Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


It was like déjà vu except instead of Marisol pulling me through the jam packed club it was Max.

“How did you talk me into this again?” I shouted loudly making sure Max heard me over the loud
“You came because you love us!” Matt said eavesdropping. He shot me a cheesy smile.

I nodded grinning at him before following Max to the back of the room where I met the group for the first time.Instantly I recognized the back of Josh’s messy head and Marisol’s bright flame of hair already seated at the table.

“Oi! I didn’t know you were gonna be here!” Dan said excitedly chugging at a beer in his hand.

Marisol and Josh exchanged odd looks.

“We were just leaving.” Marisol spoke bitterly grabbing at Josh’s hand and pulling him away from the group.

“I downright hate that bitch!” Max fumed after the couple had fully left the building.

Noticing the dirty look I gave him he muttered a small apology that was clearly not sincere.

Matt reached the table handing beers to me, Max, Chris, and leaving one for himself.

“No matter! We don’t need them to make this a night we won’t want to remember!” Matt held up his beer and we all clashed them together.


When Matt said this was going to be a night we didn’t want to remember he was dead on.

Already 3 drinks in and I was dancing with some smelly bloke I didn’t know, or care to. The boys were all around me each with a girl, and Dan with two.The beat of the music playing it’s self was enough to get me feeling drunk.

The guy dancing too close and too provocatively soon left me to find another girl quickly realizing I was not quite drunk enough to let him have his way with me. His hands that were previously on my waist were replaced quickly by another pair.

“You’re stunning, you know that right?” The deep voice slurred in my ear.

I instantly recognized it as Matt. I giggled turning to face him.

“You’re a real beauty too.” I teased.

“Where’s your boy?” Matt asked clearly referring to the man who left me only seconds ago.

The song changed into a faster paced one and I jumped around dancing raising my arms above my head.

“Who cares?” I smirked. “Where’s the bird you were dancing with?”

“Off with Dan.” Matt frowned laughing a little and shrugged.

“Glad to know I’m second choice.” I laughed grabbing his hands and dancing silly with him.

“You’d definitely be my first pick, but you’re off limits.” Matt smiled and twirled me.

“Off limits? Says who?” I questioned as I stopped dancing.

“A friend of mine.”

I looked him in the eye confused.

“We need more drinks!” Max garbled joining me and Matt.

“I’ll pay this time.” I demanded.

The two guys fought me for a bit, but soon gave into the free alcohol they’d be receiving.

I walked to the bar cautiously dodging unsteady dancers and ordered 6 more beers.

On the way back I noticed Max and Matt talking mysteriously to each other.

“You have to tell her at some point mate.” Matt said sighing.

“What if she gets mad though? Besides, Josh will have my head.

“Honestly, if you don’t tell her soon she’ll find out the hard way.”

“I know.” Max replied defeated while running his fingers through his hair.

Who were they talking about and what secret were they hiding from her?

“Something the matter?” I walked up behind a startled Max.

“No, why would you think that?” Max defended quickly.

Matt gave Max a pointed look. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

“No reason, you just seem on edge.”

Max noticed me struggling to hold all the beers in my arms and took a couple.

“Everything is fine love. Let’s go party.” Max said unscrewing the lid on a beer and taking a big gulp.

I shrugged my shoulders and erased the memory from my head. I quickly poured the beer into my mouth expertly not letting the bitter taste last on my tongue for too long.

I scanned the room looking for people I knew. I had quickly lost Max and Matt in the crowd and I was beginning to feel paranoid.

I made my way back to the table that held our coats and bags in the corner of the room. I slid into the seat sighing.

“Not having fun?”

My head snapped up at the person I hadn’t noticed sitting in the booth before I got in.

“Sorry love! I always seem to be scaring you, but it is rather your fault for being so unobservant.”
Josh was sitting in front of me. His messy brown hair all over the place as if he just woke up and decided against brushing it. He looked the same as he always did, yet every time I seen him I was more and more attracted.

“The guys keep telling me there’s an awesome girl that I have to meet. Do you know where this so called “fantastic” girl Audrey is?”

He winked at me and I felt a small smile growing on my cheeks.

“Not a clue, sorry.” I stumbled out.

“Oh well, I thought she sounded like a slag anyways.” Josh blew air out of his cheeks and pretended to look around the room.

“Oi, what’d she ever do to you?” I said playacting to be cross.

“I think the story begins in smelly little coffee shop I met her in one day. You see, she was acting quite impolitely to me, but being the nice lad that I am I gave her my number in case she ever wanted to apologize. Wouldn’t even give me her name! Astounding the nerve of that girl, turning down such a fetching bloke!”

Josh and I scoffed at the same time causing us to erupt into laughter.

When we finally settled down I held my hand out to him.

