Status: On hiatus due to a serious case of writers block...

Perfectly Insane


"I can't go, I can't go, I can't go!" Frank sobbed as he banged against the car window. He tried to unlock the door by pressing the little switch but his mother had smartly child locked it.

"Frank you now this is my only option left." Frank's mom said sadly as she pulled the key from the ignition.

He shook his head banging more on the window. "I-I promise I'll be better. I won't have any more attacks! I-I'll be okay!"

Linda Iero looked on with remorse at her son tears running down her face. She didn't want this as much as he did. She knew though this was what he needed.

It was for the best.


"DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! MOMMY WHY? DON'T LEAVE ME! I'LL BE GOOD I PROMISE! PLEASE MOMMY! PLEASE!" Frank screamed as the Monroeville Institution's nurses pulled Frank away from the tight grip he had on his mother.

"You be good okay? Mommy loves you...just be good." Linda couldn't stop her voice from breaking as she wrapped her arms around her self. She watched in complete and utter defeat as her son was dragged further and further down the long narrow hall.

"NO PLEASE! MOMMY!" Frank's screams grew fainter and fainter as he disappeared from his mother's sight.

The doctor smiled falsely at her, his face wearing a slightly pained expression. "It get's better, and he'll be fine. It's for the best."

It's for the best

The words echoed grimly through her head.

It was, but that didn't make her breaking heart feel any better.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woooo! Mental Institution Fic
I Sure Am Covering My Bases Here
But Yeah I'll Be Sure To Update This One As Much As I Can And Same With An Angel Like Frank
I'm Starting School In Like 3 Days And I Have XC And Dance And Bass And Somewhat Of A Social Life And When Did This Suddenly Happen
So I Won't Have As Much Time But I'm Looking Forward To This One
Hash Tag Whatever