Status: In Progress

Princess of China

The Ring Goes South

We left Rivendell behind us, walking for days and sometimes even nights, past some of the most beautiful landscapes I’d ever seen.

I lost track of how many days we had been traveling. I found if I ignored my feet I could go much further.

We had stopped for lunch and Boromir (I finally learned his name!) was teaching Merry and Pippin how to use a sword. I sat near Frodo watching, not necessarily Merry and Pippin, but Boromir and Aragorn (who was currently smoking a pipe which I found extremely attractive. What is wrong with me?)

I stood up as Merry and Pippin were attacking Boromir and started to make my way over to Gandalf, Gimli and Legolas, when I noticed something black coming towards us. It was moving too fast to be a cloud.

“Crebain from Dunland!” Legolas shouted. How could he see that far? Must be some sort of elf power or something.

“Hide!” Aragorn shouted.

Everyone grabbed their stuff and put out the fire before diving into bushes (which is what I did) or hiding under rocks. I t was a few seconds before a huge flock of what sounded and looked like crows flew over us and around our camp.

Everyone crawled out of their hiding spots when they were a safe distance away.

“Spies of Saruman.” Gandalf said. “The passage south is being watched. We must take the psas of Caradhras.” We all looked up at the tall, snow covered mountains.

I sighed internally. More climbing mountains and more snow.

It wasn’t too bad until we got to the actual snow towards the top of the mountains. Then it got cold and hard to trudge through the snow with numb feet and legs.

I was walking with Sam and Bill the pony (I finally learned his name too!) when Frodo slipped and rolled down the hill a little. Thankfully Aragorn was there to catch him. Boromir walked down the hill a little and picked up something. I saw the sun glinting off something and realized he was holding the ring. This could end badly.

Thankfully Boromir gave the ring back to Frodo and we continued on.

It didn’t start snowing until we had to go through the pass and over the mountains. The snow was almost up to my shoulders and there was almost a blizzard happening around us. Snow was flying in my eyes and sticking to my eyelashes, making it hard to see. My while body was frozen and I wanted to jump off the side of the mountain, but I knew better. Boromir and Aragorn were carrying the hobbits and I was leading Bill, who kept putting his head on my shoulder and nuzzling the side of his face against mine, almost like he was trying to keep me warm. Legolas, the lucky duck, was walking on top of the snow like a boss and he passed all of us and went ahead. He didn’t even look like he was cold

I could hear something echoing like a voice but I figured it was just the wind in my ears.

“It’s Sauroman!” Gandalf yelled.

And, as if almost on cue, part of the mountain, snow, rocks and all came falling from above.

“He’s trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf we must turn back!” Aragorn yelled. I had ever agreed with someone so much before in my life.

“No!” Gandalf yelled before climbing on top of the snow with Legolas.

Lightning struck overhead and a bunch of snow fell, burying us underneath. Snow went down my shirt and I had never felt so cold in my life.

‘C’mon Aria. It’s just frozen water. You can get yourself out!”

Bill was able to get his head out of the snow, so I grabbed on to his neck and managed to at least get my head out. My eyes wanted to freeze shut, but I blinked rapidly and continuously to keep them from freezing.

“We must get off the mountain!” Boromir shouted. “Make for the gap of Rohan, and take the west road to my city!”

“The Gap of Rohan takes us to close t Isengard!” Aragorn shouted.

I just wished they would decide so I could get warm.

“We cannot pass over a mountain. Let us go under it. Let us go through the Mines of Moria.” Gimli said.

“Let the Ring-bearer decide.”

“We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the hobbits.” Boromir shouted.

“Frodo?” Gandalf asked.

“We will go through the mines.” I don’t know why, but I didn’t like the sound of it.

“So be it.”

We turned around and went back off the mountain. The journey back seemed to take half the time of the journey there.

I had to hold myself back from kissing the ground when we got out of the snow. When I get back to my world, I’m taking my money ad moving to Florida where it’s warm and doesn’t snow.

The four hobbits and I were huddled by the fire when we stopped for the night I had French braided my wet hair to keep from getting colder. I was staring into the fire, trying to control my shivers when someone placed a blanket around my shoulders.

I looked up and saw Legolas.

“Thank you.” I said quietly.

“You’re welcome, my lady.” He bowed his head slightly and I blushed a little.

I pulled the blanket closer around me and knew I would definitely not be sleeping tonight.