
that flew right out from this hands

He likes pretty, you remind yourself while not eating. He likes it when you're bony and pale, when you're fading and slipping. Like her. Oh, you could see her ribs as she paraded the apartment in nothing but crimson lingerie. You could see her spine and you could see her collarbones. What little clothing she wore had been hanging so hauntingly from her body that you wanted.

You thought she was like an angel so you cut slits in your back and waited to fly. And waited. Waited. But your wings never grew and you're stranded where you can't react, bloody and alone except for walls. Alone is not so when your thoughts are alike to ultra violet rays, burning your skin. You feel the cancers growing already, feel their touch like poison ivy.

Ears are traitors as they listen to every moan and every word. You want these walls to be better friends so they'll wrap you up and protect you, but their cold and stoic enough for you to shy away. You shy away from all and truly wish for wings or flight so everything so human could just stop.

When the sounds stop you pick at the scars on your arms and wish it were her own skin, pale and perfect and being picked apart. But it isn't so you hope to become enough like her that it'll hurt her, too.