Zebra Stripes and Butterflies

Vas Happenin'

I went to daycare with him. Who, you ask. Harry Styles, back then I called him Haz, and I still do now. I remember when he first started. I'm older than he is by eleven months, but we became very close very quickly. He soon moved away after his parents divorced, but we stayed friends. He later came back, but my family and I moved to America soon after. Now I'm moving back, now that I'm 19 years old, and all. I have the money and what not, but I just want to see my old friend. Sure we've kept in touch, but it is not the same. I miss my Hazza. I know it won't be the same. I am moving to Holms Chapel to live with my grandparents for a bit, but still I should be able to see him somehow.

"Pillar?" my mother, Grace, called from the bottom of the steps. I have lived in America for six years now and I have gained much of the American speech. I kinda had to; the kids were a little harsh when it came to the words that I used.

"Coming, Mum," I said before checking myself in the mirror. I stand at about five feet three inches tall. My hair is blonde and wavy and stops at my shoulder blades. My blue eyes pop out with the grey V-neck t-shirt and jean shorts that I have on. I smiled at my reflection before walking down stairs.

"Your plane leaves in two days. Do you think you can be ready to leave by then?" she asked giving me the tickets. I was more than ready to leave now, but I will say goodbye to my friends that I have made here. I'm not sure if I plan on coming back here. I like America, but it’s not home to me.

"I will be ready. I'm going to go see if Haz is on Skype," I said before running up the stairs. I
opened my computer and clicked the Skype button. He was on, I smiled. I instantly started to call him.

"Ello," somebody I don't know answered. His hair was brown and his eyes were blue and he was
wearing stripes.

"Is Harry there?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a moment," he said, before getting up and soon Harry was sitting before me.

"Pill?" he asked, a little shocked.

"Hey, Haz," I smiled.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm great actually! I'm moving back to Holms Chapel," I said, unable to wait for his response.

"That's awesome!" he cheered, making me laugh.

"Harry, who are you talking to?" somebody asked.

"One of my good friends," he said.

"I want to meet her," somebody said again.

"Lou, you answered the call," he said. I smiled.

"Haz, you should be polite," I scolded. He slumped in his chair, making me smirk.

"Lou, get the guys. I want you all to meet Pillar," he said.

"Your friends," I stated.

"Yes, I want you to meet the boy band that I'm in," he said. I smiled.

"Boy band, eh?" I asked. I knew he was in a band called the White Eskimos, but I also knew that he was now famous and no longer with the White Eskimos.

"Yes, Pill, you should at least know about us," he said.

"I do know, but I just like to make fun of you. You told me that you never wanted to be part of a boy band, and you would never let that happen to you," I said smirking. Harry laughed
remembering everything that I had just said.

"You're right, how is everybody?" he asked.

"They are all great! Alex and Blake are currently in college, well on summer break. Greg is going to be a senior in high school next year. I have decided to travel the world, and most likely end up back home. Mum and Pap are great surgeons, and keep the money rolling in. I'd say everybody is great," I informed him.

"I forgot that you and Alex are twins. You always seemed younger than he is," Harry said. I rolled my eyes. He always says that. Technically I am younger than Alex, by five minutes.

"You do realize that I can probably kick your ass?" I asked.

"You would have to get through my security first," Harry commented. I glared at him.

"You are bloody evil, Hazza," I said.

"You ready to meet the band?" he asked. I smirked and nodded. He moved the computer a little and
I saw four guys and soon Harry joined them.

"This is Louis, my best friend and roommate, this is Zayn, this is Liam, and lastly Niall," Harry said
pointing to each of his friends. They were all very good looking guys.

"Hello," I said smiling and waving at the boys.

"Ello," Louis said.

"Vas happenin'," Zayn said.

"Hello," Liam said.

"Hallo," Niall said. His accent was different than the rest, definitely from Ireland.

"Ireland!" I yelled out. Everybody laughed.

"Pillar, you are crazy," Harry said.

"It has been too long, Haz," I said.

"It has, I will be there when you arrive. Well, maybe not at the airport, but at your grandparents'," Harry said.

"All of you can be there," I said.

"That was the plan," Harry said. I rolled my eyes.

"My plane leave in two days at 7a.m., my time," I said.

"Great, see you in two days!" Harry said.

"Can't wait," I said smiling at them all.

"Later," Harry said. All his friends waved and then the call ended. I smiled and looked around my mostly packed room. I don't think I will be coming back here anytime soon. Well, I'm going to take a nap.
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I'm a college student! Last week was my first week of classes... It seems pretty easy. Any way, I have been writing up a storm and creating new stories instead of doing my actual homework... I have two essays/papers due on Wednesday... I know I should be working on them, but I am kind of a procrastinator...

Anyway! Do you like this new story? I would greatly appreciate it if you all gave me feed back!
