Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


“Josh!” I heard an angry voice call out from behind me causing the arms protectively wrapped around me to be released.

I turned around to see Josh get a slap to the back of the head.

Josh winced slightly and turned around to see his attacker.

“Seriously?! You slapped me?” Josh questioned incredulously.

“Sorry! Didn't mean to hit you so hard mate! Max is being a down right prat and refuses to leave the lavatory and people are complaining. I have to wee!” Dan complained whining.

“He hit me.” Josh pouted rubbing his head and turned to me also whining.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed both the guys’ hands pulling them towards the bathroom that had a long line up of people outside of it.

I swiftly knocked at the door. “Max?”

“Leave me alone!” A voice that was easily recognizable as Max’s yelled back.

“It’s Audrey, let me in please?” I said resting my forehead on the cool door.

The door opened a crack a moment later causing me to stumble forwards a little.

“Is anyone else with you?”

I flashed Josh and Dan a look. They both walked away understanding and continued arguing once again like little boys.

“No.” I answered.

The door opened completely and I cautiously walked inside. Max closed the door behind me and locked it once again.

We both stood across from each other not saying a word.

“People have to pee.” I finally said uneasily.

Max stood staring at me a little longer and his face broke into a tiny smile.

“You’re really fucking awkward.”

I nodded unoffended. “Are you going to tell me why you’re locked up in this smelly restroom?” I crinkled my nose.

“I can’t.” He answered simply.

“Does this have to do with Josh?” I asked guessing.

He nodded slowly. I breathed out heavily.

“Josh won’t let you tell a girl something, am I right?” I inquired recalling the conversation between Matt and Max I walked into.

He nodded again.

“You’re acting like a child, can you use your words?” I asked jokingly.

“I don’t even know why I let you in. You’re completely useless.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t understand how I can help if you refuse to tell me what’s going on!”

Max turned his back to me without a word. I turned to the door and almost left.

“Does.. it have to do with.. me?”

“I’m sorry.” He answered sensitively.

Max unlocked the door and stormed out leaving me alone and confused.

I tried to recall the entire conversations between Max and Matt, but I could only remember unimportant bits.

The door opened once again to reveal Matt.

“Sorry bout Max, he’s tangled right now.” Matt said shrugging his shoulders apologetically.

“Can you please tell me what’s going on?” I asked. “This entire night has been filled with secrets and its exhausting trying to keep up with everyone, I want to help!” I grabbed onto Matt’s arm and looked up at him miserably.

He held my hand in place. “I’m afraid it’s not my place to tell you. You need to ask Josh.” He said seriously which was an odd occurrence for Matt.

I released my grab on Matt and turned to open the door.

“The rest of the boys are gone. I’m supposed to make sure you get home safely.” Matt said quietly.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Matt.

“You guys hate me, don’t you?” I spat.

His eyes widened and he shook his head.

“No Audr-.” I cut him off.

“Why do I sound like such an inconvenience? I’m an adult Matt, I can get home fine on my own.”

“You’re drunk!”

“I’ll get a taxi then. I don’t need help from any of you. In fact, until this useless drama between all of you is over I don’t want anything to do with you guys.” I stated irritably.

I raged out of the room and passed the line of people still waiting to use the washroom many of which were booing at me, as if I had been the entire reason they had to wait so long.

I agitatedly stuck my middle finger up at them, left the building and called a taxi.

I knew I was being a dramatic, I felt bad too. I yelled at Matt for no reason and shot blameless people a finger I would have never dared to give someone before tonight. I didn't care though. Meeting Max and the rest of the group changed me completely into a person I hated.

I shut the taxi door behind me after paying the fee and walked up the pavement to the front door of my house.

The only thing I could think of was how much I wished I had never met Josh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys, I got your hopes up thinking this was going to be an exciting chapter. I swear I was going to make it fun, but I would have ruined the entire plot line. So I'm sorry for another crappy chapter.

I made a new layout though! It's not very good but I'm still proud and it was fun to make. Do you all like it?

THANK SO MUCH FOR ALLLLL THE SUPPORT! You are all the best! Please continue the love?

Audrey's Outfit