Sequel: Retribution

Labor Day Uprising

One of many to come short Holiday Horror stories. This one takes place on this upcoming Labor Day weekend about a disease that over runs a large meat processing farm and soon infects a majority of the population. No one is unable to comprehend or understand how and why this is all happening just yet, but soon the truth will come out if there is anyone left alive to hear it.
  1. Part I
    Fun, partying, and a zombie outbreak? Sounds like Labor day.
  2. Part II
    We meet a squad of Kansas National Guardsmen that are guarding a highway outside of the original infected site and also learn of what is happening around the country since the outbreak.
  3. Part III
    The squad of soldiers embark on a journey where they learn what is really happening.
  4. Part IV
    After learning what has really happened we see if the squad of soldiers survived the accident.
  5. Part V Retribution
    What really happened at the Missouri Military base and will the soldiers escape Topeka?