Status: Updating as much as possible

I'm Sorry I Handled It That Way

Chapters 5

Wake up please my dad whispered through the door

Today was his wedding and I still hadn’t met the bitch.

Never met her I know but he is just replacing my mum and

It hurt so bad I still cry at night.

I looked over to my tux, shaking my head in disgust It was horrible

I protested to wear skinny jeans and a dress shirt but nooooo it was to

Casual I was dreading this day and I knew I could never enjoy myself

And there was only going to be one other kid there around my age that was

Probably some lamo who doesn’t like comics.

~~~~ Time Lapse ~~~~ Time Lapse ~~~~ Time Lapse~~~~

You may now kiss the bride.

It was really happening. Now it had happened there was no turning back now

Well there was always divorce. Enough positive thinking.

There was only me my grandparents her parents and her best friend here and everyone else was invited to the meal and party only because this room was tiny and apparently the ‘least’ important part. This is stupid because it is the most important part of a wedding. We walked away and the photographer snapped some pictures we hoped into the limo and rode to the hotel, It was beautiful and huge. It had at least 25 floors with average sized windows but just from here I could see the silk curtains from the room and theoutside was pure white with carving up the side of lion heads the inside had a chandelier dangling from the centre and it sparkled from the sun that beamed in It was rated like 5 stars and cost £60,000 to rent. stupid right?

Walking in everyone was already there throwing confetti but my eye’s locked to the guy staring at me I walked to sit at my table

Ally kept looking at me and I began to grow impatient I texted some friends chatted to some distant family they all said the same thing..

‘’well haven’t you grown’’

‘’How do you feel about your father getting married’’

‘’she’s quite pretty isn’t she’’

I sighed at all the questions they were all stupid and they all got repeated

Our food was brought to us and everyone sat down my dad shoot me a reassuring smile which wasn’t quite reassuring, he was a strange man.

He had brown hair that swept to the side he grew stubble and it was quite irritating really because I could always hear him scratching, he had plain boring green eyes and I’ve always been grateful for my mothers eyes. Piercing blue with a hint of grey.

I looked behind me and I started staring at him. I’ll admit he was gorgeous definitely my type but his personality was horrendous and he was a fucking dick. He looked up and caught my gaze he couldn’t help but stare and I felt myself beginning to tremble I excused my self through the crowd and sped walk to the toilet I could hear someone behind me but I was too scared to turn around so I walked faster and locked myself in the cubicle. Feet were presented from the bottom of my cubicle after a few minutes they began to disappear so I removed myself and walked out to look in the mirror just then I was being grabbed I flinched ready to be hit. I opened my eyes to some sparkly green ones I began to back away but was stopped when I hit the wall

Just let me talk please he whimpered

I sighed and stared at him

He began to talk.

‘I- I- I’m gay’ he wispeared

my mouth began to open ready to say something but closed again before I could say anything.

‘and I think I’m In love with you’ he whispered

I could feel the anger in my blood beginning to boil and tears rimming my eyes

‘How dare you come to my fathers wedding and tell me that you are gay and in love with me but have been harassing me about me being gay since I came out which has been since I started school two years ago I hate myself because of the words you filled in my ears and then you pull this sick joke.

And now I just hate you.

I pushed him back and ran away, right out of the hotel and right out of the gardens and into the streets I looked everywhere and decided to run to the park. I knew little kids would be there and that always made me smile they didn’t have to worry about what classes to take or what to wear or if they like boys or girls no they just got to have fun all day I didn’t know how

Long I had disappeared for and I knew my father wouldn’t notice there was almost 900 people at his wedding and I am sure they would of wanted to chat I saw someone beginning to walk this way I didn’t look around intill

He was fully presented sat on the bench I looked around and stared letting my jaw drop open he began to laugh at my reaction and I started stuttering trying to get words out but I couldn’t he was fucking gorgeous.. Hair was perfectly golden which fell down his forehead and swept across, he has brown eyes that you could really get lost in his lips where a light shade of pink that were begging to be kissed.

‘’I’m max’’ he said braking me from my thoughts

‘’ h-h-I i-m well I-m drew-w

I finally got out I blushed at my embarrassment and began to stare at the floor

‘’Well its nice to meet you’’

‘’err you too’’

we sat in silence for a while before he started our next conversation

‘’so what are you doing here?’’

‘’I really needed to get away from the big hall full of people. well one person in particular to be honest’’ I replied

‘’Why did you want to get away’’ he asked actually sounding curious

‘’just some guy trying to make me hate him even more then I already do by telling me he loves me’’ I replied I don’t know why but I began trusting him

‘’Ah and your not gay’’ he said sounding a little disappointed

‘’yeah I am and that’s why he said it he’s been teasing me and beating me up with his friends ever scince I came out’’

He nooded not really sure what to say next

‘’what about you’’ I asked not really caring but I wanted to talk

‘’I get off looking at kids’’ he gave me a sarcastic smile

I knew he was kidding which sent me off the top with laughter I am not sure why it was so funny buy it was and I couuldn’t stop laughing people began to stare at me and I fell off the bench getting my suit dirty.

I didn’t go back instead I stayed and chatted to max the whole day!

‘I’m gay’

His mouth began to open ready to say something but closed again before he could say anything.

‘and I think I’m In love with you’

He began to shake and his eyes started filling up.

Pain shot through my face and my first instincts were to caress my own cheek

‘How dare you come to my fathers wedding and tell me that you are gay and in love with me but have been harassing me about me being gay since I came out which has been since I started school two years ago I hate myself because of the words you filled in my ears and then you pull this sick joke.

I hate you.

He started walking out

I sat against the wall with my knees to my face rocking back and forth in till someone came in he was a stranger to me so just ignored my emotions once I heard him peeing I left the room he was nowhere to be seen I started walking out of the room suddenly I felt someone grab me

‘’and where do you think your going mister’’ my mother asked staring at me

‘’I was going out for fresh air’’ I replied trying to sound innocent

‘’ I don’t think so Kate and her new husband are about to give their speeches’’

I sighed and followed my mum to her table..

‘’since meeting Kate my life has had meaning again, I love her so much and can’t wait to be a family with her and drew.

everyone looked around but realised he wasn’t here

has anyone seen drew he began questioning everyone shrugged It off and began listening to Katie but his dad stood there with a puzzled look on his face but just carried on to listen to Kate

I zoned out and started thinking about drew

Where was he ?

Why did he leave?

Did he really think I was joking?

Who was he with?

Did he have a boyfriend?

How was I going to get close to him?
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I know.....

From the beginning I said to myself there was not going to be double POV's but it seemed so short so with great consideration I caved. my little time lapse was amazing If you don't like the new character eat my shit because weather you do or don't I am keeping him. Don't judge soooo quickly :)

I love my commenters :D