Status: New

Here Goes

How Do You Measure a Year?

Roger strummed his guitar absentmindedly, alone in his apartment.
When Mark arrived, Roger stopped playing and got up.
"So, what's her name?" Roger asked, smirking.
"Whaddya mean?" Mark asked, pulling his scarf off.
"You know what I mean," Roger said, poking the smaller man.
"It's Brenda," he replied dreamily. "We have tons in common, she's really smart, totally hot, and I think she might be into me!"
Roger laughed at his friend's sudden expression of love. Even with Maureen he was never so... Into it.
"Oh, and she's a dancer at the Catscratch club," Mark added as he checked out his camera, wiping a smudge off the lense.
Roger grinned. "The one you kept staring at, like, ALL THE TIME?" he chuckled.
Mark sighed. "Yes, her."
"Good job, dude!" Roger said, grabbing him in a headlock.
Mark squirmed out of his grasp. "Well, I'm gonna go to sleep now. She wants me to meet her for breakfast at 5."
Tom had finally landed a teaching job, so he would be gone for another 7 months or so.
"See you on Christmas, you guys," he said as he hugged his friends, shedding a tear.
Without Collins, the apartment felt different. No smart-ass comments, no late-night calls to toss down the key, and no more chess.
Roger was in PARADISE.
Mark, of course, missed the man, but didn't let it get in the way of his growing love life.
He met Brenda in front of his building, and she took him to her apartment, a couple blocks away.
"Sorry for the walk, my car's not working," she apologized as she unlocked the door to her apartment.
Her apartment was... Simple. Not any bigger than Mark's, and a dull yellow color.
She hurried off into the kitchen, and took the lids off all the stuff on the stove and counter. She put some assorted breakfast foods into two plates, and set them at the table.
"Uhm, are you vegan?" she asked Mark.
"N-no, I'm not," Mark replied.
"Alright, it"s done!" she exclaimed happily.