Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


I was finally feeling as though my hangover was finally over as I watched Marisol frantically prance around the room trying to get ready for her date with Josh.

“Which skirt?” She held up two choices.

I looked them both over carefully before pointing to the one she was holding in her left hand. She threw it back on the floor in her messy closet.

I scoffed at her.

“Sorry Aud but your fashion sense isn’t really bringing in any boys now is it?” She smiled at me.

My face turned red of embarrassment.

“It’s okay though. The clueless fashion terror looks good on you. Also speaking of boys you should totally hit up Josh’s friend... uhm... what’s his name? Short, hyperactive and too many tattoos?” She described trying to help me guess up which of Josh’s friends she was talking about.

“Max?” I asked solemnly.

“Hm, maybe. Anyways he’s not my type at all.” She crinkled her nose as if disgusted. “You should totally ask him out.”

“Maybe.” I muttered unresponsive and slightly offended by her rudeness towards Max.

She pulled the skirt over her hips and turned to me.

“How do I look?” She twirled showing me the 360 of her outfit.

“Great!” I smiled sincerely at her.

She really did. Her bright orange hair was curled and her dark makeup was applied expertly. I also couldn’t help but agree that the skirt she ended up wearing in the end was definitely the better choice.

A loud ringing echoed inside Marisol’s large room notifying us that someone was at the door.

“He’s here early!” Marisol said clearly stressed.

She ran around the room putting things in her bag in a hurry before running down the stairs to her awaiting date at the door, I followed her.

She quickly opened the door and closed it not allowing me to look out or him to look in, and left without a goodbye.

The usually loud house was now completely quiet.

I shuffled my slipper feet pacing around the room a couple times.

Without work or Marisol I was tremendously bored.

My phone rang out in my pocket causing me to jump in surprise.

I quickly pressed the answer button not bothering to read the id spread on my screen.

“Hullo?” I greeted cautiously into the receiver.

“Hey Audrey? It’s Max, Josh’s friend?”

“Oh, hi.” I said awkwardly.

“Your friend Marisol kind of threatened me to go out with you tonight. You know if you’re interested?”

I had many awkward phone calls in the past but this one had to be the most uncomfortable of them all.

“Uh, well..” I tried thinking of an excuse to get out of the ostensibly pity date.

“Sure.” I said finally.

“Okay love! Be ready by 7.” With that he hung up.
♠ ♠ ♠
I must be killing you guys with the terribly short chapters.

I got lovely comments from you guys! You are honestly my inspiration. I'm really starting to not like this story but your comments are definitely keeping me from deleting. I know I'll be even more thankful in the end.

Marisol you bitch.