Status: New

Here Goes

Headlines, Breadlines

"Oh, uh, can I take your jacket?" she asked. She seemed pretty nervous, unlike the past few days.
"Sure, thanks," he said, smiling. Her apartment was actually heated; unlike his.
The two sat down and ate breakfast, both making small-talk.
Mark learned that Brenda was a vegitarian, loved the Game and Watch game series, loved Mario games, and was a great listener.
"So you're a Bohemian filmmaker who has yet to get a job, was recently dumped for a dyke, and is living with his retired broke-ass rockstar friend and a gay college professor?" she asked Mark after hearing his story.
He blushed a little at how she described him. "Well... Yeah, I guess."
She smiled. "You're just my type of guy."
He let out a small chuckle, and adjusted his glasses quickly.
"Well, thanks for having me over," he said kindly. "You're a really good cook."
"Thanks, cutie," she said, smiling. He helped her clear up the plates and cups from the table, and bid his farewells when she suddenly said, "Wait."
He turned back, and she said, "Uh... Wanna go for a walk in the park?"
The unofficial couple walked in the freezing park, talking about themselves, hobbies, etc.
"Well, I like to draw and write in my free time," Brenda said, her hands in her pockets.
"Really? Cool! You should show me some of your work some time," Mark replied, shivering.
She giggled. "Maybe I will. Ho1 tomorrow night sound?"
"Are you asking me on another date?" Mark asked, surprised.
"Well, duh," she replied, rolling her eyes. "Why wouldn't I want another date with you?"
He blushed and chuckled slightly. They reached the other side of the park, and the sun was raising higher into the sky.
"Well, I'd love to see you again tomorrow night," Mark said, smiling.
Brenda grinned. "Great! You can come by my apartment around 6," she said. "Bring your friends, if you want to."
He smiled again. "Sure thing."
"Well, it's kinda cold out here," she said, as it was under 20 degrees. "I'm gonna let you go home. See you tomorrow night, hun."
"Hey, I'll walk you home," he said, and that he did.
When they reached her building, theh bid their goodbyes.
"Bye, Mark," Brenda said sweetly.
"See you tomorrow, Brenda," Mark replied, love in his eyes.
She quickly leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss, before giving a small wave as she scampered up the stairs of her building.
Mark was left dumbfounded, and mesmerized by the kiss.