The Bully's Sister

It's back

Christmas at the manor was slow and dull. Lucius was hardly there which made the remaining family members time a little bit more enjoyable. Jane had recieved mountains of presents as had Draco. Her favourite was a first edition of her favourite book 'the tales of beedle the bard' from Blaise. She had hugged him for about five minutes before reluctantly letting go.

The awful feeling in her stomach had returned when it came for her brother and Blaise to depart to Hogwarts. She had said goodbyes to them a number of times but it still didn't get better , she just pined for their company even more.

The dark house was lonely and cold . Jane had almost read every book in the libary and was bored with theroy , she wanted to practice magic, cast spells, play quidditch again. She was fed up of being stuck inside , so she made her way out into the garden during an early spring morning.

She went over to the flower beds , that had early flowers shooting out of the soil.She was determinded to make the flower grow. She closed her eyes and imagined the flower growing. She waited a few seconds , breathing nervously and then slowly she opened her aquamarine eyes to face a flower almost as tall as her. She shrieked in excitement and jumped around. She suddenly felt a tingling in her bones , she felt as if she was lighter again and flying. She then soon noticed that every single flower was towering over . She laughed and laughed for the first time in ages , she lay down on the ground , staring at what she had done. She was happy for the first time in what felt like forever. She sprinted back to the house and shouted "MOTHER,MOTHER , COME AND SEE WHAT I'VE DONE" ,Narcissa came running down the stairs

"Jane stop shouting , why were you running? it's not good for you , come and sit down"

"no mother come into the garden , i want to show you something", She grabbed her mother's hand and dragged her into the garden.Narcissa just stared at the jungle of flowers

"my magic it's back , it's back " she shouted to the skies. Narcissa joined in celebrating with her daughter , they held hands and spun around . Laughing and smiling.

Narcissa thought it would be best to take Jane to st mungo's just to make sure everything was ok. Jane had already managed to annoy her mother ,as she used her undiscovered magic at any point possible . Currently she was moving the st mungo's receptionist's pen around her head , so she could not see it , Jane giggled while Narcissa smiled at her daughter's happiness , she could not find the heart to tell off.

10 mintues later a healer meet with them and did some tests on Jane . They then sat down in his office

"Well miss Malfoy this is very good news, your magic is back and stronger than ever and more powerful than anybody else your age" Jane's face spread into a wide grin

"So i can go to Hogwarts then?"

"Yes you certinaly can" . The two malfoy women left the hospital relieved . Narcissa hugged her daughter and kissed her head proud of her daughter.

Jane could barley contain her excitement as she rushed through the crowds at King's Cross Station. She was desperate to tell Blaise and Draco. Narcissa and Jane had agreed to keep it a secret so that she could surprise the people meant the most to her. Jane ran through the barrier, almost running into several people. She then saw who she seeked and ran up to him and jumped up and wrapped her arms around his dark neck. Blaise smiled down at her and kissed her nose.

"Hello"he chuckled "i see someone's feeling better"

"i'm feeling amazing"she giggled and then released herself from Blaise, but still held onto his strong hand.

"Jane is that you ? I recognised the scream and thought who else could it be" Jane turned her head to see her big brother smirking down at her . She ran to him and he spun her around , he then hugged her tight and said "I'm glad you're feeling better"

"i'm glad you're coming home" and with that the four of them walked away from the station.

Blaise was going to come home with them as his mother was planning her fourth wedding in Paris. Once the boys had put their stuff in their rooms Jane instructed them to go outside and sit by the lake.

"Jane what's going on?" Draco asked

"shut up and watch" she snapped back at him. She then concentrated her attention on the water in the lake , it then began to rise up , swirling and circling in the air, Draco and Blaise watched in awe at the splendid water before it came and fell onto top of them. Jane was laughing hysterically on the floor at the sight of the two boys drenched

"Oh you think this is funny do you?" Draco asked, Jane nodded

"well i think we are going to have to change that Blaise don't you" Draco suggested to Blaise

"absolutely"Blaise agreed and within seconds they had picked Jane up

"NO,NO please don't " she half laughed half cried as they ran to the water, but it was too late as they threw her into the water. They spent the whole day playing and splashing in the sun.

The two boys were so happy that Jane's magic had returned and offered their congratulations over dinner with a huge chocolate cake that said ' congrats Jane'. They were equally pleased that she would be returning to Hogwarts, but for different reasons; Draco was glad that he could show off his sister and could protect her. Blaise was glad as he could spend more time with his Jane and maybe tell her of his feelings towards her.