The Bully's Sister

No Hogwarts

Narcissa and Lucius transported their unconscious daughter to St Mungo's. When they got there Narcissa pushed every one out of the way to get to the reception desk. She was petrified that her only daughter would die. The old receptionist said in a monotone voice " now madam you will have to queue with everyone else"

"i don't need to my 11 year old daughter has touched anjo fuego" the receptionist face went white as a sheet.

"right , very well" then she pressed a button and the small reception was filled with frantic healers. They took jane upstairs and began to treat her. Outside the operating room Narcissa was shaking uncontrollably and crying , Lucius just stood there looking ashamed of himself.

"oh god" narcissa said

"what?"lucius answered

"Draco is coming home tomorrow"

"i'll go pick him up , you stay here with Jane" he said quietly and that was the rest of their conversation for the next few hours. At midnight a healer came out to them .She had mousy brown hair and round glasses

"how is she?"narcissa asked eagerly

"alive,she is very weak and will have to remain here for quite some time, anjo fuego usually kills in a matter of seconds , your daughter is very strong and probably one of the only survivors"

"has she got any physical injuries?"

"her hand is burnt but that will soon fade"she paused unsure of whether to continue "anjo fuego poisons not just your outsides but your insides, her bones are very weak "

"well use skele-gro" Lucius said impatiently

"it's not that simple Mr Malfoy, firstly skele-gro is used to make bones grow back, Jane's bones are there they are just very weak and secondly we cannot give her any medicine as anjo fuego poisons the body , her body will just reject the medicine"

"how long will she need to stay here?" Narcissa asked , not wanting to here the answer.

"well to allow her bones and immune system to strengthen about 2 months , there's something else Mrs Malfoy, we're not sure how Jane's magic has been affected , we will not know until she wakes up, anjo fuego usually wipes all magic from a person's body , but as she is strong she may be ok, but if not that is what may take months , even years to rebuild,i'm sorry"

A tear rolled down Narcissa's cheek.

"can i see her?"

"of course,she is sleeping though" the healer said smiling and lead Narcissa into the room.

Later that morning Narcissa woke up from sleeping on a hospital chair and looked at Lucius

"she may never do magic again or be a parselmouth and it's all your fault"

"i know and i'm sorry, do you think I want a squib as a daughter ?"

"don't you dare call her that and she will not be , she is stronger and braver than the rest of us, now go and pick up Draco i can't bear to look at you" Narcissa spat and turned back to Jane. Lucius got up and left the mother and daughter alone.

It was 8 am and Narcissa felt a squeeze on her hand she looked down. Jane was waking up. Her eyes peeled open and looked at her distraught mother.

"where am I?" she asked

"st mungo's"

" what happened?" , narcissa then explained what had happened and what the healer had said to her.

Platform 9 3/4

Lucius found his son saying good bye to his friends , he tapped him on the shoulder and Draco turned around "oh dad hi , where's Jane?" Draco said , at the mention of Jane Blaise turned from his mother and listened to their conversation.

"there was an accident"

"what kind of accident?" Draco asked slowly

"well she's at St Mungo's at the moment a" but he was soon interrupted

"WHAT,WHAT happened?"Draco shouted

"calm down Draco you are making a scene, now lets go" he said dragging with him out of the station. They soon reached St Mungo's and Draco ran to his mother who was waiting outside Jane's room

"what happened ?" he whimpered and hugged his mother . Narcissa told him what had happened and Draco stood there shocked.

"can i go and see her?"

"of course" Draco entered Jane's room and his heart fell to his stomach. His baby sister looked frail and as if she would break in two any minute now. He felt bad ,so bad that he wasn't there for her. He walked slowly to her bed.



"how do you feel?"

"better now you're here,i've missed you loads"

"i've missed you too and so has Blaise" at this Jane's cheek flushed a light pink.

"really, neither of you wrote to me that much" she said disappointingly , Draco suddenly felt so guilty he had been having at Hogwarts and had left Jane at home alone.

"i know and i'm really sorry,so much has happened at Hogwarts" , he then told her all about the Philospher's stone and how much he hated Harry potter

"Draco hates not a nice word"she said to him


"it's ok , so what did mum tell you about this" she gestured to her burnt hand, Draco told her

"that's not all of it"

"why, what did happen then?" Jane told draco the full story everything from Azkaban to when her father gripped her throat.

"dad would never do that to you , i know he hit you but no he'd never" he said trying to convince himself that his father was a good man. Jane lifted up her neck to reveal hand marks on her skinny neck. Draco gulped and then tears began to fall his white face.

"i'm so so so so sorry, i should never have gone,it's all my fault" he said and gripped her hand and put his head on the bed . Jane leaned forward though it put her in even more pain than before and kissed her brother's head, she whispered into his ear "hey it wasn't your fault". Then the door opened and their parents came in and for the first time in her life Jane saw Draco glare at their father.

The malfoy family except Lucius spent the remainder of the summer in the hospital, even though Jane constantly told them to go home. One day while Draco and Narcissa where in the visitor's tea room . The person Jane most wanted to see had come to visit her.

When blaise first entered the room, he felt over whelmed with sadness, Jane, his Jane was so ill and he felt helpless. He thought that this must be worse than the dementor's kiss. He finally managed to sit down without crying. Jane's face lit up when she saw who her visitor was .

"hi" she said

"hey , i bought you these i know they're you're favourite" he said as he handed her a few boxes of Bertie Bott's Every Favour Beans.

" thank you" she smiled, she was so happy that Blaise was here. They spent the rest of the afternoon trying all the different flavours and laughing and talking just like they used to.

Blaise had to go , he hugged careful not to break her bones and kissed her forehead and said "get well soon" and with that he was gone. Leaving Jane to think about why he had kissed her . she knew that it was just a brotherly sisterly kiss , but it felt so much more to her.

It was soon approaching the end of August and Jane woke up one morning to find a letter on her bedside table. Her stomach dropped, she what that letter was and if it had been different circumstances she would have been over joyed to rip it open but today was different.

She slowly opened her Hogwarts letter and tears began to fill her eyes , for she knew that her magic was not strong enough for her to be able to go . She spent her whole morning weeping until her brother and mother came to visit her. The minute they saw the parchment they knew why Jane was so pained and called the healer immediately to ask for her advice.

The healer then asked Jane to try and make a plant's leaf move. They watched in anticipation as Jane tried her hardest but the petal merely lifted up . Jane began to cry again ,

"now, now Jane , just because your magic isn't at it's strongest it will be one day we just need to practice every day" the healer said encouragingly

"will i be ready for September 1st ?"

"no , i'm sorry" she said leaving a disappointed Jane to question her mother about her fate.

"i'm sorry darling but it looks like you won't be going to Hogwarts this year, i'll write to Dumbledore now and explain to him" she kissed her daughter on the head and left the room. Jane curled into the bed and held on to Draco's hand as she tried to accept that she would not be going to Hogwarts this year.