Sequel: Fate Misunderstood

Seize Control



Juliette sat indian style on the cot, her back against the cold wall. She chewed her bottom lip and twirled a strand of her dark hair around her finger.

"Well, this isn't how I expected our first date to go."

She turned her head to the right to see the boy not ten feet away from her, also sitting against the wall. She cracked a smile. "What, sitting in jail?"

He pulled his feet up onto his cot and rested his elbows on his knees. "I'm sorry."

"Silas, come on. It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is. I picked the place that happened to be filled with perverted old guys."

"But I've had my fair share of dealing with pervy old guys."

He chuckled as he examined his bloody knuckle. "Yeah, I guess you have. A knee to the balls was probably just what he needed."

"Hey, but it was nothing compared to your beautiful punch right in the eye."

"You showed that creepy bastard who's boss."

"So did you."

He ran his hand over his dark blonde hair and sighed. "I promise our second date will be better."

"This one really isn't that bad."

"Juliette, we got arrested."

"Yeah." She immediately broke out into laughter which he soon joined in on.

"My parents are gonna kill me."

She leaned her head back aginst the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. "My parents are gonna be proud."

The heavy door was pushed open and they both turned their heads to see who had come in. Deputy Hale walked in first, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, who looked extremely unhappy. "Let's go, Ramsey," he said as he reached the cell to unlock it. Silas looked over at Juliette as he got up and she nodded, encouraging him to go.

"I can't leave her," he said to his parents.

"She's the reason you're in here!" his mother practically screeched.

"It's not her fault!"

Juliette stood up from her cot and her fingers wrapped around the bars separating them. "Silas," she muttered quietly. "Go."

"I can't just leave you, Jules."

"I'm fine in here."

"She should be right at home," his mother sneered to her husband.

Silas rolled his eyes at his mother. "I'll wait til your family comes to get you out," he spoke softly to Juliette.

"You don't have to do that. Really. They should be here soon anyway."

"Are you sure?"

She cracked a smile. "Yes. Now go home and try not to get killed by your mom."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Silas!" his mother screeched, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Alright, alright," he sighed, stepping out of the cell and following his parents back out the door after one last look back. Deputy Hale stayed behind, leaning against the wall in front of her cell.

She rolled her eyes as she took a seat on her cot again. "You're giving me that same look that Jax always gives me."

"What exactly happened tonight? It killed Candy to have to arrest you."

"She didn't tell you?"

He shook his head and she sighed, leaning her back against the wall. "Silas and I were hanging out. There were a couple of old guys there giving me a hard time, making comments about me. When we got up to get drinks, one of them got a little handsy."

He raised his eyebrows, beckoning her to continue.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I just kneed him in the balls. And Silas punched him."

He shook his head, running his hand through his hair. "Jesus, Juliette. You're lucky the guy just now mysteriously dropped the charges so you won't have to go to court and get sentenced."

She laughed to herself. There was no doubt in her mind that someone in SAMCRO probably paid the man a visit to convince him to drop the battery charges.

"You should be outta here in a few minutes."

"Mom or Dad here?"

He shook his head and stood up straight, adjusting the gun on his belt. "Neither, but I'm sure it's someone from SAMCRO."

"Hey, David?"


"Tell Candy I'm sorry."

He cracked a smile and nodded. "Sure."

Once he left her alone, she fell back onto the cot, pulling her feet up so that her knees were bent and putting one arm behind her head as she closed her eyes.

She'd only had peace and quiet for about ten minutes when the door opened again.

"Where's my fuckin' camera? This is something that needs to be framed!"

She sat up, glaring at Tig where he stood next to Chibs, grinning. "Why don't you just throw my mugshot on the wall with yours?" she deadpanned.

Tig burst out laughing, grabbing onto Chibs's arm for support. "She's got a mugshot! It's like the end of the fuckin' world!"

"I can't believe you got arrested, Jules," Chibs added.

"Hey, that guy deserved it."

Tig chuckled. "That's always my motto, baby."

Juliette rolled her eyes. "Great. I'm becoming more like Tig," she muttered sarcastically.

"Alright, alright, let's get you outta here. Hale!"

Tig left to retrieve the deputy, leaving Chibs and Juliette alone. "How'd everyone else take the news?"

"Same way Tig did. 'S a big deal. Julie girl got 'er first misdemeanor."

"And last. So who do I owe the gratitude for so politely asking the creep to drop the charges?"

He smiled. "That goes to ya brother and Juicey boy."

"Right." Her eyes dropped to her hands where the black ink stained her fingertips. "I can't believe I'm actually sitting in jail."

"Me either."

"I was actually fingerprinted. They took a mugshot and everything."

He chuckled. "Welcome to the club, lassie."

"Come on, come on, we've got shit to do, Hale," Tig bellowed as he re-entered through the door. The deputy was not far behind him with the keys. He opened the cell and she got up from the cot to follow Chibs and Tig through the door.

Once everything had been settled and she was released, she got on the back og Tig's bike for a ride home. It was surely past midnight by then, but Tig obviously didn't care because he was as loud as he possbily could be riding through town. When he stopped at her house to drop her off, he walked inside with her to talk to Clay. She went straight up to her bedroom and fell into her comfortable bed, sending Silas a quick text before finally drifting off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Juliette's outfit is here.

You guys, I went back and created outfits on polyvore for the previous chapters in case you want to check them out. Also, let me know what you think? :)