Love Story

Chapter 8

again this won't make sense and Later on I'll redo this whole story... But enjoy for now before I go to school...

Razzabel - is known as Angel because she street fights.


Ake and Razz were in the living room watching, How to lose a guy in 10 days.

"BRAIN FREEZE!" Ake whined and started to bounce up and down in her seat.

Razz laughed at him and took the ice cream and spoon from him and took a bite for herself.

"I hate you" He whined holding his head in his hands rocking back and forth.

"You know......That's not going to help your brain freeze.. Ak."

"Shut up" He said taking the spoon from her and getting up and throwing it out the door.

"HEY! I WAS USING THAT!" She yelled

"To bad, you can go get it!" Ake said to her smiling taking the carton of ice cream from her.

Razz P.O.V.

I threw a pillow at him and got up off the couch and walked into the hallway. I looked for the spoon but couldn't find it. How can I loose a effing spoon in a open hallway.

"Are you looking for this?" Asked a deep voice.

I looked up to see and was shocked to see Blaze . And he was holding my spoon smirking at me.

"um... Yea"

Third P.O.V.

Blaze was laughing and said " Nice shorts.. wait you don't live here?!"

Razz looked down and realized that she was wearing Ake's teenage mutant ninja turtle shorts and a black tank top. She blushed and "Er... Thanks, can I have my spoon back?" while she looked down at her blue socks.

"How did it get in the hall any way?" he asked raising an eyebrow

"Um my friend threw it out here when I laughed at him for getting a brain freeze. " Razz said

She heard him chuckle and he shook his head.

"I don't think you deserve it" he said and with that he walked down the hall.

" can I have my effing spoon." Razz said in pissed off tone.

He turned around and said " I'll give it to ya, if you give me a kiss."

Razz P.O.V.

I looked at him in a piss off mood. I walked towards him and said " Just give me the fucking spoon back, or you'll get hurt."

He laughed and said " bring in on.... you already hot me last time, so do it again I dare you."

I was just about to punch him like I like I did the last time but my phone rang.

It girl - Jason Chen

I took out my phone from my shorts and answer it.

" you better have a good reason. Hoe."

I heard sobbing on the other end.

" Woo oh, calm down and tell me what happen."

Blaze's P.O.V.

I had just came back from Jay's house when a spoon hit me. I picked it up and saw that she was looking for it.

"Are you looking for this?" I asked in a deep voice.

She looked up and was shocked to see me. I smirked at her while holding the spoon.

"um... Yea"

I looked at her and was shocked to see Razz in a teenage mutant ninja turtle short. I started laughing. After laughing I said "Nice shorts.. wait you don't live here?!"

She blushed and "Er... Thanks, can I have my spoon back?" while she looked down at her blue socks.

"How did it get in the hall any way?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Um my friend threw it out here when I laughed at him for getting a brain freeze. " Razz said

I chuckle and the shook my head.

"I don't think you deserve it" I said and with down to my apartment.

" can I have my effing spoon." She said in pissed off tone.

I turned around and said " I'll give it to ya, if you give me a kiss."

She walked towards me all pissed off and then said " Just give me the fucking spoon back, or you'll get hurt."

I laughed and said " bring in on.... you already hot me last time, so I dare you to hit me again."

She was just about to punch me like she did the last time but her phone rang.

It Girl - Jason Chen

Razz took out her phone from her shorts and answer it.

" you better have a good reason. Hoe." while balancing her phone and getting ready to punch me.

She stopped mid way and said "Woooh, calm down and tell me what happen."
I just stood there looking like an idiot.

Blaze P.O.V.

Once she hung up, she said "" Argh!" and then started to walk away. I cought up with her and said " Here's your stupid spoon."

She face me and said " Its just just a stupid-

" Razz, what took you - Blaze?!"

I gave the guy a confused looked.

When I looked at him more into the eyes, I was shocked that it was Ake.

"Ake?... uh... what uh.... I schatched the back of my neck to sceach for words to say to him after he left me in highschool and didnt say good bye.

Flash back...

It was freshman year, Blaze and Ake were trying out for the foot ball team. When try outs were over, they promised that no matter what happens and that if one of them makes the team, the other one will be there for moral suport. Two weeks later they didn't spoke to each other becaue Ake was a jock and Blaze was nerd. When summer started they became friends again. When it was the last day of summer, Ake and Blaze were playing poker like they always do at Blake's house in his back yard. Ake won the game and said " you do know that when school starts again we cabn't be friends again right."

Blaze was pissed off and said " Why just because your a jock and I'm a nerd... well fine! Lets not talk to each other again ever again."

End of flash back....

Third P.O.V.

It was silence that you hear a pin drop on the floor. Razz cough and said " what's wrong?"

Both of them looked at her. Blaze took her hand and put thr spoon in her hands.

"Here, And I'm sorry."

He turned around and walked away.

Ake stood there like an idoit. Once Blaze left, Razz poked Ake.

Ake snapped out of his toughts and said " uh... you know Blaze ?"

" yeah he's my sister's boyfriend's brother.... He's wasn't the guy who advoided you."

"psshh no?"

"Ake.. you have to tell him you not that guy any more."

Ake' P.O.V.

After I threw the spoon, she went out in the hall way. When she went out into the hall way, I put the ice cream back and used the bathroom. When I was done doinn my bussniess. I went into the living room and notice that she wasn't back yet. I mean how long does it to take to pick up a spoon. When I went out into the hallway, I saw her talking to some guy. I then went back to my apartment and was about to shut the door when I heard the guy say " Here's your stupid spoon."

