Desert Bears


John stood leaning on the wall of the building that the band where staying at. He was looking around the outside slightly, it was getting dark and getting less hot, this was something which he appreciated greatly. So he didn't mind too much when Pogo sat down on the step in front of the doorway, who was soon followed by Twiggy closing the door over and sitting down next to the other man. John smiled to greet them, enjoying the silence too much to start a conversation.

"It's kind of scary out here" Twiggy announced and the other two looked around the surroundings some more

"It does look creepy, actually" Pogo said and John watched confused as they seemed to move closer, looking worried

John agreed though, Twiggy and Pogo had a point, they where in the middle of nowhere. Literally, nothing around for miles, the only thing in the distance was mountains on one side. It looked beautiful in the day but as the sun disappears the intensity of the empty space is shown and even to grown men, it can look scary. Plus, at this time it was just the band in the house, managers and people of that nature would be coming back the next day. So they where all alone.

Ginger stepped out the door, making the two men sat down almost jump out their skin. Pogo actually made a odd noise in fear, something which was hilarious but the others knew better than to laugh at him. His temper wasn't worth it.

Ginger side stepped to where John was, rubbing the other mans arm and mumbling a "Hey" with a smile.

Pogo looks at Ginger with his mouth open;
"You seriously need to stop that!" John and Ginger both give questioning looks, worried Pogo just seen their little greeting.
"Don't give me a innocent look, you know what I mean - Being all quiet, silently sneaking around the house. You creeper" he spat out.

Ginger just chuckling in response.

"Anyway" Pogo collects himself and sits next to Twiggy again "We where just saying how scary the desert looks"

"But, its not like anything can happen. It only looks like it is scary" John said, sounding like he was trying to reassure the others when really he was trying to think logical to calm himself, the night time was approaching and he didn't want bad thoughts floating around his mind.

"I don't know about that, there are all sorts of things out here John..."

"Really? like what?" Johns naivety now showing as he bites his lip and looks nervously at Pogo.

"Oh you know: Snakes, spiders, lizards"

"Bears" Twiggy added.

"Oh yeah! the bears are the worst, their hunters" Pogo said, so matter of factly. John now turning, looking into the distance with fear.

"There are no bears here" Ginger spoke up, he was always trying to be kind of rational when it comes to these things. These things usually being the others trying to annoy, tease or scare one of the other bandmates. John often being the favourite victim. So naturally, Ginger wanted to step in.

"What the fuck is going on out here that is so exciting?!" Marilyn came walking to the door.
"What is this a fucking band meeting?" he leans on the door looking at the others for a explanation.

"We where telling John about the bears that live out here" Twiggy answered him

"Yes, but then we just decided, thanks to Ginger, that there aren't any bears?" John looked at Manson, then to Ginger wanting reassurance.

"Oh but there are bears out here. They are called 'desert bears', John" Manson said in the same serious tone Pogo used.

John was starting to get scared now and it was something both Pogo and Manson picked up on. So they decided to continue. Tormenting the young blonde was too much fun.

"You see, they hunt at night, while their prey are asleep."

"Then they attack" Pogo cut in, adding; "They are fast too. It is hard for them to hunt with it being the desert so they grab what is easiest and run back to their nests"

"Why are we standing out here then? I'm going inside" John walked indoors, nervous about the bears. Visions of them running away with him now firmly planted in his head. He sat down on the couch and felt a lot safer when he heard the others scramble in a few minutes later. Ginger walked in to the living room too, sitting beside him. Their hands entwined and John actually felt a bit better. They smiled at each other, John feeling a little silly about getting so worried before. Pogo then walked in and sat on the one seater, Twiggy taking a place on the arm rest, twiddling with the ends of his dreadlocks.

"So, as I was saying Twiggy, these things are really hostile"

Twiggy looked to Pogo confused, forgetting momentarily about their plan to scare John. Pogo announced his plan to him earlier; he wanted to make the young blonde to cry, he told this to the bassist whilst looking really happily and excited. Twiggy decided to play along, it seemed fun. John being the youngest and the most normal out of the group; it was easy and way too tempting to pick on him.

"Oh yeah... Um, do they ever eat humans?" Johns head looked over to the two other men at the sound of this question, he could feel himself growing concerned again.

"Well, its a rare occurrence for them to actually see humans but they grab the chance when they can."

"Are you guys still going on about that? C'mon, seriously?" Ginger could tell it was bothering John and just wanted them to laugh it off and move on. It was pretty stupid.

"Yes, seriously. Desert bears do hunt and they eat people, Ginger. As we are out here amongst them I think it is a interesting subject." Pogo again, his voice so serious.

Ginger felt John tense slightly and he moved his hand, rubbing circles with his thumb to try and relax the younger man.

"Another interesting fact; bears like blondes" Twiggy stated. He continued fiddling with his hair, knowing if he looked up he would probably burst out laughing and he really didn't want to ruin the plan.

"Oh come on" Ginger said loudly trying again to stop the others although a small part of him wondered if he should actually stop them. John was getting more scared and leaning on him more. He was kind of enjoying that.

"What? It's true, we've all heard of Goldie locks and the three bears. Tales come from the truth" Pogo was really getting into this lie now, he could see Johns worried expression and he was practically clinging to Ginger, he thought it was all very exciting.

"You're blonde" Ginger reminded Pogo who just snarled, he hated being reminded of the fact him and the guitarist had matching hair.

