Status: New and Active!

In My World ...

A whole new world, A whole new life

“Welcome to our little team Miss Wilson, I hope you will enjoy your experience with us” Mark Gatiss said cheerily as he shook the young woman's hand, he turned and nodded at a few people as they filed in to the already pretty crowded conference room.
“Everyone, I'd like you to meet Chloe Wilson, our new character consultant for this series of Sherlock.” A few mumbled hello's and nods came from around the room.

A dark haired man stood from his seat beside Mark and took her petite hand in his, giving it a friendly squeeze. “Hello, Steven Moffat. It's lovely to finally meet you, but please take a seat, I'm afraid there is rather a lot that needs to be gone over this morning.” Chloe smiled a little and nodded, sitting in the only empty chair in the room, that seemed to have been left especially for her. On the table, a manilla folder bulging with paperwork stared back at her, 'Miss C Wilson: Sherlock' was scrawled on one edge in black biro. She pursed her lips, opening one edge slightly to peek inside at the stack of paper inside. She closed the folder with a sigh and gave all her attention to the two writers who were briefing the crew on what needed to be done in the coming week prior to filming.

When the rest of the crew hadfiled out of the room leaving Chloe alone, she relaxed back in her chair, nervously nibbling on the tip of a daintily painted nail. 'uh, ok … breathe Chloe, breathe … I know this is a lot to take in … but I can do this … just breathe.' she thought to herself as she started to fidget with the hem of her black dress. A hand on her shoulder broke Chloe out of her reverie, she looked up startled at the owner of the hand, a thin girl with a pretty face and straight black hair stared back at her. “Sorry … I didn't mean to startle you, Miss Wilson, uh, I'm you're PA, Anna, Anna Soper.” Chloe returned the girl's smile and shook her hand gently. “You want to see your office? It's right down the hall.” Anna said, walking to the door and holding it open for the character consultant to follow her.

A little way down the hall the two women came to a large glass fronted office, with 'Miss C Wilson: Character Consultant' inscribed in gold on the wooden door. Chloe raised her dark eyebrows in surprise as Anna pushed the door open and pointed at a large desk with a large set of wooden doors behind it, “This is my desk” she said before pointing out the rest of the room, “And this is you're waiting area.” The room was large, filled with two plush leather sofas, “It's not really very much right now, but you can decorate all you like... and this” Anna said finally moving to the large double doors behind her desk and opening them revealing an even larger room “is your office”. Chloe's eyes went as wide as saucers as she took in the room. The large windowed back wall gave a splendid view over London and the Thames, her desk was huge with a big comfy chair tucked in to it, another plush sofa sat along one wall and the door to an en suite bathroom complete with a shower stood open on the other side. Chloe swallowed loudly as she gazed out of the window.

“Is there anything else I can get you Miss Wilson?” Anna asked from the doorway. Chloe smiled and turned back to look at her companion, “Yeah, It's Chloe … not Miss Wilson … and would you like to grab some lunch?” She smiled sheepishly at the dark haired girl who started to laugh at the request. “Sure … I know a nice place just down the road.” Chloe grinned and dropped her leather bag onto the table, “Great! Let's go.”

“You know, I was actually thought you were gonna be all stuffy, cos you didn’t say a word all morning!” Anna said with a laugh as she sipped from her glass of white wine. Chloe choked on her mouthful of pasta, at the comment. “I was overwhelmed, I came from nothing and now I've got this huuuuge office, my own PA and I just wasn't sure how to cope with it.” Anna nodded and smiled, “So what are you up to tonight? Got any plans?” Anna quizzed as the girls paid for their lunch, Chloe shook her head sadly as she tucked her purse back into her handbag, “No, I just moved here, I only really know you right now.” Anna grinned, “Well, its sorted then, you're coming to a bar with me and a friend, get you out and socializing.” Chloe smiled “that'd be great Anna, I could do with a night out!”

The girls were still chattering between them when they arrived back at Chloe's office. Anna pushed open the door, but stopped dead in the doorway as the girls take in the two male figures sat waiting for them on the sofa.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please don't judge my story by this chapter! it's merely an intro, I havn't written for such a long time I'm out of practice, hopefully you will enjoy the next one which will be sooo much better! please comment and rate ... i just want to know what people think!

Heres some links to Anna and Chloe's outfits: