

Think of one word to describe the world. There is no word that can describe it forever. It’s constantly evolving. For centuries, we’ve thought we had evolved as much as we could, but in just a matter of time, we had been proven wrong. This shows that humans know nothing about the world. We don’t just know little about the future. We have minimal knowledge of the world today. Things happen around us that we don’t notice. Some of those things go right through our brains. Some things we’re just not intelligent to comprehend. But sometimes, we know it, we just don’t want to.
Saying humans are stupid is insane and wrong. We have made it this far, and if I may say, we’ve been successful. But at many points in our history, things have happened that are connected more than we know. We’ve all been told that history repeats itself, which is true to an extent. But history really is just a way to predict the future. Each event leads to another.
Everything that happens in today’s world, and that has happened in the past, is leading up to an explosive event- almost like the climax of our history. We’ve said that history is worthless. We’ve all thought it at once… But could the future of humanity really depend on the past?
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Just a short little introduction to the story :) I wasn't originally gonna post this tonight, but I'm super excited about this story... Like, I haven't been this excited about a story before! Hope it gets you all interested! :)