner yelling "IT'S ON HARRY" As the rest of the guys laughed and did the same. I watched and i could feel Harry smiling down at me. I looke over and said. "Have a nice night mr.Styles" Smiling and looked up at him. "You too mrs. Styles"He winked and payed me then walked out and back to his car. i sighed happily an got a text later.

Guess who ;) - Harry xx

You... You actually texted me? :D -Madi xx

I told you i would love... I hope to see you again soon. Have a good sleep Mrs. Styles ;D -Harry

Sweet dreams Mr. Styles <3 xx -Madi

This was the best day of my life... Then back to play rehersals in the morning. Please kill. Me. NOW!
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thank you so much for reading this :D It is really only My like 5th fan fic i have shown to the world and I am pretty Harry about it. They make me smile and help me get away from my unfair Life. I've been having some troubles wiht my mom and i just want to yel at her. Well thanks again for reading. Love you!!xx