Status: Updating as much as possible

I'm Sorry I Handled It That Way

Chapter 4

I stared into the mirror checking myself out. Shit I was hot, I definitely wasn’t hooking up tonight but if the ladies were drawn I would happily lead them on, I planned to get wasted, as this weekend I hat to attend my auntie Kate’s wedding, She always pissed me off she found some guy to marry and before long they’d be divorced. To be honest I’ve never met him, he’s some huge business man and they’ve gotten married now because they’re apart a lot. Fucking stupid. I heard he had a kid too, my age-ish.
A car horn screamed from the outside I knew it was for me so I ran down the stairs kissing my mother’s check and waving my father goodbye, I jumped into the full car and headed to the party I knew it had only just stared because they’re wasn’t college boys there yet you always knew that’s when the party had started but the house was practically shaking form the music and there was beer bottles spreaded on the lawn so I guess it could be some fun as me and the guys walked in I noticed someone who wasn’t a usual suspect, he caught my gaze and hid behind Rachel. I knew Rachel’s sister was dating the party’s host. Probably how they got invited I chuckled but my heart made Skippy patterns each time he looked over, I really liked him, I knew quite a bit about him to be honest not that I was a stalker or anything but I’d heard things and I liked those things.
Time dragged on and my body began to sag and my brain began to malfunction I fell to the ground and ignored the people around me, before long I was being carried, I wasn’t a wear of my surroundings everything was a blur, the music the people the noises I was aware I was being carried up the stairs and then thrown onto a bed I realised he began to leave
‘’stop’’ I murmured
‘’why’’ he replied
‘’because you helped me and just give me two minutes to sober up so I can realise who you are, and don’t tell me ruins the surprise. I stated
I guess he gave in because I didn’t hear anything, when I finally got my senses my draw dropped at who it was
‘’fuck. A fag touched me’’ I snorted feeling ashamed
He said nothing but I saw his presence leaving I guess I should of stopped him but my brain was going wrong in so many way, I passed out on the strangers bed
I awoke by the sound of my ringtone, there was no noise coming from downstairs so it must have been early morning
‘’hello’’ I wispeared
‘’WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ALLY CHRISTOPHER JENKINS’’ my mum screamed down the phone
‘’oh shit sorry mum I drank to much and I passed out, do you think you or dad could pi-‘’ I was cut off
‘’text me the address your fathers sleeping be there soon’’ she said whilse hanging up
Shit I had no idea so I walked to the nearest public place and texted her that, my head began banging at my skull and I began sulking I knew I wouldn’t sleep when I got home so I guess I would just get ready intill I hat to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was needed for the next chapter :) Hoping you guys are plotting it together :) if not your all stupid :D kidding I love you....

Give me feedback or I'll think I'm too shit people will feel sorry and don't want to tell me how bad it it :D I loooveeeee all my readers