Status: New

Here Goes

When You're Dancing Her Dance

"Mark, why the hell would you want a slutty Catscratch dancer when you already have a slutty girlfriend?" Roger asked, laughing.
"I don't WANT her! All I did was--"
"Stare at her for 20 minutes straight!" Collins finished for him.
"Stare at who?" a high feminine voice called out.
Maureen Johnsen; Mark's hot girlfriend/roommate. The four lived in harmony as Benny moved out to become a lapdog to his father in law.
"Um, nothing, babe," Mark replied. He was already swooning at the sight of Maureen.
She walked in to the living room, dressed up and in heels.
"Well, I gotta go, Pookie," she said, kissing his cheek. "I'll see you guys later!"
She exited the apartment without another word.
"Dude, she's totally cheating on you," Roger laughed.
"No she's not!" Mark argued.
"Oh yeah? Well check this out," Collins said, looking out the window.
Outside, Maureen walked up to a red car, French kissed the driver, then got in.
"Holy shit...," Mark muttered.
"Ha, she's totally cheating!" Roger laughed.
"This isn't funny, Roger!" Mark snapped.
"Actually, what's funny is that that was a chick!" Collins said, smirking.
"WHAT?" Mark yelled.
Roger started to laugh uncontrollably.
"Your girlfriend's cheating on you with a chick!" Roger yelled, laughing.
"At least she didn't slit her wrists when she found out she had AIDS!" Mark yelled.
Roger immediately stopped laughing.
"You fucking.. ASSHOLE!" Roger pounced at Mark, hitting him wildly.
"HEY!" Collins yelled, pulling the two apart. "I ain't gonna deal with your shit for the little time I'm here, so stop it!"
The two men stopped, only for their friend's sake.
As Mark thought about what happened, Roger grabbed his guitar and jacket and left without a word.

Throughout the months, Mark kept catching Maureen cheating with various people. Every time, he would confront her, then forgive her. After a few months, he'd had enough.
"Maureen, this is the SIXTY SEVENTH time I've caught you cheating on me! This relationship won't last if you-"
"I'm breaking up with you, Mark," Maureen said suddenly. "I've... Well, I found someone new."
"WHAT!? What's his name! WHY DI-"
A slim black woman came by the door. "Honey bear, can you hurry up?"