A Light at the End, and We're Still Dreaming

Chapter 2.


"Nothing..." He glanced up and winked.

"You are SUCH AN ASS, you know it?"

"Yeah... but I'm a sexy ass, am I not?"

"Ha ha ha very funny. Go make out with Tre or something."


"You did last night."

Billie looked at me oddly, and I grinned.

I fell to the floor in tears laughing.

"Come here damn you!"

"What, you gonna fuck me too?"
He grinned.

I ran and landed on the couch.

"I'll hex you!"

"Oh, now into that are you?"


"Alright! Alright! Damn!"

"Billie Joe you can't tell me you dont like it too."
I crawled and sat behind him playing with his hair.

"For god sakes Billie cut your damn hair."

"If I cut it any more I'll go bald!"

"Oh damn you!"
He grinned and slid his hand down my back.

"Don't even THINK about it mister 'I'd rather fuck a cow than have to fuck you.'"

"When did I say that?"
He frowned at me questioningly.

"Last night after you were done swabbing Tre's throat with your tongue, and trying to contaminate mine."

"Never let me get that drunk, please."

"Ha ha ha. At least I had the good will not to bathe in it."

"Oh fuck..."


"You would?"
I smiled.

Two hours later I woke up with a knock on the door. "Fuck off I dont care who you are... wait... sorry... who is it? I'll fuckin avada kedavra you..."

"It's Mike. Billie in there?"

"Yeah come in. ALOHAMORA!!! AHAHAHAHA!"

"For god sakes Jes, you've got to stop obssessing."
Mike came in and I looked up at him, almost in a panic.

"Damn Mike you look like shit! Hangover?"

"No, your little Indian friend dumped me."

"She's a bitch, Mike. What ya need Billie for?"
The sleeping guitarist rolled over with a groan.

"Great fuck Jes! I could've sworn you were Tre!"

All three laughed, while Mike stared at him.

Billie smirked.




"Ha ha ha.... wait...." I glanced up at Billie. "You're making a Warning CD right?" "

Yaah I will when I can find those missing tracks."

I grinned.

"Oh shut up Jessica, she's the last person I want to think about right now."

"I'm sorry, Mike."

I could feel the water gushing through my ears, through my mouth, crushing my lungs. I was dying slowly, and painfully, and I was at a loss of consiousness.

I turned my head and smiled at the crowd. Thousands of people stared back at me. I smiled at the camera and sighed.

"Billie, Damn you... Damn you..."


"AHHH fuck Billie not until it's time for stage!"

"Oh you're not afraid I'm going to run around stage bare again are you?"


"Thank you that you suspect it."

"I'm noting more than happy."
We laughed together for a moment and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Don't let this recent shit get you down okay, it wil all work out."

"Thanks Billie."

"No problem."

"Can I join the band?"

"Ha ha ha."

"Go out there and rock the shit out of 'em."

"I'll rock more than shit out of them."

"Holy fuck you're cheesy!"


I opened my eyes as I looked up. The water pressure beat against my chest. I was for sure dead, I could just feel it. I could see the sun shining on the surface of the water. The rainy weather had already apparently moved off. I could see his face in the water. Just a fade of him. I smiled, feeling myself at peace, and before I could let go completely, I felt an arm grab my hand and pull me out of the water, although I was already almost completely gone. I could feel warm welcoming hands forcing the water out of my lungs, and I was too weak to fight it. I couldnt speak, and when I tried, a warm finger clasped ver my mouth and a soft familiar voice spoke. I finally found a small bit of energy inside of me.

"I haven't seen you since the last concert in 2004, Billie. Where have you been?"

"I've been away. I didn't know you were still alive."

"I was about to rid myself."

"And you may."

"But you saved me."

"I was here in town."


"Because Mike needed help with the restaurant."
I sighed, and he propped me up, while I vomited blood and water.

"Billie Joe you left me there. That night. The shooting."

"I thought you were gone, and I havent been able to live with myself."

"And now we're back. We're together again."

"Yes, we are."

He held my hand gently as I slid, laying down on the ground.

"I love you Billie."

"I love you too."
I then felt my hand slip unwillingly from his to the ground beneath me, and I let go. My world disappeared, and finally, I was at peace.