Status: Still Up & Going

My Only One

Holding On Too Tight

Vic's POV

Waking up snuggled into Jaime, although strange, was comforting in a way. Waking up to my brother and his girlfriend taking a picture of us all cozy and cuddly, not so much.

I groaned, swatting at them as they continued making comments about how cute we were. Honestly, it was weird and annoying, but mostly weird, considering Alex and Mike were fucking squealing at us at some ungodly hour of the morning, snapping pictures and talking about posting them to MySpace.

It was obviously irritating Jaime too, because I heard him make a protesting noise before pushing me a little.

"Shut the fuck up, guys. S'too early." He muttered, snuggling his head back down. At this point, I still only had one eye open, which was being used to glare at the two morons fangirling over us, but when my attention flicked to Jaime I couldn't help but smile.

His hair was sticking up in different directions and his tongue was poking out between his teeth, like it tended to do when he was trying to go back to sleep. But as my eyes trailed down, I realized what exactly they were talking about.

We were simply squished together, his leg hooked around mine. His arms held me tight against him, and I had made myself even smaller, snuggling my torso into his.

I rolled my eyes then, pushing Jaime away half-heartedly and forcing myself up, blocking out Alex's disapproving glare. Jaime groaned and wrapped his arms around himself, and although his eyes had yet to open, his eyebrows were knitted together in confusion of the loss of warmth.

I shook my head with a laugh, pretending everything was normal as I traipsed into the kitchen. "You guys are strange little fucks. What time is it?" Asking casually, I poked my head and looked into the living room where Jaime was finally waking up (looking annoyed and adorable and Mike was leading his girlfriend into the kitchen behind me.

"Seven. You need to start getting ready for school."

I scrunched up my nose in distaste. School. I loathed the idea of going back.

"Beautiful." Walking over to the cabinet, I pulled out the remaining Lucky Charms and milk from the fridge, preparing two bowls of cereal. I turned around, realizing they were both still there, and Mike was dressed and ready, Alex having her hair fixed but still in pajamas, so that means they were planning on staying. "What are you planning on doing today?"

"The usual." Mike began, tapping his fingers against the dining table. "Going to school, stopping by Forever 21, coming home, having sex-"

I spit out the milk that I had in my mouth.

"Michael!" Alex shouted, punching him in the arm, her cheeks reddening and eyes blown wide as he laughed at himself. "That's not funny!"

"It was hilarious; I made him spit milk everywhere."

I chuckled, grabbing a paper towel and wiping my mouth. "Gross, Mike. Gross. I don't want to hear about my younger brother's sex life."

"Don't worry, I was joking. No, actually we're planning on picking up a few early Christmas gifts after school. We also have to start planning two parties soon, so-"

"Oh fuck, Christmas. What's today?"

"The seventh." Jaime answered from behind me, wiping his eyes and accepting the second bowl of cereal, continuing with his mouth full. "Christmas is less than twenty days away. And Mike's birthday is a week away."

"Shit. Right. Well, we have to throw two huge parties here soon. I've been so goddamn preoccupied I-" I cut myself off, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'll go tell everyone there's a party Saturday celebrating Mike's birthday, and you two go after school today to get necessities. Jaime can handle most everything else. Just find a way to get beer and food and shit. I'll worry about the Christmas party later."

Mike chuckled, shrugging. "Oh god, Vic's in party planner mode. Whatever, faggots. I'm going to go take Alex to get a coffee before school."

"I'll join, if you guys don't mind. I need a coffee, bad." Jaime added, grabbing his beanie off the counter.

"Sounds like a plan. Vic, you in?"

I shook my head. "You guys have fun. I totally forgot I have to pick Kellin up for school today, so I'll meet you there."

I could've swore I saw a flicker of irritation cross Jaime's face as he nodded, but I brushed it off, deciding it didn't matter and pushing the butterflies down my throat.


Somehow I'd missed several texts from Kellin, but he didn't seem mad at me. No, he simply said he was at Josh's and I didn't have to pick him up there if I didn't want to. He reasoned he had his car there. But, I wanted to spend time with him, given how distant I've been, so I simply told him I'd drive him back there after school to get his car, which he happily accepted.

Pulling up into the familiar driveway of Josh Franceschi, I noticed said boy and Kellin sitting beside each other on the steps. But of course, Whoreceschi had his hand on Kellin's leg, smirking while no doubt making a stupid, smart ass joke and making my boyfriend throw his head back in laughter.

I tried not to be the jealous type, but I was pretty bad at that. Thankfully, before I could jump out of the car and beat the shit out of Josh, Oli Sykes had strolled out of the house, pointing my arrival out to Kellin, looking just as jealous as I.

He simply blushed and nodded at them, waving and shouting his goodbyes before finding me in the driver's seat and smiling falsely over at me. "Hey, Vic."

"Hi." I sent a smile his way, half-heartedly, as I waved to Oli and pulled out of the driveway. "How've you been?"

Kellin shrugged, his fingers finding a piece of his own hair to tug on, playing with it intently. "Just, average. Been spending a lot of time at the hospital."

"I'm proud of you, you know?" Placing a hand on his leg, I let the truthful whisper pass through my lips with ease, knowing how true it was.

"Yeah." He replied, glancing out the window with a thoughtful, but distant look. While my hand traced circles on his knee, one of his reached down to hold mine, intertwining our fingers. His other hand began tracing the little details of my small car, his eyes never leaving the view of what was beyond it, his gaze stretching across the limitations. I noticed things I never noticed about him before.

I noticed how he couldn't keep still, and his foot was tapping constantly. I noticed how when he thought hard, his eyebrows knitted together and he squinted his eyes at nothing; how he looked whimsically at everything, his eyes would study and observe the tiniest things most people would miss.

Kellin was more than just a pretty face. He was a remarkable person.

"What're you thinking about?" He questioned softly, breaking me out of my daydream. I answered honestly.


He nodded, his teeth catching his bottom lip as he fought back a smile, looking back out the window for a few moments.

But suddenly, his gaze snapped back to me, desperate and sad.

"I-I love you."

Normally, the three words wouldn't phase me. Kellin adored professing his love to me (he said I deserved to know as often as possible), but it was the way he said it. Cautiously, with question behind it, as if he was saying it for the first time and was unsure of himself.

So I gulped a little, looking out of my window to get away from his eyes that just begged me to say it back, to reassure him of its meaning.

"I love you, too, Kellin."

And I said it back, even though now I was unsure of its meaning as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
To show you how close we are to the end, the story is going to end after New Years (in this story of course) so we're reaching the end fast. Wooow. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I feel like a mom losing her child.

Either way, have brilliant weekends, guys! I have to baby sit two three year old boys so wish me luck :1 oh, and I'm coming out with a Kellic one shot soon, so I'll link it whenever, and also try to update again tonight.