Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


I’m good at reading people. That’s my thing. See, I believe everyone has a ‘thing’, a talent that they were born with, that they’re better than everyone else at. For some people it can be as simple as being good at kicking a ball around, or solving a hard math equation. My ‘thing’ however has yet to prove valuable.

I walked to the back of the coffee shop and sat in the same booth I did every morning. The waitress brought me my tea without me having to order and said a polite ‘hi’ much like every day. I nodded my head and watched the room as new and old faces walked in and out.

If you hadn’t already guessed, I liked to do things in a routine. I enjoyed my life being simple, no can get hurt. I’d tried to live my life fast and furious, but only hurt feelings and bad vibes came from that. Since then I’d sworn my life to the simple days and nothing could change my mind...

I glanced around the startlingly busy shop watching people’s mannerisms and facial expressions.

Currently there was a large range of people doing various unusual things; a man sitting on a bar stool was on the phone with a clear look of boredom on his face, I could only guess he was on the phone with a boss or perhaps an angry wife.

Beside him was a woman that looked to be at least 40 years of age, her long bleached hair was draped over one of her orange shoulders falling onto the counter. Her elbows were pressed to her chest as if to enhance the size of her breasts. She was clearly flirting with the barista. I took a glance at her left hand immediately detecting a ring on her finger.

I looked away awkwardly as though I’d seen something illegal taking place. Cheating and relationships made me feel uncomfortable. To be completely honest people in general made me feel uncomfortable.

I slowly let my eyes scan the room once again. Unexpectedly I heard someone close to me clear their throat.

Sitting across from me in the booth was a scruffy looking man. His blue eyes accentuated by the dark bags under them bore into my skin giving me goose bumps crawling up to my arms. His dark shaggy hair was mostly hidden by a grey beanie that also sheltered most of his ears, and the messy stubble that dotted his face pulled the tired look together.

“Disgusting isn’t it? Poor bloke is just trying to work and that old hag is trying to ride his dick.”

The guy clearly was referring to the lady I had been observing only moments earlier.

I crinkled my nose in repulsion at his analogy. He watched me, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

“Sorry to interrupt your stalk session. Can you believe the place is out of seating?”

I looked down at the table still not reacting to the fact that the strange boy was talking to me.

“Are you shy or just a proper bitch?”

I raised my eyebrows in the slimmest way. He took the small movement as an invitation to continue talking to me.

“Alright well then, you’re clearly uptight. I’m just letting you know that I probably won’t leave until you give me your name at least?” He smiled at me.

I made no sound and picked up my tea and took an awkward sip from it letting the liquid burn my esophagus.

For quite some time there was a silence between us. Just as I was about to give in, he spoke up.

“Fine, fine, fine. I will admit to being turned down. It was nice talking to you though, has anyone ever told you you’re a great public speaker? Seriously you should run for mayor with all that charisma bubbling in there.” He chuckled to himself.

I however didn’t find the fact he was making fun of me to be amusing at all. He got up without another word and flung money on the table clearly paying for his drink. A piece of paper with a phone number and the name Josh written on it was also tossed in my direction.

“Sorry to bother you.” He muttered and walked away.

I watched him leave. He reached up, took off his beanie and scratched his head before placing the hat back on. I found it hard to read him. The action was either a sign of discomfort or disappointment.

An hour later, I left the coffee shop. Nobody who entered the building was quite as interesting as the so called Josh boy. I would be completely lying if I said I was not the least bit curious about the peculiar lad.
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Velllllllllllllll, I'm trying this again. I started this story quite some time ago and everything is basically planned out. I'm pretty happy about it.

I understand this chapter is short and ends randomly but I had no where else to end it. It's kinda boring right now but it'll pick up, I promise.

I tried to edit it but I'm almost positive there must be a couple little grammar errors in there.