Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


The rest of the work day was a bore. After the boys left, there were very few customers.

I had listened to Marisol talk about Josh the rest of the day, and oddly enough it put me in an unpleasant mood.

“He’s so cute Audrey! I think I believe in love at first sight. I already know he’s the one. Do you think he likes me back?”

“Yeah.” I replied faking enthusiasm. “What about Dillon though?”

Marisol pursed her lips.

“Did you not listen to anything I said this morning? We broke up! I mean this must be a sign right? I break up with Dillon and not even 5 minutes later Josh comes into the store.”

I nodded slowly. I couldn’t hear anymore of her rambling on about Josh. I felt the enigmatic pit in my stomach grow every time she said his name.

“I just wish I would have gotten his number!”

I timidly reached into my purse and withdrew the paper Josh had thrown at me earlier that day.

Marisol’s eyes scanned the page and she looked back up at me with her eyes furrowed.

“Where’d you get this?” She asked heatedly.

“When you were uh- helping the other boys he- uhm asked me to give this to you.” I flashed what seemed to be the hundredth false smile at her.

Marisol’s body relaxed, showing she somehow believed my lie.

“Wonderful! Do you think it’s too early to call him today?”

I shook my head.

“I’ll call him when I get home.” She rubbed the small piece of folded up paper between her

“Speaking of which, we should just close early today. Nobody has come in for at least an hour.”

Tuesdays were always a slow business day and we often closed shop much earlier than originally

“You go ahead, I’ll close up.” I looked at her reassuringly.

“Alright, meet you back at home!” She flicked her hair over her shoulder and left me alone in the shop.


When I finally closed up the boutique and reached my apartment I also shared with Marisol I was exhausted. Nothing appealed more to me at that moment then my bed.

I unlocked the door to our flat and was immediately greeting by a shrill shriek.

“I called him Aud! We’re going out tonight!”

I smiled at her proudly.

“Go get hot!”

My eyebrows burrowed in confusion.

“Me, Josh, you, and the rest of the lads are going out tonight! Go get ready! We only have half an hour!”

“Mari.” I said panicking.

I didn’t go out. Marisol knew that.

“God Audrey you need to start fucking living. Besides you have to come, I already told Josh you would. He was oddly persistent about you coming.”

I felt my face turning pink from a blush.

Josh wanted me there?

I nodded my head finally agreeing to go out with Marisol and the other boys.

“Good! I’m pretty sure Josh is trying to set you up with that weird looking Max kid.”

“Oh.” I replied unenthused.

I had no idea who Max was. I was sure he was a handsome looking lad, all the boys that walked in with Josh were, but for some reason the fact that Josh only wanted me there for his friend gave my heart a painful tug.

I was repulsive. I had an infatuation with a boy I barely knew. To make matters worse, he liked my best friend.

My life could not get any more cliché.
♠ ♠ ♠
I lied last chapter. I said this was going to be an interesting one. I'm sorry. The first couple of chapters are always a bore though!

Seriously thank you all for the super nice comments! Although for last chapter they were all comment swap it still means so much to me. I didn't get a single bad comment!

This is my first story ever and I can't believe it's going so well! Thank you so much.