
Secret Chapter One

“Ms. Kane, would you mind signing this? My girl… She’s a big fan.” A male voice said, breaking into Darcy’s thoughts. She looked up from the television she was looking at, and she smiled at Commissioner Gordon, head of the police force. “How old is your little girl?” Darcy asked, signing the book she had written on the importance of keeping Gotham’s streets safe. “She’s twenty-two, ma’am, but she’s quite the fan of yours. She’s a strict one.” James Gordon said, chuckling. The door of the police station opened, and Darcy looked up as a red-haired girl stomped in, followed by a young man with black hair. “Johnny, what are you doing, harassing my daughter?” Gordon demanded.

Johnny Blake ceased his rant, which had caused him to flail his arms as he rambled on. “Sorry, sir. It’s just… Your daughter used the Batsignal last night. I told her not to…” Johnny said. “What does it matter to you, Blake? You’re not even a damn cop yet. No one gives two rips what you’ve got to say until you’ve got a badge!” Sabrina snapped, whipping around. Her ponytail whipped with her, smacking Darcy in the face accidentally. “Sabrina, apologize to Ms. Kane.” Gordon snapped. Sabrina’s eyes bugged out of her head, and she turned on her heel again, smacking Darcy a second time. “Do you mind, Ms. Gordon?” Darcy laughed. Sabrina gaped at the millionaire heiress, shocked to see her in person.

“I am SO, SO sorry, Ms. Kane. SO sorry. Oh my God. I wish I had known you were there. I am SO sorry. My apologies for Johnny, too, he’s an idiot sometimes.” Sabrina rambled. Darcy just shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, Sabrina. Please, call me Darcy. Hello, Mr. Blake.” Darcy greeted Johnny as well. “What’s this about a Batsignal, Commissioner?” she turned her attention to Commissioner Gordon again, her curiosity piqued. Gordon opened his mouth to speak, but all of a sudden there was a shout from the dispatcher’s desk. “Commissioner, we gotta go. There’s been a shooting at the orphanage just outside of the city.” Lesley, the dispatcher, shouted.

Commissioner Gordon started yelling orders, and he grabbed two bulletproof vests off the wall, tossing them to the two cadets from the academy. “Sir, we aren’t fully qualified” Sabrina started, ever the tone of professionalism. Johnny shoved her shoulder before pulling his vest on, and they both grabbed pistols before turning back to the Commissioner. “Ms. Kane, we’ll need to reschedule.” Gordon told her, leading his daughter out of the door of the station. Darcy ran after them, staring after the group as they piled into squad cars. Johnny jumped into one with an officer, and Sabrina got in with her dad as they peeled off. Darcy let out a sigh of frustration before climbing into her small Volkswagen.

Siren after siren filled the air as the team of squad cars went flying towards the crime scene. Ambulances were close behind, and as Darcy peered out of the windshield, she could see why the fire trucks followed suit. She sped through the streets of Gotham, following close behind. They all reached the orphanage in record time, considering the fact. The entire building was burning, but the yard was filled with children. Darcy climbed out of her car and ran over to a group of the kids that she was extremely familiar with. “Angelica, what happened…?” she said, kneeling down next to the oldest orphan, a 15 year old girl. “They came for Charlotte... She came to see us, and they took her from us!” Charles, a 6 year old boy, wailed.

Gordon ran up to the group of children, and Darcy frowned. “Where are the owners?” she demanded quietly. “Ms. Kane, you should not have come.” He started out by saying. There was suddenly a loud scream, and gun shots rang through the air. A second scream rang out, and Darcy and Sabrina were moving quickly together to shield the children. Darcy risked a peek upwards, and what she saw was absolutely terrible. A man in a purple suit with a gruesome smile, his face covered in makeup, was spraying a machine gun in their direction. “Give my regards to the Bat, Commissioner!” he cackled, hanging on to the rope of a hot air balloon. He climbed up it swiftly, popping off a final shot, which hit… Nothing. A dark figure flew in front of Darcy, blocking her from being hit by an attack that was pointed straight for her. “Get back here, Joker!” the figure shouted, his voice deep and rough. He threw something towards the balloon, and it punctured it, sending it crashing to the ground.

The man named Joker jumped down before the balloon hit, and he rushed towards the dark shadow of a man. Darcy watched as two female figures scrambled out of the crashed balloon, and she recognized Charlotte as she started to run away with a woman dressed in a full-piece red and black jester outfit. “Charlotte!” the kids screamed, and Charlotte turned back on her heel, shaking her head at the kids. Everything started to slow down. Charlotte pulled something out of her jacket, and all of a sudden the world exploded around them. She stared at the building that had caused her so much pain, and she and Harley Quinn started to rush away from the explosion.

Darcy stared after the girl she had known since she was young, since her parents first bought the orphanage, completely in shock at the way she had decided to go. Joker ran off after the two girls, and they climbed into a car and sped off. Joker was cackling, and Charlotte’s lip curled up as she watched the chaos surrounding her. She finally understood what the appeal was. The madness, the complete devastation… It was the perfect vengeance. The police force was scrambling to recover the bodies while the fire fighters attempted to extinguish the fire, and the surrounding people were attempting to organize the children and count the injured.

Charlotte joined in the laughter, and it carried through the air as Harley pulled her close. Darcy turned her attention to Charles, and as she picked him up, he was taken away with ease. She looked up to see the masked man holding Charles, and he placed him into the waiting ambulance before looking back at Darcy. “They’ll be okay.” He assured her roughly. She stared up into his dark eyes, tilting her head to the side as she felt a sense of familiarity. “Who are you…?” she asked. “Batman, we’ve got a trace on the Joker.” Commissioner Gordon shouted, running over to the pair. Sabrina grabbed onto Darcy’s shoulder, pulling her down as the world began to vibrate. Batman jumped forward, pushing his hand against the back of the van that held the non-wounded children. It went sliding forward, and the explosion that rang out made everyone’s ears ring. Shrapnel went flying around, hitting several officers. Darcy herself had something lodge into her ribs, and the last thing she saw before the darkness was nothing but a mask.