I heard Razz said "its just a - that is when I step in an said " Razz what took you - Blaze?!"

The guy looked at me and with a confused look. And then said " Ake?.. uh..what - he scratched his head all nervous. I wonder why would he be.... Then I remember what he said to me.


It was the last day of summer and I always play poker with Blaze at house in his back yard. When I had won the game, I said "you know when school starts we can't be friends right."

He was mad and said " Why just because your a jock and I'm a nerd... well fine! Lets not talk to each other again ever again."

End of Flash back

I was lost in my thoughst until Razz poked me.

I asked him how she knew him.

"he's my sister's boyfriend's brother.... He's wasn't the guy who advoided you."

"psshh no?" I said a sI sat on the couch.

"Ake.. you have to tell him you not that guy any more." while going to the room.

Once she was in the room, I sat there thinking maybe he still thinks that I'm the jerk in highschool.

Third P.O.V.

When Blaze went into his apartment, He need a friend so he called Jay.

On the second ring he picked up.

" what up."

Blaze sigh and on the phone and said " If you have a new game on or wii, then I'll tell you."

" your so on."

Razz P.O.V.

After I left Ake's hosue, I went to Nerd Town to meet up with Kiroo.

As I sat there waiting for her, I was just about to call when I heard her voice.

" I trusted him."

" Its okay... how about me and you go have a girls night out."

" okay."

Two hour laters, At the club, me and Kiroo were having a great time dancing when Kiroo said " I'll see you later."

" why?"

She whisped in my ear and pointed to some guy at the exit of the club. I nod my head and said " go get him."

After she left, I waited for a bit and then left. When I had just finished taking a shower, my phone buzzed.

Tell me a lie - One Direction

Third P.O.V. at Jay's house...

"BOO YA... I just beat your but." Blaze said as he took a sip of his coke.

"that's no fair." Jay said.

" uh what whater... anyways... Lets have a re-match."

" your so on."

Just as Jay was about to restart the game, he got a text.

"Blaze you want to see two chick fight."

" sure why not."

" lets go."

Blaze P.O.V.

When Jay stoped the car, we were in front of a huge building that looked totally deserted and it didn't even look like there were people inside it.

" you sure its the right place... I don't want to go to jail. " I asked, taking off my seatbelt.

"Yup... chil you aren't going to jail again."

"Then where is everyone?" I asked.

"It looks like there isn't anyone else here other than us."

" Dude, its a secret."

After going through dark hallways and going down creaky stairs and entering this really big room underground- I saw a lot of people. The place reeked with blood and sweat. In the middle of the room was a cage that was about eight feet tall and I don't even know how wide. It almost looked like the Octagon the UFC fighters duel it out in. There were people surrounding around the cage, cheering and chanting and the place was packed!

"C'mon!" He shouted and pushed me until we reached the front of the cage.

"An-gel An-gel!" I heard people chant.

I saw two girls fighting and one of them looked exactly like Razzabel.

Razzabel? Na it can't be her.

I saw her dodge a punch from the other girl and ran over to the other side of the girl with blond hair.

"Get up, Slash!" I heard a very large man shout next to me shout.

She then kicked Slash in her face, making Slash fall to the ground. I saw her smirk in satisfaction. When her's eyes shifted around the room again and suddenly our eyes met. Her facial expression looked shocked.

Then I saw Slash snarl and then grab something from her pocket which looked like a brass knuckle. My eyes grew wide as I saw her get up and was about to swing her fist.

I was just about to yell out watch out when Jay said "Angel, watch out!" Jay shouted.

I then saw her turn around and the fist that was flying to her was now blocked. She grabbed the girl's head and jabbed her in the stomach twice with her knee and suddenly, her elbow flew into his opponents face, knocking her to the floor.

How did he do that? "An-gel! An-gel! " The crowd cheered.

She looked over to Slash and smirked, and then started walking towards the doorway of the cage. But that's when I realized I was right in front of the exit. A very tall man came up from behind me and unlocked the door and opened it wide.

"Excuse me." He said.

I gladly got out of his way and then Razz walked through the door. She stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

She smirked, " meet me outside." I heard her say and then she continued to exit out of the place.

"Isn't he awesome?And hot" Jay said

" uh yeah." I scoffed.

"C'mon, let's watch the next fight!" Jay said, turning back to cage.

"U-uh, you go ahead, I think I'm going to take a

break and get some fresh air."

"Dude Don't go long!" Jay said.

I nodded and made my way out of that place.

Once I reached out side to the fresh innocent air, oddly, I felt a hand grabed my fore-arm, pulling me to the side.

"He-!" I was cut off by ther persons hands and spun me around; making my back hit the wall.

"you better not tell, you'll be sorry." She said all threating voice.

I laughed and said " Then kiss me and I won't tell."

" why you - Argh!."

" Ha you don't even have the balls to - Her lips crashed on to mine.

Razz P.O.V.

When I had just beta Slash, I was waving to my fans. As I looked around again, I was shocked to see Blaze watching. What the hell I hope he doesn't - Angel watch out i heard some say. I turned around and caught Slashes arm and kneed her in teh stomach. When the fight was over I was exiting teh cage when I saw him step aside. I smirked and said " meet me outside." only for him to hear, and continued to exit out of the place. Once I was outside I saw him standing there talking to Jay. When Jay went inside, I sneaked around and pulled his for arm making him hit his back to the wall.

"you better not tell, you'll be sorry." I said in a threatening voice.

He laughed and said " Then kiss me and I won't tell."

" why you - Argh!."

" Ha you don't even have the balls to - I lips crashed on to mine.