Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


I was plastered. My mind was fuzzy and my insides were boiling.

Chris, Matt, and Dan had long left the bar as well as many others; the previously crowded club was now empty.

“Audrey, I think we need to cut you off.” Josh said worriedly.

Marisol and Max rolled their eyes. Josh had been saying the same thing all night and yet he had made no attempt to stop me when I reached for my 5th, 6th, or 7th drink.

I laughed in his face slowly as I reached for the beer sitting in front of Max and took large gulps from it.

“Oh my god! That’s it I’m taking her home. Can you get Marisol home Max?” Josh said while pulling me out of the booth we were sitting at by my arm.

Max nodded his head.

“Joshy, I want to come with you!” Marisol pouted and reached for Joshes hand.

I watched Max roll his eyes at the girl’s whiney attitude for the hundredth time that night.

Josh let go of me for a split second to hug Marisol a goodbye, I collapsed under my weight without the support of him. Max laughed while Marisol looked pissed much like she had the entire night.

“Come on Audrey, we’re going home.”

“No!” I wailed but didn’t put up a fight as he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder exiting
the building.

“Are you always such a heavy drinker?” Josh muttered under his breath.

I hiccoughed and giggled as a response.

“Jesus Christ!”

I grinned down at him even though I knew he couldn’t see it from the position he was carrying me in.

A thought crossed my mind.

“Josh, are you looking up my dress?” I could feel the dress had ridden up a little to my upper thighs
giving Josh a perfect opportunity to look at my knickers.

Liquid courage made me a completely different person. After the 2nd shot my introversion and unobtrusiveness was out the window.

Josh effortlessly reached up and placed me down on the sidewalk outside the bar.

His face was red, partly from the cold and also from the embarrassment of me catching him.

“No.” He replied to me uncertainly.

I smiled at him and tilted my head to the side.

“S’alright, I wore my nicest pair of knickers today.”

“Is that so?” Josh raised an eyebrow intrigued.

I nodded my head and bit my lip.

“You know, I like when you talk. Your voice is pretty. It suits you.” His hand rested on my cold pink cheek and his cobalt orbs looked into mine.

I was intoxicated but my body still reacted to the comment. My heart sped up and butterflies arouse in my stomach. I felt my face flush hot.

“What’s going on with you and Marisol?” I slurred changing the subject. We broke the eye contact and I turned my face away from his hand.

“You like her right? She likes you! Are you nervous to ask her out? Don’t worry she’s been out with plenty of boys!” I continued on not taking a break between each question allowing Josh to answer.

“It’s complicated. I’m not afraid to ask her out, and for future reference when trying to set your friend up don’t include guys she’s been with, it’s intimidating.” He gave me a small smile. “I just want to take things slow, I’m still getting over a break up.” His smile faltered.

I patted him awkwardly on his back in an attempt to be comforting.

Apparently even after enormous amounts of alcohol my introverted tendencies did not completely vanish.

Josh smiled down at me warmly obviously appreciating the dreadful attempt.


When we finally got a taxi my mind was less jumbled as if I had almost completely sobered up.

“Are you cold?”

I looked down at my bare legs covered with goose bumps that matched the ones growing on my arms.

I shook my head lying to him.

He pulled the hoodie he had on over his head gracefully. As he pulled however his t-shirt underneath was also yanked up exposing part of his pale stomach.

His outstretched arm held his sweater out to me. I took it appreciatively and pulled it over my head.

It smelled musky, a mix of cologne and a forestry scent. It felt familiar and comforting.

Josh wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him in the seat.

“I’m sorry I ruined your night.” I looked at him remorsefully.

He smiled back at me.

“Are you kidding, you were the life of the party. If fact, you were the best part of my night.”

My eyes were tired and I was so incoherent my brain didn’t even react to what he had said.

“Sleep Audrey.” Josh’s soft voice commanded me quietly.

My mind left its current universe and drifted off to my dream land.
♠ ♠ ♠

Don't worry there is obviously going to be a twist in the story. I would never make it this easy for Josh and Audrey to get together. That's just boring.

I have no idea where this story is going anymore. I mean I know the ending but the rest I am seriously winging it. So I am apologizing if it is complete rubbish.

Thank you all for commenting, recommending, and subscribing. It means an awful lot.

The next chapter will be up soon.

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