Your Own Disaster

Chapter 001

I never was one for human compassion. I don't like company, I prefer to look out for myself, and only myself, and people who get all touchy feely and in my face affectionate really piss me off. I've had one boyfriend in all twenty seven years of my existence (okay fine I'm thirty, but that stays between us), and that relationship was a...well Category 5 hurricane just doesn't do the carnage any justice. Maybe I'll tell you about it later...

So, just in case you're taking an interest in me, my name's Katherine Elizabeth Grisham. Don't call me Kathy, Kath, Kay, Erin, just Katherine. Nicknames are for kindergarten girls who can't pronounce or spell their full name yet. I live in a surprisingly nice little neighborhood in Queens, New York. I moved here five years ago after my breakup with my boyfriend left me unable to stomach another day in Newark. I like my apartment because it's small, but there's room to breathe; three bedrooms, small of course, a kitchen, a living room, and a nook in the living room big enough for a table and a few chairs. Two bathrooms too, which there's really no point to. Honestly I could deal with a smaller apartment, it's not like I need two extra bedrooms, or even one for that matter, I'm just used to having lots of space. Rent isnt a problem for me either. The funny thing is, is that while I grew up in Newark, I come from money parents...and I mean money parents. My dad made (literally) millions in the stock market and real estate, and when he died he left it all to my sister and I. I got a good 4.7 million. The best part is that I just love making myself feel good by living the life of some average Joanne in Queens in a decent apartment for $900 something a month, when I could be living somewhere in Mexico in a huge mansion and still never have to work a day in my life. I live my life, simple and quiet. Simple, quiet, and alone. And I like it that way. I learned the hard way how much better off I was alone. I won't make that same mistake twice...

I'm sure you're wondering a little bit about this mystery disaster relationship that I seem so god damn proud of. Well, I guess I'll tell you, seeing as I have nothing better to do. Let me start by saying that I really do like music. It's what I do with my spare time. Listening to it, playing it on a guitar, patting it out on my kitchen counter, I like music. But if there's one band that I could never quite train my ears to bear, it was My Chemical Romance. I just couldn't listen to their music. The lyrics downright scared me, they always seemed so desperate to be mainstream, and it didn't matter how much I loved the lead singer, I just wouldn't let him test new songs on me. Yeah, Gerard Arthur Way was, and remains to this day my first boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, I hated that music, but I loved that man. He was always so sweet to me, so kind and gentle, and always knew exactly what I was thinking about somehow...even when he had those drugs and booze problems, I was right there helping him out, and we seemed that much closer for having it happen. But then, in fall/winter of 2005 they went on a tour for Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. I got to go with them, and we took my best friend in the world, Sara. Of course, two weeks into the tour I get into the bus and find Gerard and Sara fucking in his bunk. I was heartbroken, I really was, and it didn't help when three days later he told me he was breaking up with me so he could keep fucking Sara with a clean conscience.

Needless to say I was on the next plane back to Newark. Two years later news got to me one way or another that Jamia's wedding to Frank, and Alicia's wedding to Mikey went without a hitch. But what I also found out was that Gerard and Sara had gotten married too. Sara wanted kids. Apparently she got into Jamia and Alicia's heads, and they convinced Frank and Mikey they wanted kids, they wanted families. Needless to say this completely annihilated My Chemical Romance. God damn family just slammed MCR to the ground and crushed it against the pavement under a steel-toed snakeskin cowboy boot. With big sharp metal spurs...yeah...big sharp ones. I never heard from any of them again. Not Frank, not Mikey, not Ray, not Bob, not Gerard, not Jamia, not Alicia, not even my ex best friend Sara.
Nope, never heard from them again.
And I fucking liked it that way.