Status: Vaginaz


Chapter 1.

Heavy raindrops hammered down harshly upon the double glazed windows of the modern three story house. The rain had begun to fall the night before, and still hadn't given in. I grumbled in annoyance before dragging the black silk curtains closed. Where the fuck is he? Sean, my boyfriend, had once again been out all fucking day. He'd get up in the morning, piss off without a word, then return in the middle of the night to be fucked senseless before sleeping and repeating.

I brushed my fingers through my hair softly, taking in a deep breath, closing my eyes and listening to the drum from outside. It was comforting, I guess. Sure, I had no idea where my boyfriend was, but the peace and quiet really was soothing.

Pulling my top over my head, I looked in the mirror at my body. Whenever Sean went out, there was always that one thought that plagued my mind above the rest. He could be cheating on me. I won't be shy and play it down, I'm extremely good looking, but looks aren't everything, and Sean's never been one to choose a body over a personality. What if he had found someone better? I was an arrogant arsehole, and Sean? Sean was amazing. He had everything. I was so lucky to have him, maybe I should think about that more often.

The handle of our bedroom door clicked and Sean popped his head around the door, his floppy red hair falling in his eyes. He's been soaked by the rain and I'll be honest here, he was really turning me on. He looked a little startled that I wasn't already in bed, normally when he came in he'd wake me up snuggling in beside me, then we'd have sex. "You're still up." He whispered, pushing his cherry red cut back as he entered the room properly, closing the door quietly behind him.

I nodded, walking over to meet him. Sean's freezing hands slid onto my hips, making me leap back at the cold touch. My boyfriend just giggled before connecting his lips gently with mine for a few seconds. I pulled my lips back a little, pausing. Something was different. Was Sean wearing a different body spray? I mumbled a little, before plucking up the courage to speak, looking into Sean's warm eyes. "W- Where have you been tonight?"

Sean frowned, then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He rested his chin on my shoulder, swaying my slightly to the sound of the rain. "Band practice, babe."

I placed my hands onto Sean's frame and pushed him away. "No you weren't." I accused, looking at my boyfriend blankly. Why was he lying to me? I knew fine well he hadn't had band practice today because I'd been talking to Gavin on the phone earlier, he was spending the weekend with his girlfriend. Sean went to open his mouth but I cut him off. "Don't give me that shit. Where were you really?"

I gulped, watching Sean move over to the edge of the bed that we shared. He sat down and rubbed his hands over his face before gesturing for me to do the same. I kept my face hard, crossing my arms over my chest. I walked over swiftly and sat down, staring at the man I loved so much for an answer. Sean took a deep breath before looking up at me. "Ian, I really didn't mean to hurt you." Oh, God. "You've been so distant lately. It's just... Ian, I found someone else."

I let out a shaky breath. I was going to be sick. I had been right. I had been right this entire fucking time! I held my lips together firmly, desperately trying to hold in the whimper that was dying to escape. My eyes were beginning to fog over with the familiar cloud of tears.

"Please say something." Sean whispered, reaching for my hand. I pulled it away sharply, throwing myself up.

"Say something? Fucking say something?" I yelled, glaring down at the red head who's bottom lip was now trembling with fear. Good, he should be fucking scared. "Who is he?" Sean shook his head, standing up to back away. I grabbed him by his 'Hello Dirty' shirt and hauled him towards myself, raising my first. "Tell me who he fucking is, now!"

Tears began to wet Sean's pink cheeks, making them become inflamed and puffy. "J- Josh. I've been seeing Josh."

"Franceschi?" I spat, pushing my lover away from me so that he hit his back against our sliding wardrobe. "Oh, real fucking nice, Sean. How long's this been going on then? Since you went on tour with his pathetic excuse for a band?" Sean squeezed his eyes closed, breathing slowly. "You know what, you're not worth my fucking time. Get out." My voice was calmer now, but I meant every word.

"W- What?"

"You heard me." I walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. "Get out. I never want to see you again."

Sean slowly made his way over to the door, rubbing his arms in an attempt to comfort himself. "Where will I go?"

I rolled my eyes before pushing him through the doorway, harshly. "I don't particularly give a shit, baby. I'm sure Joshie'll find somewhere to put you."

Sean nodded, not trying to argue and left without another word. I slammed the door and ran over to my bed, throwing my head down into the pillow. I shook with every sob that ran through my body. How could he do this to me? We were supposed to be together forever. There was no way Sean could have kept this affair from his band mates while they were touring, they must have all known. Broken, I finally closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, alone for the first time in two years.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wish for a world of peace, harmony, & nakedness.