Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


I nervously tugged at the bottom of my dress, wishing it to be longer.

I had agreed to go to a bar with Marisol, Josh, and the rest of his mates, but now I regretted it immensely.

After waiting in line for a half hour, Marisol and I were finally let it.

Inside the floor was vibrating to the loud beat of a club remix pop song making my ears ring. The multi-coloured lights were flashing around making me dizzy, and the smell of the place was a mixture between alcohol and sweat.

I felt Marisol grab my arm as she moved around the club gracefully avoiding people.

“Marisol, I don’t think I can do this.” I shouted anxiously while holding my dress down to keep it from riding up too high.

She either didn’t hear my plea to go home, or she was pretending she didn’t.

“Aye! There they are!” A thick accent called out.

Marisol pulled me to the booth at the very back of the room which already held 5 tipsy boys.

“Wow you ladies sure clean up well” Shouted a not so sober blonde boy at the end of the table.

I could say the same about each one of them. They all looked like they had actually brushed their hair and shaved.

Although they all looked equally as nice, I couldn’t keep my eyes away from Josh. The transformation between this morning at the coffee shop and now was astounding. The bags that rested under his eyes earlier were gone and his bright marine eyes were shining. His stubble was not completely gone but it was much more managed, and his thick dark brown hair was combed as if every strand was perfectly placed. He made even his normal attire consisting of a band t-shirt and jeans look fancy.

“Marisol, Audrey, these are my mates Dan, Matt, Max, and Chris.” Josh politely introduced each of the boys pointing to each as he said their names.

Marisol said a friendly ‘hey’ to each of them while I waved shyly.

“So this is the lucky lady Josh would not stop talking about! He was accurate about you though, you are fit!” The blond boy Josh introduced as Dan slurred as he kissed my hand.

“Oh, no. I’m Audrey, this is Marisol.” I said awkwardly and pointed at Marisol with my finger.

Dan’s eyebrows burrowed and he opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off by Josh.

“Well Daniel here has clearly had more than enough to drink. Would you ladies like something? My treat!”

I shook my head ‘no’.

“Sure! I’ll come with you!” Marisol said looping her arm into Joshes.

“Watch Dan while we’re gone.” Josh said giving Max a peculiar look before retreating with Marisol.

“Are you just going to stand around? I promise I don’t bite. I mean I can’t guarantee Dan won’t in his current state, but the rest of us are nice fellows.” Max grinned at me.

I smiled still uneasy back at him and sat in the seat Josh was previously sitting in next to Max.

“You’re really quiet aren’t you? I like that, s’nice change. These boys are never quiet, even in their sleep.” Max winked at me.

“Oh yeah! Between all the strange noises Chris makes in his sleep and Joshes moaning, it’s hard to get any sleep at all.” Dan piped up.

I blushed at the thought of Josh moaning. Max eyed me closely.

“Here drink this, you’ll need it.” He handed me a shot glass larger than the traditional size full of alcohol.

I looked at him questionably as he nodded his head encouragingly.

Josh and Marisol returned back at the table their hands enclosed together and her head rested on his shoulder.

I threw my head back throwing the burning liquid into my mouth and swallowing a couple times before the glass was empty. I choked on the last swallow resulting in some of the liquid splashing onto Max’s shirt. I didn’t drink much, which is why the burning feeling in my mouth from the liquid caught me by surprise.

“Sorry.” I said still coughing and wiped my mouth with my sleeve embarrassed.

"S'alright." Max said monotone as he continued to stare after Josh and Marisol.

“Wow never pegged you for a heavy drinker. Guess it’s a good thing I bought us all another round of shots then.” Josh said sitting down next to me placing yet another shot the same size as the other in front of me.

The rest of the boys cheered.

Marisol sat down across from Josh pouting at him undoubtedly because there was no room for her to sit beside him.

He smiled back at her and held her hand over the table top.

I grabbed my glass in front of me and chugged it back easier than the first one.

Marisol looked at me with wide disbelieving eyes.

“Who are you and what have you done with my innocent Audrey?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy cow! I got so many comments! I love you all!

Thanks so much to all of you!

I know you all hate Marisol right now, don't worry though. She gets worse. ;) Sorry for spoilers.

Audrey's Dress