Status: New and Active!

In My World ...


“Uh, Hello” Chloe said to the two men as she made her way into the waiting room, and placing her handbag down on Anna's desk, “Hello, I'm Martin” Martin Freeman said hopping up from his spot and offering his hand to the young lady, Chloe smiled warmly as she accepted his hand in a strong shake, “Chloe, and I know, but its nice to meet you 'Dr Watson'”

Martin smiled sheepishly and looked down at his feet, “Yes, well, we were told you were starting today and felt we should come and introduce ourselves, as we have a planning session with you tomorrow.” Chloe's eyebrows raised, “Do I? I haven't had chance to go through my paperwork yet.” A burning feeling crept up the back of Chloe's neck as a pair of greenish blue eyes stared straight through her and into her soul. She looked at the owner of the eyes, who had remained on the leather sofa, studying her intently. Martin's voice distracted her away from the unblinking stare, “Yes, at ten I think, Just to go over the scripts for this coming week and stuff.” As hard as she tried to keep her attention locked with Martin, she kept drifting back to the unrelenting intense stare.

Martin frowned slightly seeing Chloe's attention being snatched by his friend and sighed, turning towards him Martin motioned with his hand “Ben, don't be rude, come and introduce yourself.” He smiled warily at Chloe, “He likes to get into character, it intimidates people.” Chloe chuckled a little and shook her head, “it's fine, really.” Benedict finally got up from the sofa and advanced on the pair, taking Chloe's small hand in his and brushed his lips across the back of it in a soft kiss. A warm blush started to stain her cheeks at the contact. “Benedict” he said simply, his voice was deep and velvety, instantly making her relax. “So you're … lets see … 28? you have a dog … a big one, very affectionate too.” he said his face so close to hers that she could feel his warm breath on her ear and the back of her neck, making the little hairs stand up. Chloe looked up into his eyes, and smiled, “Thats right, I turned 28 in July and I have a old English sheepdog called Napoleon.” He smiled back at her, the laugh lines around his mouth denting in with the happy expression. “I knew it.” he cheered, before dramatically turning his back and striding out of the room. He stopped in the doorway and looked back at her. “It's Chloe, isn't it?” he asked , his left eyebrow raising elegantly. Chloe nodded with a small smile, “See you again, Chloe” he purred with a wink before disappearing down the corridor. Martin looked uncomfortably between Chloe and the door before gesturing towards the open walkway “I … I should go too. Uh see you later” he waved at Anna as he left the room.

Chloe turned slowly to look at her new found friend, who was holding in her giggles. “Well, that was uh, different” she said, grabbing her handbag and pushing open the inner door to her office.
A loud clatter of high heels of high heels announced Anna following behind her quickly “Oh no missy! You are not dismissing that! Did you see how close Benedict got to you? He was practically nibbling on your ear lobe!” Chloe laughed and sat down in her desk chair grabbing her laptop out of her leather briefcase. “He was not, he was just doing his whole 'Sherlock' bit, he probably thought it'd creep me out.” she said brushing it off as she started to go through an online furniture catalogue. “Oh you know that's bull! It was like he never took his eyes off you the whole time you were in the room!” Chloe adjusted her glasses, and looked over the rim of her laptop at Anna, “Hun, he's only just out of a relationship. I really think he was just trying to creep me out.” Anna crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head, “Well, we'll see, you're gonna be spending a lot of time together, just uh warn me if you're going to end up screwing on you're desk, I don't want to walk in on it!” She joked as she left the room, closing the door behind her.

* * * * *

Chloe stood in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom. She pouted and pulled on a dark red curl, trying to tuck it back behind her ear, but the strand was having none of it. “What do you think Napoleon?” she asked the huge grey and white dog who was sat on her bed in amongst moving boxes watching her intently. Napoleon barked loudly twice showing his approval of the tight dark blue jeans and sparkly black halter-neck. She huffed and looked at the time in bright green digits on the screen of her mobile. “Well looks like I need to leave. I love you, be a good boy” she cooed kissing the soppy dog on the top of his head before grabbing her hand bag and heading out of the door.
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I know its another short one, but I have to split! I hope you enjoy it, please let me know. I eagerly await your opinions!!