
Secret Chapter Three

“Don’t make a sound.” Batman whispered; his hand placed tight around Joker’s goon’s mouth. He moved his free hand, pinching a nerve on the man’s neck. The crone fell to the ground in a heap, leaving Batman to move forward and grab the two men in front of him. He smashed their heads together, leaving them to slump forward into unconsciousness. Batman had tracked the getaway car to find Joker, and he finally made his way forward to the room that the Joker, Harley and Harlot waited in with Commissioner Gordon. All of a sudden, smoke filled the air. There was a loud scream, and Harley started tearing up as a sharp pain shot through her leg. “Who the hell IS THAT?!” she screamed.

Batman’s eyes narrowed and he scanned the smoke to try and navigate his way to whoever was in the room. An arrow whizzed past his ear, and he followed its’ path as it hit Joker in the arm. “Stop FUCKING shooting at me!” Joker screamed violently. “What are you DOING, Bats? Are you TRYING to kill me?” he followed up, breaking the arrow in his arm. The smoke finally dissipated, revealing Batman standing inches from the Joker. The person shooting the arrows was nowhere in sight, and the three villains looked extremely confused. “Where the hell are those arrows COMING FROM?” Harley screamed, spinning around to try and find the person. A chuckle came from the rafters, and the small group all turned their attention to the person crouching on a ledge high up.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Got a sidekick now, do you, Bats?” Joker said, rolling his eyes. Batman narrowed his gaze at the glimmering silver figure, who gracefully jumped from where she sat and landed on her feet, bow and arrow poised at the ready. “Who are you?” Batman asked hoarsely. “I’m the Silver Arrow. I’m here to save your ass.” The shadow of a figure said. She walked forward, and Batman watched as she put her bow onto her back and walked towards Harley. “Don’t you dare touch her.” Joker warned. Batman timed his movements, and just as Joker leapt towards the Silver Arrow, Batman made his move and grabbed the Joker.

All-out chaos soon followed. Batman was grappling with Joker, pinning him to the ground, while Harley and Harlot fought against the Silver Arrow. Harlot threw a punch, knocking it into the side of Silver Arrow’s head, but Silver Arrow grabbed Harlot’s fist and pinned her arm behind her back. Harley slung her arm around Silver Arrow’s neck and choked her. Batman saw the struggle between the girls, and he moved over to the small group, sending Joker’s body knocking into Harley as they all fought. Fists were flying, and in the commotion, Batman managed to get a pair of handcuffs onto Joker’s wrists. Silver Arrow took quick notice of this, and she grabbed a pair of cuffs from Commissioner Gordon’s jacket, quickly cuffing Harley.

All that was left was Harlot, and she grabbed onto Silver Arrow’s hand as she attempted to cuff her. Harlot managed to wrestle the cuffs from Silver Arrow, sending them flying across the floor of the abandoned church. Harlot threw Silver Arrow down on the ground, pinning her down. Silver Arrow reached around quickly, grabbing an arrow and jamming it into Harlot’s arm. Harlot screamed and rolled away, right into Batman.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s Charlotte Wayne?” Darcy asked as Commissioner Gordon led the Joker, Harley, and Harlot into the asylum in handcuffs. They were strangely different in their hospital-styled scrubs, dressed in grey as opposed to their usual colorful garments. Harley and Harlot had both had their makeup scrubbed off by other nurses upon being brought into the asylum, and Harleen Quinzel and Charlotte Wayne were now the people who stood before the Commissioner and Darcy. They had been afraid to remove the Joker’s makeup, scared to reveal whatever was underneath it.

Darcy watched as the small group passed her, and Harleen, Charlotte, and the Joker were separately locked up. Darcy was a psychologist at the asylum, and she walked down the corridors to decide which of the three she would sit down with first. “I think that I should get a sit-down with Charlotte. But first, do me a favor and call up Bruce Wayne.” She said. Jim Gordon walked off and used his cell phone to call Bruce. It didn’t take long for Bruce to get from Wayne Manor to the asylum, considering that he had sped all the way in his Mercedes. When he walked into the hall and ran into Darcy, she nodded briskly before opening the door. Bruce walked in after Darcy, and they both sat down across from Charlotte.

It was a good thing that Charlotte was still handcuffed, because she leapt at Bruce. “What the hell?!” he shouted. Charlotte stopped struggling against the shackles holding her to the wall, frowning as she screamed. “I hate you! I hate you, you bastard!” she yelled. “I don’t even know this woman, Darce, why am I here?” Bruce said. “FUCK you, you don’t know me! I’m your SISTER, YOU BASTARD!” Charlotte spat. Bruce’s body went limp, and he stared at Darcy, his mouth slightly agape. “Charlotte?” he asked, turning back to Charlotte. “You didn’t know she was alive?” Darcy said softly. Bruce shook his head, in shock. “I thought you died the night that Mom and Dad were murdered… I knew they came and took you… But I didn’t know that they let you live…” Bruce exclaimed.

Charlotte was shaking in fury, and Bruce leaned forward, staring into her dark, haunted eyes. “I did not leave you alone. I did not know that you were alive. I kept looking for you. I promise you.” He said, reaching his hand to stroke the hair out of his younger sister’s face. She turned her head, leaning her cheek into his hand… But then she sunk her teeth into his hand. “Fuck you, liar.” She growled. Bruce shot to his feet, cradling his hand to his torso. Darcy led him out of the room, and together they walked back to Darcy’s office. Darcy closed the door behind her, and when she turned, Bruce grabbed onto her shoulders.

“She is my sister.” Bruce said quietly, his eyes locked on Darcy’s. She grabbed his hand, examining the bite on his hand. Biting down on her lip, she brought his palm to her face and kissed lightly on the wound. Bruce inhaled deeply, his chest rising and falling as he backed her into the door. Darcy let out a small whimper, and Bruce connected his lips to hers. She moaned into his lips, kissing back roughly and wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. The door opened suddenly, causing Darcy to almost fall backwards. Bruce and Darcy separated their lips, and Jim stared at the two of them. “Am I interrupting…?” The commissioner asked, causing the pair to blush.