“Audrey.” I said introducing myself even though we had met before.

“Josh, but most call me Surrey’s next top male model.” He beamed at me and took my hand into his large warm one shaking it.

I rolled my eyes and took a chug out of my beer. Josh mirrored my action.

“Aye! Joshy’s back!” The rest of the group appeared.

“What a’r ya doing here mate?” Dan slurred sloppily kissing Josh on the cheek

“Yah, where’s the bitch… I mean lady.” Matt teased.

Josh and I both gave Matt the same warning look, he however shrugged it off.

“Dropped her off at her place. We got into a little quarrel.”

“You guys over?” Chris asked patting Joshes back comfortingly.

“Sure hope so!” Max mumbled under his breath.

“No, it’s just a little dispute. She’ll be over it tomorrow.”

All the boys looked glum after that comment except for Chris.

“Anyways I heard there was a party going on here, apparently it’s just teenage girl gossip time.”
Dan booed at Josh.

“Before the party starts I really need to talk to you Josh, now.” Max grabbed Joshes arm roughly and pulled him away from the rest of the group.

Max was talking to Josh quite heatedly but lowly so I couldn’t eavesdrop.

“I say we buy a round of shots, I’m not feeling nearly as drunk as I want to be. After I get a turn with Audrey because you guys have been hogging her all night!” Dan said glaring at Matt.

“If it’s anyone’s turn I definitely think it’s mine.” Joshes raspy voice smiled and finished the rest of his drink before grabbing my wrist and pulling me onto the dance floor. The boys hooted and hollered behinds us except for Max who never returned after talking to Josh.

Josh pulled me closer to his chest and grabbed both my hands.

“I’m a shit dancer, but I’ve been told I’m quite decent at the waltz.”

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

“I’m just fuckin’ around! I’m shit at both!”

We both laughed.

“I’m not much of a dancer either, and even worse of one while I’m drunk.” I confirmed.

“Let’s get more drinks in us then!”

We both walked to the bar and Josh ordered a line of shots.

“We’re not leaving this bar until we are so smashed we’re the best dancers in the building.” He said at seeing my nose crinkle in disgust.

I nodded grinning at his cheekiness.

We both grabbed the first shot in the line that was closest to us.


By three more shots both of us took we were giggly and my concern to say something stupid to Josh disappeared.

“Remember last time I was drunk? You looked up my dress didn’t you?”

“Sure did! Still regret nothing.” Josh confirmed nodding his head.

I laughed and slid off of my stool almost falling to the ground.

“You’re so fuckin’ clumsy!”

His head was thrown back in a deep laugh, the blue light sign hovering above the bar was reflecting on his face making his blue eyes look like an ocean and his white teeth look radiant.

I sat back on the stool and put my face closer to Josh’s ear. “You’re really good looking.” I whispered.

“I know.” Josh said boastfully crossing his arms across his chest.

“It’s polite to compliment someone back, or at least say thank you!” I giggled.

“If I complimented you back I wouldn’t really be complimenting you would I? Not if you are expecting it.”

I furrowed my eyebrows together confused.

“I know, thank you.” He put emphasis on the ‘thank you’ and rolled his eyes jokingly.

“I think I’m ready to dance now!” I said standing on my wobbly feet and pulling Josh up by the hand.

“I’ve been ready since the first shot.” Josh said pulling me out to the dance floor once again.

We passed Dan and Matt, both preoccupied with the girls dancing with them to notice me and Josh bellowing at them.

I located myself at the middle of the dance floor under the tacky, yet at my current state of mind well-designed disco ball.

I casually threw my hands up in the air whipping my head from side to side and jumping off beat to the song blaring through the speaking high above my head. I felt Joshes rough yet comforting hands on my waist and started swayed terribly off beat to the music.

The song changed and Josh pulled my back closer to him and grinded against my body. I put my hands on top of his holding him in place and found myself gawkily grinding back.

“You’re really good looking too, but your shit dancing is throwing me off.”

I grinned timidly. “I know.” I mocked his words previously and earned a chuckle out of him. Josh rested his slightly damp forehead on my shoulder. He pushed the hair off to one side of my neck and pursed his lips against my hot skin.

I felt my heart speed up but easily blamed it on the hot room and the amount of physical exercise I was getting that normally I didn’t.

We danced for countless song and I could feel sweat dripping down my face in an unattractive way.

“Josh!” I heard an angry voice call out from behind me causing the arms protectively wrapped around me to be released.

I turned around to see Josh get a slap to the back of the head.

This was a night I didn’t want to remember, but I knew I’d never forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry I made you guys wait so long. I was having troubles with this chapter and I'm still not completely satisfied with it.

I've never been to a club so writing this is just me making up stuff, sorry if it's extremely inaccurate.

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