Status: We'll see how this goes.

Choices We Make


“You look stunning.” Max said in a high pitched sing song voice while twirling his finger.

A pair of ripped jeans and a knitted sweater was hardly what I would call stunning but I thanked him nonetheless.

“I’m being serious, it takes the right kind of person to pull of ordinary clothes like those.”
I frowned deeper.

Ordinary clothes?

He took in my unpleasant facial expression and chuckled.

“I am no good with introductions. I was being honest though. You look great and your clothes too.” He smiled appreciatively.

I smirked apprehensively and turned on route to my usual table at the coffee shop I first met Josh in with Max following at my feet.

When me and Max finally settled in the waitress came and took our coffee orders giving a confused look at the boy sitting in front of me.

“You know you’re allowed to talk right?” Max grinned at me encouragingly.

I was about to nod back but caught myself.

“Yes.” My weak voice let out.

Max’s smile got bigger.

“So wanna tell me why such a pretty girl is stuck in an old coffee shop with a boring chap on a Saturday night. Shouldn’t you be out drinking?” He grinned devilish at me.

“Oh, I don’t usually drink much, at all really. I’m really sorry about that by the way. I didn’t mean to ruin your night!” I shrugged.

Max raised one of his eye brows and let out a short laugh.

“No! No! No! You did not ruin anyone’s night. If fact it was much more exciting if anything. That dance move you taught me and Dan is now our signature dance.” Max wiggled his shoulders.

I looked at him wide eyed.

Dance move?

I think I forgot more about that night than I originally believed.

“I didn’t think anyone liked me. I was annoying.” I stuttered out confused.

“Nah the boys loved you. Dan is still going on rants about how awesome you are. Josh would kill me if he found out I told you this but-.”

“A large black coffee and a medium tea?” The short blonde waitress questioned while handing us our ordered drinks and placing them on the table.

Max handed her the money paying for our beverages after a little bit of a fight from me.

“Are you by any chance Max Helyer?” The waitress beamed at Max.

“No sorry. I think you have the wrong person.” He responded politely yet sternly to her.

She gave him a confused look and retreated from the table dejectedly.

“A friend of yours?” I quizzed him.

“No, I haven’t the slightest idea who she is.” He answered me while looking at his coffee with an obdurate look on his face.

I knew he was lying but let the conversation die.

The room buzzed of conversations and clinked to the sound of spoons hitting off of cups, yet me and Max were completely silent.

“You got a boyfriend?” Max finally broke the silence between us.

“If I did would I be here right now?” I smirked at him.

He returned it slightly impressed by my vivacious come back and nodded his head.

“You got yourself a bird?”

“If I did would I be here right now?” He replied mocking my tone.

We both laughed and grinned largely at each other.

“How about we get out of here? Go somewhere a little more age appropriate? I feel like I’m turning into a boring old man just sitting here.”

I laughed and agreed taking his warm outstretched hand into mine.

Max was easy to talk to and I was completely comfortable around him which felt like a nice change to me.

Josh’s POV

I sat stiff in my ironed dress shirt listening to Marisol drone on about her rich stuck up father’s business company.

I let out a soft sigh trying to be silent about it.

Marisol looked at me a smiling.

“Is something wrong?”

I shook my head as she grabbed my hand from under the table.

“Enough about me! What do you do for a living cutie?” She baby talked.

“Nothing much really at the moment.”

She cringed as if the thought of a jobless person offended her.

“I live with my mum, my father left us for another man. It’s alright though; my parents were never married. I was a complete accident really, mum and dad had intercourse at my nans funeral and nine months later alas I’m here.”

I smirked as her pinched up face fell to a look of pure horror.

This was the highlight of my date, making Marisol as uncomfortable as possible. Of course I didn’t plan it at the beginning, I honestly thought she was a nice lass, but as the night dragged on my opinion changed drastically.

“I said I wanted medium rare! Why is the corner of this burnt? Please explain to me why you are all such imbeciles! Can’t even cook a fucking steak!” She roared at the blameless waiter.

I was completely embarrassed.

The onlookers watching her outburst were without a doubt judging her as well as me.

“Can we just go? We can pick up something else on the way home. It’s not a big deal.” I whispered loudly into her ear.

I gave the waiter an apologizing look and he returned the favour.

“Fucking fine! But I am not paying for this piece of dog meat on my plate. My daddy is going to hear about this. Just watch, the place will be shut down immediately!” She shouted the customers around us.

I pulled her out of the building and shoved her into a taxi as fast as I could. I wanted her gone as soon as possible.

When the taxi finally stopped at the flat Marisol shared with Audrey I got out of the car and opened the taxi door for Marisol.

“Tonight was great!” She smiled at me as we reached the front door.

My face contorted into a mixture of emotions the main being confusion.

Marisol leaned in clearly misinterpreting my expression and pursed her lips.

I went in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek but was interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Oi! Joshua baby!” Max was walking down the pathway to the front door hand in hand with Audrey.

She looked effortlessly gorgeous as she gave me a quick smile and unattached herself from Max before giving him a small soft kiss on the cheek.

“Looks like both of us had a great night!” Max thrilled.

I gave him a large fake smile and leaned in to give Marisol a kiss.

She grabbed my neck and pulled me closer surprising me. My mouth opened for a split second and her slimy tongue was moving around in my mouth gauchely.

I pulled away and wiped her drool of my face with my sleeve.

She winked and turned to the door walking into her building leaving me disgusted at what had previously occurred.

Max and Audrey look clearly uncomfortable at the public display that had happened in front of them.

“Alright then. Goodnight Max, night Josh.” Audrey said coolly before following the steps Marisol had taken only moments before.

When both girls had vanished from sight Max turned to me.

“Have a wild night mate?” He raised his eyebrows at me.

“If only.” I stated shortly while turning to leave the lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little longer this time.

I wrote in Josh's point of view a little bit this time, did you like it? I might not ever write in his perspective. I have a hard time thinking like a boy and it reflects his character badly.

Do Max and Audrey have a thing going on? Would you guys like that? Leave me a comment letting me know.

Everyone hates Marisol, but Audrey. She's so gullible it's annoying.

Audrey's Outfit