"Yeah, but, goldie locks, LOCKS. Locks are more like John, he has longer hair. Plus he is in the front bedroom, it is easier access for desert bears. So I think Pogo is safe" The keyboardist was very impressed with Twiggy for going along with all this and still continuing even after Manson dropped it. He decided that he would reward him some how in the future. He himself adding;

"You hear that John? Desert bears are going to get you." John trembled and almost squeaked looking at Ginger with sad eyes.

"Right that's it, get out!" Ginger said, pointing to the door, "go to bed, go the kitchen, go outside, I don't care, just leave"

"What? me and Twiggy where having a private conversation and first you interupt us, now you're expecting us to leave? No way"

Twiggy looks back to Pogo and says casually "They probably want to fuck"

John was already scared, different scenorios running around his mind after all the things they said but now after that little comment he felt himself blushing. And, even more than before didn't want to be in that place.

"That is true Twiggs, in which case they should be the ones leaving" he turned his attention back to the others, "Unless you want to do it there. We could always watch" Pogo now laughing and smiling suggestively

"Right, we are going.... asshole" Ginger stood up, John walking behind him.

"Oh and John?" John paused at the door, looking back at Pogo

"The desert bears will get you" he repeated with such a intense and creepy gaze

" careful" Twiggy added as John turned and followed Ginger up the stairs

"You okay?" Ginger turned, asking in concern once they reached his room, only getting a casual nod from the blonde as a response. He smiled and they wrapped their arms around each other.

"Their just making shit up to try and scare you" He mumbled in his neck. John nodding slowly. "I won't let anything hurt you" This made John smile and relax more as they pulled away.

"Plus, I'm the only thing that gets to maul you" Ginger laughed, he liked being all corny like that. They often made little jokes to each other that way. Something they both secretly enjoyed a lot. It made John smile and calm down, something which the older man wanted, he could tell from John being so quiet and was trying to seem okay but he knew better than to believe John wasn't at all bothered.

They said good night to each other, before going into their own rooms; tonight being one of the many nights they where forced apart. Tonight they couldn't have sex, they couldn't share a bed or even cuddle, something John wanted so much at that moment.

He stripped down to his underwear getting into his bed and getting comfortable. He tried to push out thoughts of the desert bears, he should know better than to believe Twiggy, or Pogo actually. Manson seemed so sincere but even so; why would they be in a house if they where in danger? Well, they wouldn't and John relaxed more at this thought, closing his eyes. He felt his body calm and soon drifted off into a uneasy sleep.

He woke up, eyes wide, breathing harsh and almost sweating; he leaned on his elbows, looking around the room and realising this was in fact reality. He'd had a nightmare; he was himself, laying in the same bed. He had looked around the room when he suddenly became aware of how cold it was, he heard the wind and realised he must of left the window open. He walked over and reached out to shut it when suddenly a set of arms that looked a lot like a animal grabbed him and pulled him through.

The guitarist rubbed his eyes, laying back he checked the time on his watch which was on the floor next to the bed; it was about 4:20 am. It was then he noticed the room was not as dark and the house was completely silent. He felt comfortable again and was ready to go back to sleep. He closed his eyes and could still see - and feel - the monster (or desert bear) grabbing him.

John was often affected by nightmares and he even suffered night terrors when he was younger. He still occasionally got a bad vivid nightmare that made him want to avoid sleep or shake with fear. Like a few months back, he dreamt he was laying in his bed and couldn't move but could look around, he then looked up to see Pogo sitting on the end of the bed, staring at him. That empty, crazy eyed, taunting stare he could give. He woke up the next morning and although it was scary as fuck at the time, decided to laugh about it with the others. Pogo, however, announced; "That wasn't a dream John" - which could, actually, be true. He shuddered at that thought and swung his legs over the bed deciding to sneak in with Ginger, he really wanted Ginger right then. He felt embarrassed, but he knew he would get a better sleep next to the other man.

He opened and shut the door to Gingers room as quietly as he could, walking over the bed he decided to announce his arrival once he was in it. Lifting the covers and climbing in he put his hand on the drummers shoulder who was turned his was, snoring softly. He shook as gently as he could, whispering; "Ginger, its me"

The older man inhaled sharply then groaned. John felt guilty now for waking him up and thought maybe he should get up, sneak back to his room and just cope with a sleepless few hours. However Gingers features softened when he seen it was John, he tugged him down, John laying his head on the pillow.

"Sorry, I had a nightmare" he kept his voice a whisper

"Its okay, just try and sleep some more, relax" he pushed hair from Johns face, who was feeling a lot more comfortable now he was in the bed with him. They gave each other a small kiss before John turned over.

"I know its a bit silly but... yeah"

"No its not" Ginger was ready to go back to sleep then let what had just happened sink in, still dazed and not fully awake. He then recalled the conversation the whole band had had earlier "Those bastards" he muttered.

"We'll get them back..." John replied, just getting a "hm?" from the other man.

"Lets fuck in their bunks.... Pogos first" this made them both laugh, still not loud enough for anyone else to hear

They sighed and moved closer, Ginger wrapping his arms around the young blonde. Who enjoyed the embrace, feeling safer in the other mans arms and he felt himself drift of into sleep, now filled with more pleasant dreams than before.
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I don't really like this but I found that quote hilarious and wanted to write something about it. :)