Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


When I awoke my head was pounding and regret shot through my veins.

How did I get back home?

I grasped my forehead as I tried to sit up in bed the least excruciating way possible. It didn’t work.
I groaned out in pain and laid back down attempting to out sleep the hangover.

A loud knock was erupted on my bedroom door seconds later and Marisol flew in furiously.

“What the fuck is your problem? Are you trying to ruin my life or do you just do it naturally?” She roared next to my ear.

I crinkled up my face at the intruding noise. Marisol smirked seeing my agony.

“Seriously Audrey, I tried doing you a fucking favour and you backstabbed me. Do you think Josh would actually care for you? You were so drunk it was disgusting. You’re lucky he even pitied you enough to drive you home. I was about to leave you there alone.” Marisol sucked the last sentence through her teeth.

“I’m sorry Mari.” I said weakly.

I knew she was just being honest. I was thankful for that. I didn’t remember much about the night before but I did recall annoyed vibes coming from all of Josh’s friends.

I was ashamed. I never got drunk, it was so rare. I couldn’t believe I let myself go on a night Marisol needed me most. I had to be the worst friend.

Marisol grinned back at me clearly accepting the apology.

“It’s alright, but if you do it again I swear I will drop you as a friend so fast there will be no time to feel bad for yourself.”

Marisol held out a hand which nursed 2 small pills.

I smiled gratefully before seizing them and swallowing them along with water from a bottle that had been beside my bed for a couple of days.

“Aud, you should really know that I am only looking out for you. I don’t want to see you get your feelings hurt when Josh does hook up with someone more on his level.” She looked at me with fake sympathy.

“I don’t like him, you should definitely ask him out again. Maybe more one on one this time?” I half joked.

My stomach curled when I said that. I couldn’t tell if it was for obvious reason, last night, or if the thought of Josh with Marisol made me sick.

I stood up quickly and ran off to the bathroom and bent over the cold porcelain throne.

I felt burning liquid coming back up from my stomach and retched. I vomited but only clear liquid was extracted.

When I was sure I was finished I brushed my teeth rinsing my mouth numerous times making sure to rid the taste, and splashed cold water on my greenish face.

I walked out of the bathroom only to be met with Marisol’s smiling face.

“Josh just called and asked me out! Just him and I!” She screeched a little too loudly.

My stomach flopped and the next thing I knew I was back leaning over the toilet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Possibly the worlds shortest and stupidist chapter, yeah?

I dunno, I wanted to make the readers feel anger towards Marisol, and kinda pissed at Audrey's gullability. Who hates Josh right now?


Please don't worry Audrey is definetly not pregnate. I could never do that to one of my characters.

Don't be afraid to comment if you like or hate the story. I really need feedback. I'm not sure I like how the story is turning out.

ALSO I kinda imagined Marisol to look like xxxx